Title: Introducing the Student Loan Ombudsman Caucus:
1Session 16
- Introducing the Student Loan Ombudsman Caucus
- Facilitating Creative Solutions for Student Loan
Problems and Issues - Grace Bartini, American Student Assistance
Corporation - Debra Wiley, Federal Student Aid, U.S. Department
of Education
- Federal Student Aid Ombudsman
- 1998 - Federal Student Aid Ombudsman established
by HEA Amendments - 1999 First case accepted (erroneous default)
- 2007 More than 17,000 cases
3 1999 - 2006
- Federal Student Aid Ombudsman and Agency Contacts
- 1999 - Designated High Level Contacts at
Guarantor and Lender Agencies Assist With Case
Resolution - 2001 First Annual Meeting of Ombudsman Contacts
- 2006 Student Loan Ombudsman Caucus Charter
- 2007 Caucus Operational
4A Student Loan Ombudsman Caucus Emerges
Student Aid
5A Student Loan Ombudsman Caucus In Action
Student Loan
Ombudsman Caucus
FSA Ombudsman
Student Aid Industry
Trends, Issues, Training, Outreach, and
Multi Directional Exchanges
6Why a Caucus?
- Enhanced Student Aid Problem Resolution Network
- Promotes Consistent Use of Ombudsman Best
Practices - Targeted Training and Mentoring
- Improved Trends Identification, Analysis and
7How Does The Caucus Operate?
- Conference Calls
- Quarterly Meetings
- Committee Structure
- Members ListServe
8How Does the Caucus Operate?
- Caucus Members
- Use all available information to recommend and
promote areas of research - Advise membership on areas of mutual interest
- Utilize individual and collective reports to
analyze potential for improvement
9How Does the Caucus Operate?
- Each agency ombudsman works to resolve problems
identified through the Federal Student Aid
Ombudsman or from within the agency - As a Caucus member, the agency ombudsman
participates in the discussion of student loan
issues, feedback on student aid legislation, case
trend analysis and recommendations for change
10How Do Students Benefit?
- Caucus Members Commit To
- Serving as a voice for fair process
- Coordinating with student loan stakeholders and
the government to promote positive change in the
student loan industry - Learning from complaints and problems that impact
student loan borrowers, and prevent them when
possible -
11.How do Students Benefit?
- Caucus members provide an in-agency escalation
process for problems - If problems remain, students call Federal Student
Aid Ombudsman at 1-(877) 557-2575 - Federal Student Aid Ombudsman will work with the
student and the agency - Federal Student Aid Ombudsman and Caucus member
will use the situation to inform change
12How do Schools Benefit?
- Additional resources to assist borrowers during
enrollment, or after they leave your campus - You, student, agency and Federal Student Aid
Ombudsman work together to research and resolve
an individual question - Outcome on the individual situation informs the
whole. For example
13Case Analysis and Reporting
- Trends Identification and Reporting
Collaborative Resolution Change - Federal Student Aid Ombudsman groups cases in 16
basic issue categories - Cumulative and Individual Agency Reports Are
Produced Annually - Student Loan Ombudsman Caucus can concentrate on
select issue categories, and compare agency
experiences to Federal Student Aid Ombudsman data -
14For Example..The Basic Categories Help Define
Where Difficulties Arise
- Account Balance
- Bankruptcy
- Closed School
- Collection Practices
- Consolidation
- Credit Reporting
- Default
- Deferment/Forbearance
FSA Assistance Loan Cancellation NSLDS Repayment
Plans/Amounts Service Quality Student
Eligibility Tax Refund/Offset Wage Garnishment
15Top 5 Research Issues
- Initially, the top 5 issues accounted for about
60 of the Federal Student Ombudsman research
cases. - Now, the top 5 issues account for about 70 of
research cases. - Consolidation
- Loan Cancellation/Discharge
- Account Balance
- Repayment Plans/Amounts
- Default
16(No Transcript)
17The Caucus Can Concentrate An Issue
Review.For Example
- Consolidation Is The Number One Issue for Federal
Student Aid Ombudsman Cases in 2007 - Caucus Members Assist in Resolving Questions
About Consolidation at Their Agency - Collective Information Promotes Compliance and
Corrective Action - Caucus Members and Federal Student Aid Ombudsman
Use Case Questions To Inform Student Consumer
Information - http//www.ombudsman.ed.gov/consolidation.html
18The Caucus Can Commit to Effective Problem
- Caucus commitment promotes.
- accurate, and consistent customer service
- common-sense approaches
- creative solutions
- collective review of outcomes
19For Example.Reminders From a Caucus Member
- Let the customer tell the full story
- Try to understand the customers point
- Give the customer your undivided attention
- Explain circumstances in context of the
customers specific needs - Give realistic time frames for action
- Use the information to check internal systems and
escalation processes
20Shall We Try It?Group Resolution of case
21Whats Next..
22A Student Loan Ombudsman Caucus In Action
Student Loan
Ombudsman Caucus
FSA Ombudsman
Student Aid Industry
Trends, Issues, Training, Outreach, and
Multi Directional Exchanges
23Benefits Predicted from Caucus Activities..
- Multi-prong problem identification, resolution,
and change recommendation - Will help encourage and promote
- Resolution versus reaction
- Prevention instead of correction
- Systemic change
24Contact Information
- We appreciate your feedback and comments. Contact
us - Grace Bartini, Ombudsman
- American Student Assistance Corporation
- Telephone (800) 999-9080 , ext 4512
- E-mail bartini_at_amsa.com
- Debra Wiley, Ombudsman, Federal Student Aid, U.S.
Department of Education - Telephone (202) 377-3800
- Facsimile (202) 275-0549
- Website www.ombudsman.ed.gov
- E-mail debra.wiley_at_ed.gov