Title: Medication Administration
1Medication Administration
2Healthy Kids Learn Better
- Components
- Many kids require medications while at school, so
that they can be active participants in the
classroom - kids bring their whole life to school with
themand it doesnt fit in a locker.
3The Law
- Administrative rules were adopted by Oregon
Department of education in 1997, and amended by
the legislature in 2001. - Only non-injectable medications are covered
(there are other rules for injectable medications)
4Things to Remember
- Administrator must select regular and back up
staff to be trained - Only trained staff can administer medication
- Training program must be approved by Oregon
Department of education
5Your Training
- Designated school personnel are REQUIRED to
receive appropriate training approved by the
Department of Education for the administration of
prescription and non prescription medication.
6Your Training (cont.)
- School districts may not require you to
administer medications to students UNTIL you have
received training.
7Three Med Classifications
- Non-prescription medication
- Student self-administered medications
- Prescription medications
8Non-prescription Medications
- You must have Written Instructions from the
students Parent/Guardian in order to give
non-prescription medications
9Non-prescription Medication
- Must have a signed parent/guardian permission
form which includes - Students name
- Medication
- Medication dosage, frequency, and route
10Non-prescription Medications
- May only be allowed if
- The medication is necessary for the child to
remain in school - Excludes
- Dietary Supplements
- Food Supplements
- Must be
- Commercially prepared and non-alcohol
11Student Self Administration
- School districts MUST adopt policies and
procedures that govern student self
administration - In ORDER FOR A CHILD TO DO SO
- Signatures are needed
- Parent/Guardian
- Building Administrator
- Student
- Doctor (if prescription)
12Self Administration
- Requires no assistance
- Requires no documentation that the medication was
taken - Each district develops own policy to address self
13Prescription Medications
- Doctor of Medicine or osteopathy
- Nurse Practitioner
- Dentist
- Optometrist
- Naturopathic physician
14Prescription Medications.
- Must be prepared and labeled by a pharmacist
- Only administer if required during school hours
- Must have a signed permission and instruction
from parent - Separate training is needed for any injectable
15A Little More on Prescriptions
- Written Instruction from a physician
(prescription label will meet this requirement) - Original Pharmacy container
- Verbal doctors orders can only be taken by a
licensed nurse
16Giving Medications Five Rights
- Right Student
- Right Medication
- Right Dose
- Right Time
- Right Route
17Handling Medications
- Get water from a clean source
- Do not use water from the sink where first aid is
provided (OR-OSHA 1910.1030 (2) ix x)
18Handling Medications
- Always wash your hands!!!!!!
- Avoid Touching the medications
- Wear gloves if placing medication in the students
mouth - If tablets require cutting, the parent needs to
cut them at home prior to sending them to school
19Some Considerations
- If the medication needs to be crushed, the parent
is responsible for sending a pill crusher (to
only be used for that student) - Calibrated spoon/cup for liquid medications
20Routes of Medications -Oral-
- Mouth
- Tablets
- Capsules
- Syrups, elixirs and suspensions
21Route of Medication Topical
- Topical (on the outside of the body)
- Skin
- Eyes
- Ears
- Nose
22Routes of MedicationInhaled
23Safe Storage and Handling
- Store all medication in the original Container
- Store in a clean, locked cabinet
- File Cabinet
- Lock box
- Safe
24Safe Storage and Handling
- Medication should be brought to school and
returned home by a parent - DO NOT ALLOW STUDENTS to carry medications to and
from home - Certain medications require counting on arrival
at school - Should be counted by parent and trained school
25Safe Handling
- Changes in medication instructions should always
be made in writing from the parent/guardian - Do not act on Verbal requests
- Refrigeration may be needed for some medications
- The fridge should be kept between 36-46 degree F
26Disposing of Medications
- Follow district policy for disposal of unused or
expired medications - Use the sink or toilet
- Regulated waste
- I prefer the toilet in the staff bathroom?
27Student Medication Record
- One sheet to sign in the supply and sign out
- One sheet to show what was administered by whom
and when
- Student medication files are confidential
- Only parent/guardian and authorized school staff
should have access - Parent/guardian authorization is required for
release of information
29Retaining Medication Administration Records
- At the end of the year
- If child does not have an IEP place them in the
student record - If there is an IEP, file it there
30Handling the Unexpected
- Student does not come at scheduled Med Time
- Send for them
- Document on the medication record
- Notify the parents via phone and in writing
(forms are on the internet)
31Student Refuses Medication
- Encourage the child to take the medication
- Document on the medication record
- Notify the parent/guardian in writing
32Student Vomits or Spits Out Medication
- Document
- Notify
- Check for symptoms of illness
- Take temperature
33Medication Errors
- Report the medication error immediately
- Parent/guardian
- Physician
- Nurse
- Building administrator
34What Are Medications Errors
- Dose Omitted
- Medication given to wrong student
- Inaccurate dose or wrong medication
- Wrong time
- Incorrect route
35Side Effects
- All medications have a potential for side effects
- If in doubt check medication fact sheets, call
the pharmacy, or contact the school nurse - Antibiotics-may cause a rash
- Analgesics-may cause an upset stomach
36Side Effects
- Report promptly any unusual
- Symptoms
- Behaviors
- To the school nurse and parent
37Field Trips and Off Campus Activities
- During the time off campus medications will need
to be given out - A Trained staff person should accompany this
child during the field trip - Medication must be in the original container
38Field Trip Off Campus Activities
- Medication should be signed out and signed back
in by the designated staff member - The designated staff member should document
administration on return
39Dealing with Concerned Parents
- Validate parents concerns and emotions by
listening and identifying a way to address their
specific concern - Share written information
- Include school nurse/administrator
- Set boundaries and ensure your own safety
40Cooperative School Environment
- Success requires
41Cooperative School Environment
- Include the teacher in plans, send them a notice
so that they are aware that medications are being
administered - Share information on medication times at the
staff meetings - Talk with school staff to help problem solve
missed medication times
- School staff are protected by law if careful
observation of the regulations are observed - Any Questions