Title: Approve a Workflow Form
1Approve a Workflow Form
- January 5, 2008
- contents are current as of date above
2Overview of the Approval Process
- Log in to Banner and view the Worklist.
- Open a specific workflow form.
- Review the form data and approve or deny.
- Form passes to next approver.
- Look up the status of a workflow.
- Get help with workflow.
3Open a browser, go to your campus home page.
4Log in with your FlashLine ID and password, click
5Click the Action Items tab.
6Scroll down to locate the Worklist channel.
7Click Open SCT Workflow
8The Banner Worklist will open.Click an item
title to view its form.
9Worklist NavigationPage controls at the bottom
of the worklist help you browse the list of
pending approvals.
10About Approving a Form
- As a form approver, you will see the entire form
as completed by the submitter. - You will be able to correct/change any
information in editable fields. (Not all fields
are editable.) - You may approve the formor send it back to the
originalsubmitter for changes.
11Form Disposition
- When you approve a form, it is passed to the next
approver in line. - Upon final approval, the form data is passed to
Banner. -
- Depending upon the form, print and e-mail
notifications to departments or individuals may
be automatically generated.
12The status search feature reports the progress of
a job through its workflow steps.
13Click Status Search to see the Search window.
Each workflow form has a unique ID , which you
can type in the Workflow Specifics Name field.
(Or just click Search to see a list of all forms,
and select the one you are checking.)
14The status diagram displays every stage in a
workflow. Click an item to view the details.
Item Details
15Each element in the diagram reports the status of
a workflow activity.Completed activities
have a green check.Current (in process)
activities show a running man icon.Form
originators may contact you to checkthe status
of a form. They can also contact HR.
16Workflow Tips
- Check your worklist often.
- Create a mail folder and filter to collect
workflow alert messages. - Contact the Help Desk 672-HELP if you do not see
your Workflow items. - See Banner Workflow Proxy to set up a proxy
17For help with Workflow, contact theHelp Desk
330 672-HELPhelpdesk_at_kent.edu