Title: Coherent Electromagnetic Interactions in UltraPeripheral Heavy Ion Collisions
1Coherent Electromagnetic Interactions in
Ultra-Peripheral Heavy Ion Collisions
Falk Meissner Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory For the STAR Collaboration Photon
2003 April 2003
- Ultra Peripheral Collisions
- Exclusive Meson Production
- Data Sets and Analysis
- Cross Sections
- Photon-Photon Interactions
- Summary
2Heavy Ion Collision
(Au Au, 200GeV/nucleon, University of Frankfurt)
3Ultra-Peripheral Collisions
- Nuclei miss geometrically and interact
via long range fields - Coupling strengthalarge cross sections
- Photon-g ? Z2
- Equivalent Photon Approximation
(Weizsaecker-Williams, Fermi) - Pomeron-P ?A4/3 (surface) to A 2 (volume)
- Coherent coupling to extended charge of both
nuclei - Lg, LPgt R_A
- Small transverse momentum pT lt h/2RA 90
MeV - Longitudinal component PL lt gh/2RA 6 GeV
- Quasi Real Photons
4Exclusive Vector Meson Production gAVA
- Factorize as function of impact parameter
- Nuclear breakup by single (1n1n) and multiple
(xnxn )neutron emission - single/multiple neutron emission selects
different impact parameters
- Extrapolate gpVp to gAVA with Glauber
calculation - e Large cross sections
- 350 mb at sNN1/2130 GeV
- 590 mb at sNN1/2200 GeV
- S.Klein, J.Nystrand, Phys. Rev C60 014903
(1999), - A. Baltz, S. Klein,J. Nystrand PRL 89, 012301
5Experimental Signature of UPC
- Two oppositely charged tracks with vertex
- Low total pT
- Back-to-back in transverse plane
Challenge Trigger !
Topology requirements in central trigger
barrel (CTB)
Coincident signals from nucl. Breakup in zero
degree calorimeters (ZDC)
6Transverse Momentum Invariant Mass Spectra
Topology Trigger AuAu a AuAur0
- 2000 130 GeV 9hrs dedicated,
- 30k triggers
- 2001 200 GeV trigger mix
- 1.5M topology triggers
- Peak at low pT a coherent interaction
- Background model from like-sign pairs normalized
to data - No neutron signal in ZDC a gold nuclei remain
in ground state
7Meson Production with Nuclear Break-up
Minimum Bias (ZDC) Trigger AuAu aAuAur0
- 2000 400k triggers L60/mb
- 2001 1.7M triggers L250/mb
- Amplitude ratio pp/r similar to lepton nucleon
8Cross Section s (AuAuaAu()Au()r)
130 GeV PRL89, 272303 (2002), 200 GeV
Preliminary Luminosity normalization from 7.2b
hadronic AuAu cross section Systematic
uncertainties 20
- Theory A. Baltz, S. Klein J. Nystrand
No Breakup
- Determination of
- Gold Radius
10Coherent Interactions in Deuterium-Gold
- 2003 dAu-gt rdAu
- Golden photon torch on d
- Trigger on the breakup of the deuterium (ZDC)
- Level0 trigger purity 10 !!
- 0.9M events
- First results clear signal (5 minute testrun)
data is in production
11Two-Photon Interaction AuAuaAuAuee-
Identified ee - via dE/dx only at low
momentum plt0.13 GeV Small acceptance (10-6) for
ee- pairs cross section is peaked in the
forward region and at low (non-reconstruct able)
invariant mass Manetic field cuts of very low
momentum tracks (lt60MeV) where cross section is
200GeV, 0.25T Magnetic Field
Acceptance corrected pair pT
Coherent ee- Pairs pT lt h/pb 20MeV
- Physics Topics
- Validity of WWA and factorization
- Strong field QED Za 0.6
- Large cross section ? Z4a4
- Within acceptance
- 0.14ltMeelt0.26 GeV, hlt1.15
- Total 4p cross section 33kB!
Predictions LO QED S.Klein V.Morozov
Phd. Thesis V. Morozov
Normalized to total hadronic cross-section,
10 systematic error
- First measurements for coherent meson production
in ultra-peripheral heavy ion collisions with
and without nuclear excitation - Au Au -gt Au Au r0 and Au Au -gt Au Au
r0 . - low pT coherent coupling
- Cross Sections agree with predictions
- gtApproximate factorization of
rho-production and nuclear excitation - gtWeizsaecker-Williams photon flux from
large relativistic charges ok. - gt Glauber extrapolation of gN to gAu ok
- Cross section for electron-pair production
reproduced by LO calculations - This is just the beginning Future analysis
topics - Vector meson spectroscopy ,excited states (r,)
- Multiple VM production
- Hard diffraction - higher mass states J/y
- Interference of decaying particles
- RHIC is a good place to study diffractive and
electromagnetic processes in heavy ion
collisions. Lots of data and physics topics.