- Assume a universe U of servers, sized n. A quorum
system S is a set of subsets of U, every pair of
which intersect, each Q belongs to S is called a
- Weighted majorities assume that every server s
in the universe U is assigned a number of votes
w(s). Then weighted majorities is a quorum set
defined by
- MAJORITIES a weighted majorities quorum system
when all weights are the same. - Singleton a weighted majorities quorum system
when for one server s w(s)1, and for each v of
the other servers w(v)0. (only quorum is s)
- Grid suppose n is a square of some integer k.
arrange the universe in a k x k grid. A quorum is
the union of a full row and one element from each
row below. - FPP suppose a projective plane over a field
sized q. each point is an element, and each line
is a quorum. By projective plane attributes, each
quorum intersect.
6More definitions
- Coterie a coterie S is a quorum system such that
for any Q1,Q2 quorums in S Q1 isnt included in
Q2 - Domination coterie S1 dominates coterie S2 if
for every quorum Q2 belongs to S2, there exist Q1
in S1, such that S1 is contained in S2. - Strategy a probability vector representing the
probability to access each quorum.
- Load the load L(S) of a quorum system is the
minimal access probability minimized over the
strategies. - Resilience resilience is k, if k is the largest
number such that for every k server crashes, one
quorum remains unhit.
- Failure probability if every server has certain
probability to crash (assuming independently
here), the probability that each quorum is hit.
Usually assuming each server has the same crash
probability p.
9Measures examples
- Singleton load1, resilience0, failure
probabilityp - Majorities load is about ½. Resilience about
(n-1)/2. failure probability (if p lt ½) smaller
than exp(e,-n). - Grid load is O(1/sqrt(n)). Resilience
sqrt(n)-1, failure probability tends to 1 as n
10Access protocol
- Implements the semantics of a multi-writer
multi-reader atomic variable. - Assumes all clients and servers are non
byzantine, unique timestamp for a client - Write a client asks some quorum to obtain a set
of value/timestamps pairs, then he writes his
value with higher timestamp than each of the
timestamps received to each server in the quorum.
11Access protocol
- Read a client asks for each server in some
quorum to obtain a set of value/timestamp. The
client chooses the pair with the highest
timestamp. It writes back the pair to each server
in some quorum - Server S updates a pair of value/timestamp, only
if the timestamp is greater than the timestamp
currently in S
12Byzantine quorum systems
- We will use access protocol to demonstrate the
subject - Assuming communication is reliable, clients are
correct, servers can be byzantine, assuming that
a non-empty set of subsets of U BAD, is known,
some B in BAD contains all the faulty servers.
13Masking quorum systems
- A quorum system S is a masking quorum system for
a fail-prone system BAD if the following
properties are satisfied
14Access protocol
- write remains the same
- Read for a client to read the variable x, it
queries servers for some quorum Q to obtain a set
of value/timestamp pairs
15Access protocol
- The client chooses the pair with the highest
timestamp in C, or null if C is empty.
16Access protocol
- Claim a read operation that is concurrent with
no write operations return the value written by
the last preceding write operation in some
serialization of all preceding write operations. - Claim there exists a masking quorum system for
BAD iff is a
masking quorum system for BAD
17Access protocol
- Criterion there exists a masking quorum system
for BAD iff for all
18F-masking quorum systems
- F-masking quorum system A masking quorum system
where BAD is the set of all groups of servers
sized f. - By previous claims
- There exists a masking quorum system for BAD iff
ngt4f - Each pair of quorums must intersect by at least
2f1 elements.
20Dissemination quorum systems
- Assumes clients can digitally sign the
value/timestamp they propagate. - Therefore weaker demands than masking
- A quorum system S is a dissemination quorum
system for a fail-prone system BAD if the
following properties are satisfied
21Dissemination quorum systems
- The same way as masking we reach the (different)
criterion - There exists a dissemination quorum system for
BAD iff
- If no more than f servers can fail, but any set
of f servers can fail, then must hold ngt3f
22Opaque masking quorum systems
- Motivation We want not to expose the fail-prone
system BAD. - done by majority decision.
- properties for quorum system to become opaque
masking system
23Opaque masking quorum systems
- Read the modification is that the client choose
the pair ltv,tgt that appears most often, if there
are multiple such sets, it chooses the newest
one. - Claim Suppose maximum f servers can fail, there
exists an opaque quorum system for BAD iff ngt5f,
sufficient because quorums sized (2n2f)/3 is
an opaque quorum system for B.
24Opaque masking quorum system
- Claim The load of any opaque system is at least
½. - Proof if we sum up the load of a certain quorum,
well get its bigger than its size/2. the claim
follows. - Example hadamard matrix, world of size exp(2,l)
25Faulty clients
- Solves the problem that a client will try to fail
the protocol. - The treatment here provides a single-writer
multi-reader semantics. - The write operation starts when the 1st server
receives update request, and ends when the last
server sent acknowledgment.
26Faulty clients
- Write for a client c to write the value v, it
chooses legal timestamp, larger than any
timestamp it has chosen before, chooses a quorum
Q, And then it sends ltupdate,Q,v,tgt to each
server in Q, if after some timeout period it has
not received acknowledgment, than it chooses
another quorum.
27Faulty clients-servers protocol
- The servers protocol is as follows
- if a server receives ltupdate,Q,v,tgt from a client
c, with legal timestamp, then it sends
ltecho,Q,v,tgt to each member of Q. - If a server receives identical echo messages
ltecho,Q,v,tgt from every server in Q, then it
sends ltready,Q,v,tgt to each member of Q.
28Faulty clients-servers protocol
- 3. If a server receives identical ready messages
ltready,Q,v,tgt from a set of servers that
certainly doesnt contain faulty server, it sends
ltready,Q,v,tgt to Q. - 4. If a server receives identical ready messages
ltready,Q,v,tgt from a set Q1 of servers, such that
Q1Q\B for some B in BAD, it sends acknowledgment
for c, and update the pair if t is greater than
the timestamp it currently has.
29Faulty servers-properties
- Agreement if a correct server delivers ltv,tgt and
a correct server delivers ltr,tgt then rv - Proof if a correct server delivers ltv,tgt, then
echo must have been send by all correct servers
in Q1. same about Q2, they intersect in a correct
server, which doesnt send different value with
the same timestamp
30Faulty servers-properties
- Claim Read received last written value if its
not concurrent with write operations. - Proof same as masking quorum system.
- Propagation similar ideas to r.b, and byzantine
agreement, if server decides to deliver, it is
promised that all other decides that too. - Validity at the end a correct quorum will be
accessed, so the write can end.
31Load, capacity, availability
- Load we will mark L(S), definition as before
- availability failure probability with the same
p for all the servers, we will mark it as Fp(S) - Capacity well define a(S,k) as the maximum
number of quorum accesses that S can handle
during a period of k time units. Capp(S) is the
limit of a(S,k)/k as k tends to infinity.
32Load, capacity, availability
- Example majorities
- The claim is that cap(S)1/L(S), and there is a
trade off between good availability and good
- The cardinality of the smallest quorum is denoted
by c(S) - The degree of an element i in a quorum system S
is the number of quorums that contain i - Let S be a quorum system. S is a s-uniform if Q
s for each Q in S - S is (s,d) fair if it is s-uniform and deg(i)d
foreach i, it is called s-fair if it is (s,d)
fair for some d.
- We can use a linear programming to calculate the
load and the strategy achieving the load.
- Some time we want to use the dual linear program,
in which we give probabilities over the elements
of the world. It is a known fact that DLPltLP
36The load with failures
- A configuration is a vector
in which it holds 1 in places representing the
failing elements in the world - Dead(x) is the group of elements failed, live(x)
is the non failed ones - S(x) is the sub collection of functioning quorums
37Load with failiures
- The load of quorum system S over a configuration
x, if S(x) is empty then L(S(x)) 1, if there
are functioning quorums we define it in similar
way as before by linear programming problem. - Let the elements fail with probabilities
P(p1,,pn). Then the load is a random variable
Lp(S) defined by
38Load with fails
- Claim E(Lp(S))gtFp(S)
- Claim If (configurations) xgtz than
L(S(x))gtL(S(z)) - Proof S(z) contains S(x), strategy for S(x) is
for S(z) too. - Claim E(Lp(S)) is a non decreasing function.
39Properties of the load
- Claim L(S)gtc(S)/n
- Claim L(S)gt1/c(S)
- Proof if we choose probability 1/c(S) for every
element in c(S) and 0 in the rest, we achieve
possible solution for the DLP problem. - Conclusion L(S)gt1/sqrt(n) (achieved when c(S) is
close to sqrt(n)
40Load/fail probability trade off
- Claim Fp(S)gtexp(p,nL(S))
- Proof the probability that all the elements in
the smallest quorum will fail, (and therefore the
quorum system fails) exp(p,c(S)). Since
c(S)ltnL(S) the claim follows.
- Optimal load, optimal load/ failure tradeoff,
good failure load paths system - B-grid system
- SC-grid system
- AndOr system
42Load analyses
- Claim Non dominated coteries have lower bounds.
- The claim follows if you choose strategy for the
dominator by giving the probability only in
quorums which contained by a quorum in the
dominated quorum system - Claim voting systems have high load (more than
43Last slide!!!!
- Proof if we define Vthe sum of all votes (Vi),
then the vector YiVi/V is a solution for DLP
larger than ½.