Title: The Perfect Pantry
1The Perfect Pantry
Keep It On-Hand for Handy Meals
2 3How do you feel about preparing dinner for
yourself and/or your family?
- The Perfect Pantry To The Rescue
5The Perfect Pantry
What would the perfect pantry do for you?
- Help me prepare meals that
- Are healthy
- Taste good
- Are affordable
- Can be prepared in just a few minutes!
6The Perfect Pantry
What would the perfect pantry do for you?
Help me feed myself and my family good food
without all the STRESS!
7Steps To Successful Meals
- Planning meals
- Shopping
- Meal preparation
- Eating
8Planning MealsFamily Favorites
- What do you prepare every week or every month?
- What are your familys favorites?
- What are your favorite recipes to prepare?
9Planning Meals
10Planning Meals The New American Plate
2/3 Fruits, vegetables and grains
1/3 low fat dairy products and meat
11Planning MealsThink Outside The BoxDo Something
12Shopping stocking the perfect pantry
- Salad in a bag
- Fresh fruits
- Fresh vegetables
- Milk
- Juices
- Eggs
- Cheese
13Shopping stocking the perfect pantry
- Ready to cook chicken
- Ground beef
- French bread
- Fruits
- Vegetables
14Shopping stocking the perfect pantry
- Pasta
- Rice
- Spaghetti sauce
- Canned fruit
- Canned vegetables
- Canned mushrooms
- Canned tuna or salmon
- Nuts and raisins
15Shopping stocking the perfect pantry
- Low fat vinaigrette salad dressing
- Spaghetti sauce
- Olive oil/vegetable oil
- Cream soups
- Salt and pepper
- 3 or 4 spices (choose what your family likes)
weekly shopping made easy
17Meal Preparation
Keep it Simple Keep it Organized
18Meal PreparationTime Saving Cooking Techniques
- Microwave
- Crockpot
- Counter Grill
- Stirfry
- One-Dish Cooking
19Meal PreparationUsing Prepared Foods
20Meal PreparationMake Ahead Ideas
Making extra usually does not take extra time
- Get back to the family table
22Whose Job is it Anyway?
All Family Members Can Help!
23For more information please refer to The Perfect
Pantry newsletter on your mini-CD
24(No Transcript)