Title: US Coast Guard Health Service Support
1US Coast GuardHealth Service SupportAPhA PHS
Session16 March 2007
2Mary Fong, RPhCAPT, USPHS Pharmacy Program
Coordinator/ConsultantOffice of Health
SafetyUSCG HeadquartersWashington, DC
3US Coast Guard
- USCG in the Armed Forces
- US Public Health Service
- History of the USCG
- Missions of the USCG
- Vessels/aircraft in the USCG
- Contingency Operations
- Contingency Medical Support
- Health Services Publications
- Summary
4The Uniformed Services
- Army Navy Marines Air Force
- Coast Guard
- Public Health Service (PHS)
- National Oceanographic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA)
- Armed
5Coast Guard Forces
- 42,000 Active Duty
- 18,000 Selected Reservists
- 35,000 Auxiliarists
- 8,000 Civilian
6History of the U.S. Coast Guard
- Lighthouse Service-1716 (Treasury Dept. in 1789)
- Revenue Cutter Service-1790 (Treasury)
- Life-Saving Service-1848 (Treasury)
- Steamboat Inspection-1838 (Justice, Treasury,
- Bureau of Navigation-1848 (Treasury)
7History of the USCG (cont.)
- United States Coast Guard formed in 1915
- Combined Revenue Cutter Svc Life-Saving Svc
- Bureau of Navigation Steamboat Inspection
joined USCG in 1942
- Became part of Dept of Homeland Security 2003
- Served under Navy from 1917-19 and 1941-45
- Currently 60,000 active duty and reserve
8CG Command Structure
- Commandant (4-star)
- Vice Commandant, Chief of Staff, Headquarters
- Maintenance and Logistics Commands (MLCs)
- Atlantic and Pacific (3-star commands)
- Districts Nine 2-star commands
- Academy New London, CT
- Training Centers
- Cape May, Yorktown, Elizabeth City, Petaluma,
9(No Transcript)
10History of CG and DoD
- CG is part of Dept of Homeland Security
- Function under Department of the Navy in time of
- Last functioned as part of Navy in WWII
- Has Memorandum of Understanding with Navy
- CG had significant presence under DOT/DHS but
alongside DoD
- Korea, Vietnam, Persian Gulf War, OIF
- Became part of Department of Homeland Security on
1 Mar 03
- Retained all current missions
- Expect that Homeland Security missions will
11Coast Guard
- Military
- Maritime
- Multi-mission
- Authority on, over, under high seas and
waterways under US jurisdiction
- CG is an agency of Department of Homeland
12Primary Coast GuardAir and Maritime Missions
- Humanitarian
- Search and Rescue
- (SAR)
- Law Enforcement
- Drug Interdiction
- Alien Migrant
- Interdiction Ops (AMIO)
- Port Security
- National Defense
- Ice Operations
- Aids to Navigation (ATON)
- Environmental
- Mishap Investigation
- Coast Guard Auxiliary
- Flood Relief
- Hurricane Relief
14Search and Rescue (SAR)
- Nationwide system of boats, aircraft, cutters,
and rescue coordination centers
- 24 hour alert status
- Minimize loss of life, personal injury and
property damage in U.S. waters and on the high
- May risk losing aircraft to save a life
- May not risk losing aircraft to save property
- May not risk losing a life to save a life
15Law Enforcement
- Fisheries
- Smuggling
- LEDETs/TACLETs aboard Navy vessels outside US
territorial waters
- UN sanctions/embargo enforcement
- Drug interdiction
16Drug Interdiction
- Federal agency to limit smuggling of illicit
substances into U.S.
- Aviation and Vessel Operations
- Jurisdiction extends out of US territorial waters
into high seas per UN Charter
- U.S. Navy-deemed act of war or piracy
- entering territorial waters foreign country
- high seas boarding of foreign vessel
17Alien Migrant Interdiction Operations (AMIO)
- Massive illegal migration of populations over
- Haiti, Cuba
- Exposure to infectious disease
- Interdict in foreign ports if possible
- Return to country of origin or transfer to Navy
in Guantanemo Bay, Cuba
18Ice Operations
- Polar Ice operations
- International Ice Patrol
- Since 1912 due to sinking of the Titanic
- Large Icebreakers with helo support
- Deploy for 6 month missions
- Domestic Ice Operations
- Facilitates transportation through ice-laden
domestic shipping lanes
- Use Icebreaker Tugs, 1 large icebreaker
19Environmental ProtectionCG National Strike Teams
- Minimize damage caused by pollutants released in
the coastal zone
- Reduce threats posed by potential spills of oil
hazardous materials
- Assist in national and international pollution
response planning
- Anthrax cleanup in Florida and DC
- Ricin cleanup in DC
- Expeditionary role w/DoD for HAZMAT/oil response,
20Environmental ProtectionPort Safety
- Detection of oil/hazardous substance spills
- Safeguard ports/vessels/waterways/personnel from
accidental damage, injury, or destruction
- Vessel/cargo inspection
21Mishap Investigation
- Investigation of all USCG aviation and vessel
- Investigation of civilian mishaps which occur on
U.S. waterways
- Exxon Valdez
- Amtrak train crash in Mobile waterway
- TWA Flight 800
- Barge collision with I 40 bridge in Oklahoma
22Aids To Navigation (ATON)
- Maintenance of buoys in US coastal and shipping
- Maintenance of 90 of US lighthouses-automated
and manned
- LORAN stations
23Port Security and Safety Operations
- Marine Safety Offices
- Responsible for US and territories
- Interact with local and state law enforcement
- Increased Marine Security (MARSEC) in response to
military out loads at certain ports
- Captain of the Port
- Marine Safety and Security Teams (MSSTs)
- Port Security Units (PSUs)
- 120 man units
- Security in foreign ports in DoD operations
24Captain of the Port (COTP)
Broad authorities to manage maritime safety
security at US ports Enforces International Nat
ional Regulatory standards Leads efforts with the
Harbor Safety Committee Industry Associations
Designated CG Incident Commander for Port Wide E
25Marine Safety and Security Teams(MSSTs)
- Maritime SWAT teams for US ports
- Currently 12 teams (1st activated in summer
2002). Project to have 16 teams total.
- Required to be deployable anywhere in US in 24
- 76-84 person teams
- 6 high performance boats with M-60 machine guns
and M-16s/shotguns for personnel
- CBR operations capable
26Security Response Team (SRT)
- 1st activated for mission response June 2004
- Combines MSST Boat ops with Special Ops aviation
- Designed to use maritime insertion teams
- Maritime equivalent of FBI Hostage Rescue team
- Will have ready team for immediate deployment
27US Coast Guard Auxiliary
- Non-military Coast Guard civil function
- Must own at least 25 interest in a boat,
aircraft or marine radio station
- 35,000 members
- Missions
- Vessel exams (Courtesy Marine Exam)
- Public education
- Operations (SAR)
- Fellowship
28National Defense Expeditionary
- Port/Littoral Security
- PSUs
- Patrol Boats
- Buoy Tenders
- Law Enforcement
- Cutter Ops
- Transport C-130
- Intelligence gathering
- Cutters, fixed and rotary wing assets
29National Defense Homeland Security
- Cutter Ops
- - 378, 270, 210 Cutters, Ice
Breakers-offshore support
- Patrol Boat Ops
- - 110 shore patrol boats port/littoral
- - Port/shore/offshore based security/response
- Buoy Tenders
- - Provide ATON support for navigable waterways
- Aviation Ops
- - C-130 transport
- - land-based fixed wing Intel/Search platforms
- - cutter-based rotary wing Intel/Search platforms
30CG Response Assets Afloat
- High endurance/Medium endurance cutters
- Ice Breakers
- Patrol Boats
- Small Boats
- Deployable Pursuit Boats
- Port Security Boats
31USCG Cutters 399 Ice Breaker
32USCG Cutters WHEC-378
Interdiction/law enforcement/defense operations
Platform/hanger on fantail to accommodate CG
Weaponry 76 mm gun 2 x 25 mm guns 2 x 50 ca
liber machine guns Phalanx CIWS (Close-In-Weapon
System) SRBOC launchers (Chaff and Decoy system
33USCG Cutters 225 Buoy tender
34USCG Cutters 110 Patrol Boat
Law enforcement Interdiction Coastal defense
Weaponry 25 mm machine gun 2 x 50 caliber mac
hine guns
35Transportable Port Security Boat
MSST/SRT/Port Security for DoD operations
Weaponry 50 Caliber machine gun (bow) 2 x M-6
0 machine guns (port/starboard)
36CG Response AssetsAviation
- Rotary Wing
- - HH-60 (Jayhawk)
- - HH-65 (Dolphin)
- - MH-68 (Hitron)
- Fixed Wing
- - HC-130
- - HU-25 (Falcon)
- UAVs (future)
37USCG Aircraft HC-130
38USCG Aircraft
HH-65 Dolphin
HH-60 Jayhawk
- Drug interdiction
- 50 caliber machine gun
- 7.62 mm machine gun
- Used to disable go-fast boats of drug smugglers
40Average Coast Guard Day
- Every eight minutes, conducts a SAR 180 per day
(65,700 SAR missions per year)
- Every two hours a life is saved 12 lives per
day (4380 lives per year)
- Aid 315 people/day save 2 million in property
- Seize 318 pounds of marijuana and 253 pounds of
- Interdict 112 illegal immigrants
41(No Transcript)
42Medical Structure of the CG
- Health care professionals are PHS officers
- Physicians 60
- Dentists 55
- PAs/NPs 7 (additional 30 CG)
- Pharmacists 16
- Sanitarians/Environmental Health Officers 18
- Corpsmen 675 total
- Includes dental/pharmacy/x-ray techs
- 71 afloat IDTs/81 ashore IDTs
43USCG Pharmacists
- Managerial Billets                              Â
              Headquarters, Washington , DC -
Pharmacy Program Coordinator/ Pharmacy Chief
Maintenance Logistics Command, Atlantic in
Norfolk , VA LANT Regional Pharmacy
Consultant                                      Â
            Maintenance Logistics Command,
Pacific in Oakland , CA PAC Regional Pharmacy
Consultant - Field Billets                                   Â
                      Kodiak, AK Seattle, WA
Petaluma, CA Alameda, CA Mobile, AL Miami, FL
Clearwater, FL Elizabeth City, NC Portsmouth,
VA Washington, DC Cape May, NJ New London, CT
and Cape Cod, MA.
44(No Transcript)
45USCG National Defense Medical Support
- Port Security Unit 1 Physicians assistant, 2
corpsmen (1 E-7), 120 personnel
- Cutters/Buoy tenders/MSSTs 1 independent duty
corpsman, EMTs/Combat lifesaver equivalent
- Patrol Boats 1 EMT-B
- SRT TBD (proposed 1 Flight Surgeon, 5-6 HSs)
- Aircraft
- Fixed wing - no intrinsic medical support
- Rotary wing - 1 rescue swimmer (EMT-B)
46Levels of Care
- Defined for CG in DoD operations
- JP 4.02 - Doctrine for Health Service Support in
Joint Operations
- Level 1 - EMT/possible Corpsman
- Level 2 - Have no level 2 or above capabilities
- rely on DoD medical treatment capabilities
- rely on lifts of opportunity for evacuation
47US Coast GuardMilitary Medical Readiness
- HQ responsibilities
- Policy
- Information gathering/dissemination
- MLC responsibilities
- Deployment oversight
- Assistance with equipment /supplies/medical
readiness immediately predeployment
- Unit responsibilities
- Aware of physical readiness deficiencies
- Aware of equipment/supply deficiencies
48USCG Health DoctrinePublications
- Medical pubs responsibility of Office of Health
- Operational deployment pubs per Operations or
Logistics offices with input from Office of Health
49Joint Program Participation
- ASD (HA) Prevention, Safety Health Promotion
Council (PSHPC) and committees
- Force Health Protection Committee (FHPC)
- Joint Preventive Medicine Policy Group (JPMPG)
- Armed Forces Epidemiology Board
- Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program (AVIP)
- Smallpox Vaccine Program (SVP)
- Joint Health Services Doctrine Board
- Accession and Induction Standards WG
- Reserve Health Affairs WG
- Individual Medical Requirements WG
- JOMMC, HLSMEC, Joint Med Planners Courses