Title: Semiotics Examples: Images of Nature
1Semiotics Examples Images of Nature
- In Some Landscape
- Paintings Ads
Source email ?????????
- Two paintings before the 19th century
3Cabbage, melon and cucumber by Juan Cotán 1602
- (Ref. 1. textbook 29)
- How are natural objects of food presented? Do
they look real?
4Cabbage, melon and cucumber by Juan Cotán 1602
--both near and far away
- (Ref. http//www.kfki.hu/arthp/html/s/sanchez/c
otan/stillife.html ) - Near . . . on the parapet the slice of melon
and the cucumber are placed so that they jut over
slightly and thereby they seem to be almost
within reach - a trompe l'oeil effect that was
particularly popular in Netherlandish painting in
the 17th century. - Distanced the isolation of each object,
heightened further by the black background, makes
each of them seem extremely artificial and lends
them a monumental, almost sculptural gravity. The
centre of the picture is empty and the
arrangement seems coincidental the dimension of
the painted picture is denied. The disturbing
evocation of the painted picture is the main
5Jean Honore Fragonard The Swing (1767)
- How are the characters related to each other?
And to the garden background?
619th Century Nature as the Rustic and the
Sublime --
- Symbolizing ones growth or that of the empire
- Nature as the Rustic John Constable and Homan
Hunt Jack Turner (1) - Nature as Sublime Jack Turner (1)
- Nature in decline Holman Hunt
7 John ConstableThe Cornfield 1826
- Apparently realistic only, but actually not about
harvest - e.g. sheep not sheared dog in the wrong
direction only two workers - The actual focus the boy (Cf. ???)
8 John ConstableThe Cornfield 1826
- Popular among middle-class collectors of prints
- collected in English Landscape Scenery with the
line Respiciens rura, laremque suum (Ovid,
9 John ConstableThe Valley Farm 1835
- The New Gallery of British Art 1884???????????????
?????????The Valley Farm ????????,?????????????
,???????????????? - (Cf. ????
10Joseph Turner Snow Storm Hannibal Crossing
the Alps (1812)
- http//saucyjack.phys.columbia.edu/sjk/catalog/tur
11Turner Joseph Crossing the brook
- Two girls crossing the brook
- The bridge as a connection between nature and
civilization - The cave darkness or the maternal space in
nature. - Direction of progress ?
12William Holman Hunt (as a contrast)
Our English Coasts (later renamed the painting
"Strayed Sheep")
13A Contrast to Our English Coasts
- Away From The Flock by Damien Hirst from his
Natural History series, the works involving the
animals preserved in formaldehyde(??) - Damien says, "I want to make people feel like
burgers. I chose a cow because it was banal - 1994 glass, steel, formaldehyde, lamb (37¾ x 58½
x 20 in) - (intro http//dh.ryoshuu.com/biography.html )
14Myth of Nature Gender in Ads
15Three positions in reading a myth or an ad
- 1. producer of advertisement -- focus on an empty
signifier, let the concept fill the form of the
myth without ambiguity use a simple system of
equation, where the signification becomes literal
again the Negro who salutes French imperiality - 2. reader of advertisement an inextricable whole
made of meaning and form, amazed at its
greatness, absorb its messages willingly.
16Three positions in reading a myth or an ad
- 3. Critic clearly distinguishes the meaning and
the form, and consequently the distortion which
the one imposes on the other, I undo the
signification of the myth, the saluting Negro
becomes the alibi of French imperiality.
17elements of an ad.
- 1. the slogan (or copy)
- 2. the visual image--with the slogan, it implies
a story - 3. supplementary --color, design where the
product, the words are placed - colour,
- size and position,
- texture
- celebrity endorsement
18Typical signs in Ads languages ---- examples
from Ways of Seeing
- The romantic use of nature (leaves, trees, water)
to create a place where innocence can be found.
(example 1) - The posed taken up to denote stereotypes of
women serene mothers (madonna), free wheeling
secretary (actress, king's mistress), perfect
hostess (spectator-owner's wife), sex-object
(Venus, nymph surprised), etc. - The special sexual emphasis given to women's
19Ads languages -- from Ways of Seeing (2)
- The materials particularly used to indicate
luxury engraved or shining metal, furs, polished
leather, etc. - The physical stance of men conveying wealth and
virility. - The equation of drinking or car and male success
and power. - The man as knight (horseman) become motorist.
- Woman and
- Nature carefree,
- open, relaxing
- Supported by the dress,
- Gesture, and, definitely,
- the cigarette.
- Where is the distortion?
- What are the signs used? Their connotations?
Where is the distortion?
22Examples for analysis nature, gender identity
- 3. ???????????
- Sign ????ballet skating red vs. white ice
- 4. ?????????????????Samsung, ??????
- Signs castle, well-ornamented stairway,
palace-like mansion, evening gown. - 5. ???????????????
23Key words for Structualist and Semiotic
- I. Following language as a model
- II. Disclosing the deep/basic structure of a
text, which is a (combination or selection)
system of meaning composed of basic elements such
24 - -- binaries, or semiotic rectangles,
- -- roles/actant and functions,
- -- mytheme,
- -- narrator- narratee,
- -- signs or signification on different levels
(signifier and signified).
- Reductive? Disregarding meaning, textual
complexities, or the authors intention? - De-centering, dehumanizing?
- Do we really think in terms of binaries?
26Extensions and Connections
- How is our social existence modeled after
language as a system of relations? - From work to text (textuality) (e.g. Internet
and the world of ads) - From identity to system of relations (e.g.
kinship gender) - From myth to ideology
- Myth -- the complex system of images and beliefs
which a society constructs in order to sustain
and authenticate its sense of being. - From structuralism/semiotics to
postmodernism/poststructuralism (e.g.
deconstruction textual undecidability--
postmodern self-reflexivity everything is
27Assignments for next week
- ??? ???? 29 (2000.6)