Title: Triad Developers Live the triad way
1Triad Developers Live the triad
- BCN 5754
- Arjun Paul
- Angela Jones
- Rainer Schmiedt
2(No Transcript)
3Parcel 1 View From NW Corner
Parcel 1 View of Homes By Hwy
Parcel 1 North End
Parcel 2 NW View - Divider Trees
4Market Analysis
Area Map Figures
Area Map Figures
- Nearest Cities
- Pop 50,000 Gainesville (18 miles)
- Pop 200K Jacksonville (58 miles)
- Hospitals/medical centers near Hawthorne
- North Florida Regional Center(20 miles Gville)
- Shands Hospital at the U of F (24 miles Gville)
- Shands at Starke (24 miles Starke)
Crime City-data.com crime index 893.3 (higher
means more crime, US average 330.6)
- Colleges/universities nearest to Hawthorne
- U of F (20 miles Gville)
- Santa Fe Community College (24 milesGville)
- Saint Johns River CC (29 miles Palatka)
- Central Florida CC (30 miles Ocala)
- Florida CC at Jacksonville (59 miles
Jacksonville) - Public primary/middle schools in Hawthorne
- Hawthorne HS
- Ochwilla Elementary
- Chester Shell Elementary
- Transportation
- Gainesville Regional (14 miles)
- Ocala Intl (31 miles)
- St Augustine (58 miles)
- CSX Rail Line
- Interstate 20 (E-W), US 301(N-S)
Sources http//www.city-data.com/city/Hawthorne-F
lorida.html http//mcdc2.missouri.edu/cgibin/brok
5Market Analysis
Demographics Area Description
- Land Area 3.2 Sq. Miles (Rural)
- Total Region Population 10,523 72 Families
- Age 7,977 (75) Over 18 Yrs Old
- Total Households 4,156
- Avg. HH Size 2.56
- Median Annual HH Income 34,476
- Labor Force 4,681 4.8 Unemployed
- Mean Travel Time To Work 33 Minutes
- Gainesville Regional Mall 26 miles
- Millers Shopping Center
- Local Dept Stores Target, Dollar General
- Hawthorne Recreation Park (on Hwy 20)
- Lindsey Phillips Park
- The Lake Region (400)
- Hawthorne Historical Museum
- Hawthorne Fire Dept (1mile E on Hwy 20)
- Micanopy Fire Dept
- SF New House Bldg Permits Cost
- 1996 5 Buildings, Avg. Cost 52,000
- 1997 5 Buildings, Avg. Cost 72,000
- 1998 0 Buildings
- 1999 8 Buildings, Avg. Cost 66,500
- 2000 2 Buildings, Avg. Cost 88,500
- 2001 0 Buildings
- Ashley Oaks 2003 4, 2004 10, 2005 1 (to
date) - TRIAD 9-12 units/Yr
Sources http//www.city-data.com/city/Hawthorne-F
lorida.html http//mcdc2.missouri.edu/cgibin/brok
6Market Analysis
- Total Housing Units 5,118
- Occupied Housing Units 4,154 or 81
- Vacant Housing Units 964 or 19 Vacant
- Owner (vs Renter) Occupied 3,505 or 84
- Large New Affordable Units
(3 Br, 2 Ba HH Inc. 15K) - Estimated Absorption 12-15 Units / Yr
- Estimated Capture 9-12 Units / Yr
Sources http//www.city-data.com/city/Hawthorne-F
lorida.html http//mcdc2.missouri.edu/cgibin/brok
7hawthorne the design
- Site plan and regulatory environment
Live the triad way
8the unit
- Affordability without compromising quality in
design. - Both 3-plexes and 2-plexes have been used.
- Landscaping provides both the desired privacy for
individual units and community feel for the
9the details
10the unit
11the cluster
12the cluster
- A community feeling .
- Lots of open spaces and green.
- Minimum paved area and hardscape.
- Visual interest is created by innovative
alignment of units relative to each other. - Park and Walk parking design approach
- Safe place for kids to play away from traffic in
the center - Entrance from both sides (for future development
13 14the site
- Designed to allow phased construction
- Very little built area
- Lots of open spaces
- 44 units fit in
- Good security no isolated units
- A wooded area right in the center which would
help in stormwater mitigation also. - Future road access can also be accommodated
- Density can also be increased if need be
15hawthorne finances
- Site development costs / annual cash flow
Live the triad way
16Unit Cost Breakdown
17Estimated Project Costs Absorption
18Annual Costs and Sources / Uses of Cash
19Construction Schedule
Construction Schedule
We Hope to Earn Your BusinessTRIAD Offers You
Great Value Flexibility!
20Thank you Live the triad way
- Arjun Paul
- Angela Jones
- Rainer Schmiedt