Title: This week in CyberNews
1This week in CyberNews
- Sarah Palins email hacked by 19yr old idiot.
- Did we like Steve Kurtzs talk?
2Recap webart
- 1. a place where artists promote their real
world work. - 2. a more traditional "white space" gallery.Â
- 3. the art starts offline but there is a web
component that's important to reach the intended
audience. - 4. Using the medium itself to mess with the ideas
of what the internet should be. - 5. using social networking / web 2.0 tools and
the culture of digital society itself as a medium
for making art. (surf clubs). - 6. Not making art at all, but somehow it
becomes art over time
3Readings, homework
- As we may think - Vannevar Bush p37
- surfing-clubs - Marcin Ramocki on website.
5Moore's law
- The number of transistors that can be placed
integrated circuit doubles approximately every
two years to 18 months. - Its reason your dad wont get you a new
6Happy 50th IC
- Can we trace it back even further?
- 1511 - stops and presets
8Jacquard loom 1801
9Charles Babbage 1792-1871
Invented the first computer (sort of).
On two occasions I have been asked by members of
Parliament, "Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into
the machine wrong figures, will the right answers
come out?" I am not able rightly to apprehend the
kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke
such a question. -- Charles Babbage,
10- Was socially responsible.
- Thought the voting process would be more
reputable and honest if you didnt use computers.
(computers still meaning people at this point). - Build a simple working version of the difference
engine because he had skills as a technician (and
smarts). - But gave up / ran out of money and decided to
create the Analytic Engine. - Which was eventually created and proven to work
YEARS later. - Invented the Cow Catcher!
- Street musicians played at his funeral
11- The Analytical Engine
- A mechanical, digital, steam powered,Turing
Complete, computer!
12Ada Lovelace
First programmer ever (computed the Bernoulli
numbers) for the Analytic Engine (which was
never built). Daughter of Lord Byron.
13 14Hollerith Census Tabulator
- Invented because the 1890 census was crazy.
- Inspired by train conductors
- Became IBM in 1924
- Automated the persecution of the Jews
15- Turings imaginary machine had unlimited tape.
- According to Jim Taylor in 1992 DVD stands for
this. - The internet says Jim Taylor is Chief of DVD
Technology and General Manager of the Advanced
Technology Group at Sonic Solutions
17- Doing the homework for this class is like playing
18Game of Life
19- Relays 1840s
- Capacitor Drums 1942
- Vacuum Tubes 1945
- Transistors 1947
- Magnetic drums (magnetic core)1948
- Magnetic Tape 1951
- Magnetic disks 1952
- Integrated circuit 1958
- Optical storage early 80s (music first)
- Solid state memory (an old idea but implemented
in the 1990s - The cloud.
20Drum Memory Storage
Tape Memory
21First Bug?
22- Edison "It has been just so in all of my
inventions. The first step is an intuition, and
comes with a burst, then difficulties arise
this thing gives out and it is then that 'Bugs'
as such little faults and difficulties are
called show themselves and months of intense
watching, study and labor are requisite before
commercial success or failure is certainly
23The Future
- Singularity!
- I. J. Good (friend of Turing) wrote
- Let an ultraintelligent machine be defined as a
machine that can far surpass all the intellectual
activities of any any man however clever. Since
the design of machines is one of these
intellectual activities, an ultraintelligent
machine could design even better machines there
would then unquestionably be an "intelligence
explosion," and the intelligence of man would be
left far behind. Thus the first ultraintelligent
machine is the _last_ invention that man need
ever make, provided that the machine is docile
enough to tell us how to keep it under control. - ...
- It is more probable than not that, within the
twentieth century, an ultraintelligent machine
will be built and that it will be the last
invention that man need make.
25Asimov Rules of Robotics, 1942
- 1. A robot may not injure a human being or,
through inaction, allow a human being to come to
harm. - 2. A robot must obey orders given to it by
human beings, except where such orders would
conflict with the First Law. - 3. A robot must protect its own existence as
long as such protection does not conflict with
the First or Second Law.
26- Ray Kurzweil at TED
- http//www.ted.com/index.php/talks/ray_kurzweil_on
_how_technology_will_transform_us.html - Domino logic gates