Title: Error Control for Multimedia Communications
1Chapter 4
- Error Control for Multimedia Communications
- 1. Introduction to Error Control
- 2. Forward Error Correction
- 2.1 Hamming Code
- 2.2 Multiple Hamming Codes with Interleaving
- 2.3 Unequal Error Protection
- 3. Packet Combining
- 3.1 Majority Packet Combining
- 3.2 Aggressive Packet Combining
- 4. Packet Recovery
- 4.1 XOR Packet Recovery
- 4.2 Packet Recovery Using Erasure Code
- 5. Concealment of Packet Loss
- 5.1 Audio
- 5.2 Image
- 5.3 Video
31. Introduction to Error Control
41. Introduction to Error Control
51. Introduction to Error Control
Parity Bit Check, also known as Vertical
Redundancy Check (VRC), parity check is a method
of adding a parity bit to a data stream to check
that data for any errors. A test that determines
whether the number of ones or zeros in a data
stream is odd or even.
The CRC is a very powerful but easily implemented
technique to obtain data reliability Extreme
error detection capabilities. Little overhead.
Ease of implementation. The CRC algorithm treats
all bit streams as binary polynomials. Given the
original data stream, the transmitter generates
the Check Sequence. The CS is generated so that
the resulting data stream (the cascade of the
original data stream frame and the CS), is
exactly devisable by some pre-defined polynomial.
This pre-defined polynomial is called the devisor
or CRC Polynomial.
61. Introduction to Error Control
Stop and Wait transmission is the simplest
reliability technique and is adequate for a very
simple communications protocol.
71. Introduction to Error Control
Go-Back-N error recovery is a procedure which is
implemented in some communications protocols to
provide reliability.
- Features required for Go-Back-N ARQ
- To support Go-Back-N ARQ, a protocol must number
each packet which is sent. - The local node must also keep a buffer of all
packets which have been sent, but have not yet
been acknowledged. - The receiver at the remote node keeps a record of
the highest numbered PDU which has been correctly
81. Introduction to Error Control
Selective Repeat error recovery is a procedure
which is implemented in some communications
protocols to provide reliability. It is the most
complex of a set of procedures, however the most
efficient scheme. Selective repeat is employed by
the TCP transport protocol.
Features required for Selective Repeat ARQ is to
support Go-Back-N ARQ
91. Introduction to Error Control
101. Introduction to Error Control
111. Introduction to Error Control
122. Forward Error Correction
132. Forward Error Correction
142.1. Hamming Code
Hamming code can correct one erroneous bit in
each codeword.
Coding Example The data bits 100 1000 are coded
as 0011 0010 000.
152.1. Hamming Code
162.1. Hamming Code
- The key to the Hamming Code is the use of extra
parity bits to allow the identification of a
single error. Create the code word as follows - Mark all bit positions that are powers of two as
parity bits. (positions 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64,
etc.) - All other bit positions are for the data to be
encoded. (positions 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12,
13, 14, 15, 17, etc.) - Each parity bit calculates the parity for some of
the bits in the code word. The position of the
parity bit determines the sequence of bits that
it alternately checks and skips. Position 1
check 1 bit, skip 1 bit, check 1 bit, skip 1 bit,
etc. (1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,...)Position 2 check 2
bits, skip 2 bits, check 2 bits, skip 2 bits,
etc. (2,3,6,7,10,11,14,15,...)Position 4 check
4 bits, skip 4 bits, check 4 bits, skip 4 bits,
etc. (4,5,6,7,12,13,14,15,20,21,22,23,...)Positio
n 8 check 8 bits, skip 8 bits, check 8 bits,
skip 8 bits, etc. (8-15,24-31,40-47,...)Position
16 check 16 bits, skip 16 bits, check 16 bits,
skip 16 bits, etc. (16-31,48-63,80-95,...)Positio
n 32 check 32 bits, skip 32 bits, check 32 bits,
skip 32 bits, etc. (32-63,96-127,160-191,...)etc.
- Set a parity bit to 1 if the total number of ones
in the positions it checks is odd. Set a parity
bit to 0 if the total number of ones in the
positions it checks is even.
172.1. Hamming Code
182.1. Hamming Code
192.1. Hamming Code
202.2. Multiple Hamming Codes with Interleaving
212.2. Multiple Hamming Codes with Interleaving
222.2. Multiple Hamming Codes with Interleaving
232.3. Unequal Error Protection
242.3. Unequal Error Protection
253. Packet Combining
263. Packet Combining
273.1. Majority Packet Combining
283.1. Majority Packet Combining
293.2. Aggressive Packet Combining
303.2. Aggressive Packet Combining
313.2. Aggressive Packet Combining
323.2. Aggressive Packet Combining
334. Packet Recovery
344.1. XOR Packet Recovery
354. Packet Recovery Using Erasure Code
364. Packet Recovery Using Erasure Code
374. Packet Recovery Using Erasure Code
385. Concealment of Packet Loss
Concealment of Packet Loss Objective When a
receiver cannot recover a lost/erroneous packet,
it tries to make this loss less perceptible by
395.1. Concealment of Packet Loss - Audio
405.1. Concealment of Packet Loss - Audio
415.1. Concealment of Packet Loss - Audio
425.1. Concealment of Packet Loss - Audio
435.1. Concealment of Packet Loss - Audio
445.1. Concealment of Packet Loss - Audio
455.2. Concealment of Packet Loss - Image
465.3. Concealment of Packet Loss - Video
475.3. Concealment of Packet Loss - Video
485.3. Concealment of Packet Loss - Video