Title: DSP based Speech Coders
1DSP based Speech Coders VoN Systemsby Robert
Slaviero Analog Devices Australia
- IEEE Signal Processing Society Victorian
Chapter - Tuesday, 30 April, 2002
- IEAust Auditorium, Melbourne, Australia
2Speech Coding (speech compression)
- Speech Coding is the process of digitizing speech
at a reduced bit-rate in order to make more
efficient use of transmission bandwidth or
storage mediums - Applications
- Voice based telecommunications over limited
bandwidth transmission link (e.g.
videoconferencing ISDN (H.320), PSTN (H.324),
LAN (H.323), satellite, radio, etc) - Voice storage forward systems (recording,
processing, archiving) - Voice over Packet Networks (VoN/VoP e.g. VoIP,
VoDSL, VoATM, VoFR, VoCable - Primarily real-time applications
3Speech Coding (speech compression)
Transmission Link
Storage Medium
4Speech Coding Commercial Use Acceptance
- Technology advances (hardware, software, bit-rate
/ speech quality) - Reducing costs
- International standards (e.g. ITU, ETSI, TIA,
etc) - Global interconnectivity / interoperability
widespread use - Applications evolution / development
- Telephony (PSTN) based 3.4kHz, 64kbit/s,
- circuit switched ? packet switched (e.g. IP)
5Speech Coders - Technical Issues
- Bit-rate (commercial telephony use)
- Techniques
- Waveform coders (PCM based)
- Source / parametric coders - vocoders (LPC
based) - Hybrid coders (e.g. CELP, VSELP, RPE)
- Quality - toll or near-toll quality (MOS /
perceptual, real-world, QoS) - Delay
- Frame size, Algorithmic delay, Processing delay,
Codec delay, Channel delay, System delay - Other commonly used proprietary and
international standards - GSM, EVRC, VSELP, QCELP, MELP, MBE, etc
6ITU Speech Coders - Technical Summary
7DSP MIPS / Memory Channel Density
- DSPs evolution
- Became capable of executing speech coders
(single-chip solution) - Further increases in MIPS capability
- Further increases in internal memory
- Single-core DSPs ? multi-core DSPs
- General purpose DSPs ? application specific DSPs
- Now Multiple Instance (Multi-channel) capable
- Usually MIPS rather than memory limited
(currently) - Density improvements
- Either more channels of the same module /
function - or many different modules / functions (e.g.
VoN, VoIP, etc) - or both i.e. many channels of many functions
- Focus on high density VoN implementations /
8Fixed-point DSP Implementation MIPS memory
Figures based on ADSP-218x (except for G.4k),
PMProgram Memory (24-bit), DMData Memory
(16-bit), PM/DM Memory per extra channel
9Typical VoN Components
10Typical VoIP System Layout
11Typical Product Applications
High Port Count (Infrastructure)
Media Gateway, VoDSL Gateway
Wireless Systems
Remote Access Concentrator or DSLAM
- Analog Devices
- VoN Solutions
IP PBX, MTU, or Enterprise Gateway
Voice/Data (SOHO/Residential)
Low Port Count (Premises)
IP telephony card
12ADI DSP Channel Capacity Examples
13MIPS Channel Density per DSP
Assumes MIPS not memory constrained
14Product Design Implementation Considerations
- Functionality / features
- Spec interpretation
- Target hardware options / selection
- Timescales
- Costs
- Development cycle / ease
- Tools, APIs, testing, optimisation
- Resource Usage (MIPS, memory (PM/DM/ext), MI)
- Channels per DSP (optimized code)
- Power consumption per channel
- Board space per channel
15Trends / Goals
- Reduced bit-rates
- Improved speech quality
- Reduced complexity (MIPS)
- Reduced delay
- Adaptive coders
- Focus on implementation efficiency
- Increased channel / function density, lower
power, less board space - Resilience to environment transport medium
impairments / - corruptions (noise suppression, tandeming,
delay, packet handling, etc) - Â
16Contacting ADA
Analog Devices Australia previously
Signal Processing Associates - SPA
Multimedia Telecommunications DSP Software
Unit 3, 97 Lewis Road, Wantirna, Victoria,
3152, Australia Tel 61 3 9800 2000 Fax 61 3
9800 2111 Email spa.info_at_analog.com Web
www.analog.com/spa Robert Slaviero Managing
Director robert.slaviero_at_analog.com