Title: Biofuels from Common Local Diffuse Source Seed Crops:
1Biofuels from Common Local Diffuse Source Seed
Eddie D. Luzik Jr. PhD.
2Biofuels from Common Local Diffuse Source Seed
Crops Biodiesel from Acorns
- Connecticut being a small and populous state,
common wisdom is that we cannot be a source
material producer for renewable transport fuels
without serious alteration of the landscape. In
this presentation the chemistry, agricultural and
intellectual opportunities for benignly
generating biofuel in Connecticut will be
discussed through our experiments with
unrecognized campus seed crops. - An overview of the current renewable fuels used
for transportation highlights the difficulties
for sourcing them in Connecticut. The issues
discussed are also of concern on a global scale
and support agricultural diversification of seed
crops multiple fuel sources and fuel-use
platforms can reduce risk as well as
environmental impact. A pictorial description of
our model study into making biodiesel from acorns
at UNH highlights the chemistry processes
involved in going from seeds to fuel. A New
England Puritan approach to supplying a portion
of modern energy is using existing landscape
waste to produce a high value commodity
biodiesel. A conclusion is formed that a wide
fuel portfolio opens production opportunities for
Connecticut as well as the potential to engineer
clean efficient engines that use the new fuels.
3Biofuels from Common Local Diffuse Source Seed
Crops Biodiesel from Acorns
- Chemically, what is vehicle fuel?
- Traditionally, a mixture of petroleum
4Biofuels from Common Local Diffuse Source Seed
Crops Biodiesel from Acorns
- Biodiesel has a chain length similar to diesel
and an ester group at the end.
5Biofuels from Common Local Diffuse Source Seed
Crops Biodiesel from Acorns
- Biodiesel is made from triglyceride oils.
6Biofuels from Common Local Diffuse Source Seed
Crops Biodiesel from Acorns
- Biodiesel FAME is often made with fossil sourced
methanol while FAEE is made with fermented-sugar
derived ethanol making it more green.
7Biofuels from Common Local Diffuse Source Seed
Crops Biodiesel from Acorns
- Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME) and Fatty Acid
Ethyl Ester (FAEE) are made from triglycerides
that contain fatty acids that are often
unsaturated, poly-unsaturated or
8Biofuels from Common Local Diffuse Source Seed
Crops Biodiesel from Acorns
- The Fatty Acid Part of Triglycerides
- Saturated Fats Bad for food Good for Fuel
- Think about the food vs. fuel issue
- Unsaturated Fats More healthy for humans, but
less chemically stable fuels.
- What are the natural sources of mostly saturated
9Biofuels from Common Local Diffuse Source Seed
Crops Biodiesel from AcornsMost Prevalent
Chain Length and Type for Sample Oils
(1) Values from Biology Data Book H.J.Harwood,
1964 FASEB Washington D.C. p380-382
10Biofuels from Common Local Diffuse Source Seed
Crops Biodiesel from Acorns
- Saturated Oils are most common in waste food oils
like grease, used cooking oil and lard but this
source is insufficient for fuel demand.
- Growing oil seeds - soy, corn, coconut creates
an issue of land use and product consumption as
fuel in place of food.
11Biofuels from Common Local Diffuse Source Seed
Crops Biodiesel from Acorns
- Connecticut is a small state 4585 sq mi.
- Limited surplus land available for farming.
- Undesirable to alter the landscape.
- Potential to use marginal lands. (polluted
land, brownfields, highway periphery.
- Glean wasted unrecognized crops from existing
urban and suburban landscapes.
12Biofuels from Common Local Diffuse Source Seed
Crops Biodiesel from Acorns
- Non-Food Crops on Non-Food Acreage
- Canola or Mustard Seed grown along highways,
industrial sites, airports, etc. provide oil
without contaminant concern.
- Tree seeds from landscape waste provide oil from
urban and suburban lands and encourage
continuation of our treescape.
13Biofuels from Common Local Diffuse Source Seed
Crops Biodiesel from Acorns
- Tree Seeds!
- Already often collected, but not separated at
compost site.
- Could be of added value to landscapers.
- Collection could stabilize rodent populations.
- Encourage continuation and care for our trees.
14Biofuels from Common Local Diffuse Source Seed
Crops Biodiesel from Acorns
- Seed Trees
- Cut A/C Costs
- Wind abatement
- Cut noise pollution
- Absorb Air Pollution
- Uptake ground water nutrients
- Provide habitat
- Provide biomass
- Provide lumber or firewood
- Preserve landscape
15Biofuels from Common Local Diffuse Source Seed
Crops Biodiesel from Acorns
- How to get oil from a seed
16Biofuels from Common Local Diffuse Source Seed
Crops Biodiesel from Acorns
- Grind cherry seeds
- weigh seed flour
17Biofuels from Common Local Diffuse Source Seed
Crops Biodiesel from Acorns
Soxhlet extraction of cherry oil
18Biofuels from Common Local Diffuse Source Seed
Crops Biodiesel from Acorns
Cherry oil extract was filtered and the solvent
removed at reduced pressure.
19Biofuels from Common Local Diffuse Source Seed
Crops Biodiesel from Acorns
Recovered oil was transesterified with methanol
and sodium hydroxide.
20Biofuels from Common Local Diffuse Source Seed
Crops Biodiesel from Acorns
Extraction, separation, and washing then vacuum
distilling of FAME
21Biofuels from Common Local Diffuse Source Seed
Crops Biodiesel from Acorns
- Vegetable oils from pressing or extracting
(solvent or carbon dioxide methods)
- Animal oils from cooking down and skimming
- Waste grease from fryers etc
- Triglyceride feedstock to be processed
22Biofuels from Common Local Diffuse Source Seed
Crops Biodiesel from Acorns
Gas chromatograph data from cherry FAME
Data from Gillian Lazarus 2008
23Biofuels from Common Local Diffuse Source Seed
Crops Biodiesel from Acorns
- Raw transesterified product FAME is backyard
biodiesel and has impurities
- Alcohols and trace water,
- Glycerol and partially reacted glycerides,
- Residual catalyst and sodium salts (soap),
- Terpines and aromatic substances,
- Unsaturated and saturated ester mixture.
24Biofuels from Common Local Diffuse Source Seed
Crops Biodiesel from Acorns
- Washing with water removes some impurities
(methanol, glycerol, soap) but creates waste.
- Vacuum distilling purifies the product, but with
added energy consumption and unsaturated
components remain reactive.
25Biofuels from Common Local Diffuse Source Seed
Crops Biodiesel from Acorns
- Hydrotreating a process also used on petroleum
fuels and to make margarine produces a fully
saturated FAME
- (to reduce cost here, it is best to have an oil
of mostly saturated fatty acids).
- Product is then more stable to air, light, and
26Biofuels from Common Local Diffuse Source Seed
Crops Biodiesel from Acorns
- Yield how much oil is in a seed?
- Acorns and cherries (pits) collected around
campus average 22-18 oil by weight.
- An oak produces 2-10 buckets of acorns,
- A drywall bucket is about ½ bushel.
- One bushel of acorns is about 53 pounds.
- Average 80 mass is viable
- oil stock.
27Biofuels from Common Local Diffuse Source Seed
Crops Biodiesel from Acorns
- How many acorns can we get?
- An average northern red oak tree (50 years, 60
tall, landscape at 27 trees per acre. (About 1 to 8
suburban/urban yards). - At only 20 trees per acre we could get 125-25(low
mast year) gallons of biodiesel/acre.
- This compares to soy at 56gal/acre and in best
years almost to castor at 156gal/acre(3).
(2) L.J.Wolgast Wildlife Society Bulletin,
(3) www.farmgate.uiuc.edu/archive/2006/10/october1
28Biofuels from Common Local Diffuse Source Seed
Crops Biodiesel from Acorns
- Oak trees the ultimate no-till crop?
- Last year soy produced 73 of our biodiesel
- 75,000,000 gal.
- But we used mostly petro diesel
- 63,000,000,000gal
- Just in the USA
(3) www.farmgate.uiuc.edu/archive/2006/10/october1
29Biofuels from Common Local Diffuse Source Seed
Crops Biodiesel from Acorns
- To replace all of our diesel with acorn biodiesel
we would need 1.6 billion acres of average trees,
about 1000 x current number of home yards.
- There is no single replacement but we can create
value and jobs in using diverse fuel sources,
with each displacing some fossil fuel tonnage.
- The Puritan approach not waste anything!
30Biofuels from Common Local Diffuse Source Seed
Crops Biodiesel from Acorns
- Biofuels present the opportunity to offer
consumers a selection of pure-substance fuel
- Ethanol, (bio)Methanol, FAEE, FAME, etc.
- Biofuels offer engine designers opportunities to
exploit pure substance properties for greatest
efficiencies and low emissions.
- Low sulfur, cool flame low NOx
- Biofuels could keep biomatter out of landfills
and compost sites, and thus utilize the carbon
31Biofuels from Common Local Diffuse Source Seed
Crops Biodiesel from Acorns
- Continuing and future work at UNH
- Collaboration with Marine Biology to evaluate
Connecticut Algae for oil potential.
- Move extraction methods to Super Critical Fluid
carbon dioxide technology.
- Investigate FAEE including acid catalyzed
synthesis routes.
- Evaluate biodiesel product by HPLC protocols.
32Biofuels from Common Local Diffuse Source Seed
Crops Biodiesel from Acorns
- Biofuels at UNH offer exciting learning
experiences with real materials undergoing
relevant chemistries!
- Thanks to Biofuel group Robert Almeida, Gillian
- John Karstens, Heather McClure, Kyle Whitten.
- UNH Summer Faculty Research Fellowship.
- Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Laboratories and Instrumentation resources.
- Special thanks to Cynthia Shea-Luzik for aiding
and abetting seed collecting.
- All pictures by EDL and Biofuel Students.