Title: D RunIIb Trigger Upgrade: Status and Review Response
1DØ RunIIb Trigger UpgradeStatus and Review
- Darien Wood
- for the DØ Trigger Upgrade Group
2The Run IIb Trigger System
Level 1
Level 2
7 MHz
2.5 kHz
1 kHz
c/f PS
Global L2
New (or replaced) System
50 Hz
Level 3
Enhanced System
3Upgrade L1 Cal Major features
- Calorimeter trigger upgrade
- sharpens turn-on trigger thresholds
- more topological cuts
- Largest subproject in the trigger upgrade
- Will require removing the existing Cal trigger
4L1 CalTrack Major features
- Exploit new L1Cal trigger
- Improve Run IIa f matching granularity x8
- Needed in triggers for Higgs searches
- electrons in WH and H WW modes
- taus in H tt and H tn
- Fake EM rejection is improved by x2
- Fake t rejection is improved by x10
- Very modest upgrade modeled on existing Mu-Track
match system - Very few changes with respect to Mu-Track
5Upgrade L1CTT Major features
- Level 1 Central Track Trigger (CTT) essential for
electrons, muons, taus (WH?l?jj) - Tracking trigger rates sensitive to occupancy
- Upgrade stategy
- Narrow tracker roads by using individual fiber
hits (singlets) rather than pairing adjacent
fibers (doublets) - Cal-track matching
6Scope of Upgrade L1CTT
- Original idea was to simply replace FPGAs to
newer larger ones that allow more equations - Have recently upscoped the project to allow
monitoring and debugging capability - The project now involves replacing two crates of
electronics and the crates themselves - All elements in this upgrade have been designed
to minimize commissioning time and simplify
7Upgrade Level 2 Major features
- Level 2 STT simply buy more boards to include
the new layer 0 - Level 2 Processors. Just buy new faster
processors to allow more functionality at this
trigger level
8Management structure
WBS 1.2 Trigger Upgrade P. Padley (Rice), D.
Wood (Northeastern)
WBS 1.2.1 Level 1 Calorimeter M.Abolins(MSU),
Project is largely university based
WBS 1.2.2 Level 1 Cal-track match K. Johns
WBS 1.2.3 Level 1 Tracking M. Narain (Boston),
Don Lincoln (FNAL)
WBS 1.2.4 Level 2 Beta upgrade R. Hirosky
WBS 1.2.5 Level 2 STT upgrade U. Heintz (Boston)
WBS 1.2.6 Trigger Simulation M. Hildreth (ND),
E. Barberis (NEU)
WBS 1.2.7 AFE upgrade (Pending) A. Bross (FNAL)
9WBS 1.2.1 L1Cal
ADCdigital filtering
Global sums topological
10L1 Cal progress since July 16
- ADF v.2 design complete estimate completion of
layout in 2 weeks - thorough attention by lead engineer (Dan Edmunds)
to details of design and layout - visit by Marvin Johnson to MSU in August
- review of design
- consulting on noise immunity issues
- SCLD benchtest completed on final module
11ADF v.2 Layout
- Traces
- 4279 completed
- 428 in progress
- 1052 remaining (all digital)
- Channel link section took longer than anticipated
- SCLD (Distributes SCL for the ADF system)
- A prototype has been used successfully in
integration tests. - Final (multichannel) board has successfully
passed bench tests at Saclay
Final Multichannel SCLD
13BLS to ADF cables and staging area
- UIC and Fermilab completed design layout of
transition elements in August - Pleated foil cables
- Paddle transition card
- New racks set up in sidewalk area at end of August
14TAB and GAB
- Additional small board designed at Nevis to test
GAB communication with Trigger Framework - Orders placed for all remaining TAB and GAB
components - Production readiness review for TAB in Sep/Oct
- Continued progress on firmware and test software
15L1CalTrack Trigger Overview
16Cal-track progress since July 16
- Production MTCM fabricated and assembled
- MTT MTCxx/UFB MTCM MTT loop test
established - Serial inputs from test card
- Simple trigger algorithm on MTCxx/UFB
- Trigger output to test card via crate manager
- Compare hardware and expected result
- Resistive load built to test L1CalTrack and L1MU
supplies (thank you Valerie Tokemenin) - Prep work for collision hall cable termination
17Production MTCM
18Level 1 Central Track Triggerprogress since July
16 (1)
- Combined DFEA motherboard-daughterboard
- 5 PCBs fabricated
- 2 boards stuffed (recd Aug 4th)
- still missing 48V converters work around for
now - Passed power-up and JTAG programming tests
- DFEA stand alone tester
- Two boards received back from assembler
- Used in some preliminary tests of DFEAs
- Firmware software mostly done
- Remaining commission SLDB receiver
19DFEA pre-prod (w/ integrated motherboard)
20DFEA stand-alone tester
21Level 1 Central Track Triggerprogress since July
16 (2)
- New DFE crate backplane
- PCBs finished end of July
- connectors installed by Bustronics in August
- Received at Fermilab 11 Aug
- Alignment looks good
- Further testing once power supplies are received
(shipped last week) - LVDS splitters
- assembly finished end of August
- Test completed
- Installed on platform
22Level 1 Central Track Triggerprogress since July
16 (3)
- New DFE crate controllers
- Two PCBs arrived 11 August
- Stuffed by Bob Jones technicians
- No major problems found
- Firmware development
- Ethernet interface 100
- Backplane interface 95 (testing)
- SCL receiver 75 (testing)
- Communicating with Linux host PC with no problems
23L1CTT parallel chain
DFEA crates (current)
CTOC, etc
LVDS splitters
Fiber signals
Partial prototype DFEA crate (upgrade)
Prototype crate controller (upgrade)
Trigger framework timing (Serial command link)
Parallel slice of upgrade prototypes to be
installed in Aug 04 shutdown
24L1CTT 04 Shutdown progress
- Completed
- Installed two LVDS splitters between mixer and
DFEA - System checked OK
- Will split 4 sectors
- LVDS cables checked OK
- SCL cables confirmed to be working
- Space check in PWO2 for upgrade DFEA crate
- ODH safety hardware will have to be moved
- Still to do
- Install upgrade DFEA crate on platform (PW02) (3
days) - Install and cable additional CTOC and CTTT (3
days) - Verify current system is unaffected by
modifications (1 w) - Installation of new DFEA prototypes and new Crate
Controller can occur on short accesses (2 hrs)
if necessary once above work is completed
25L2 Beta Upgradeprogress since July 16
- Work in July/August to get the Concurrent Tech
cPCI CPU to work with the 9u motherboard - mapped out all signals on cPCI connectors
- Surveying market for fallback CPUs in case
compatibility issues are not resolved
(connections on both main board mezzanine) - Algorithm development at UVA coarse vertexing
Concurrent Technology P220
Dual P4 2GHz Hyperthreading
26STT upgrade
- This upgrade is simply making more of the boards
that are currently used to allow for the
inclusion of layer 0 - Production Readiness Review this Friday (10 Sept)
in Boston, chaired by Jim Linnemann
27Simulation progress since July 16th
- L1cal
- variety of small variations of sliding window
algorithm studies for EM triggers - optimization point similar to current L2 EM
algorithm - trigger rate tool adapted to implement sliding
windows algorithms - uses real collider data as input
- accounts for correlations and combined rates of
full trigger list - L1CTT
- Run IIa simulation package being restructured
- will be much more easily adapted to Run IIb
28Recommendations from July Directors Review
- Secure the manpower for all installation needs
in the 2004 shutdown to allow testing during the
data taking in FY05 - Additional engineering technical help obtained
for CTT. Shutdown progressing well. - Establish a forum (presumably through the
Director for Research) for ongoing dialog with
CDF and the AD on the timing of the FY05
shutdown - ...
29Recommendations from July Directors Review
- It would be helpful to have a presentation on
trigger simulation and validation efforts some
time in early 2005 - Agreed. Some progress will be reported to the
collaboration at the Sept. collaboration meeting - Simulations for AFE II are a priority right now
- It would be useful to have a presentation of
SC-IPC task list around the same time - Agreed. Draft first report of SC-IPC released to
the collaboration in late August
30Triggers Summary
- L1cal
- Main focus is ADF v.2 layout
- Progress in BLS cable transition
- L1caltrack
- MTCM production finished
- Installation work in progress in collision hall
- New boards in hand being tested
- DFEA/M pre-production, DSAT, DFE controller
prototype - Activity progressing in shutdown for parallel
chain - L2
- Beta hardware tests and algorithm development
- STT PRR this week
- Simulation
- Cal algorithm optomization
- More extensive combined simulations with real
data - Directors review July 04
- Recommendations being followed
32ADV v.2 layout
- straight lines indicate traces still to be routed
- mostly on FPGAs
33Preproduction MTCxx with Prototype MTFB