Title: The Affirmation of paternity through DNA
1????? ????? ?? ???? ?????? ????????
- The Affirmation of paternity through DNA
2The plan
- The definition 1/ ????? ??????
???????? - Function
2/ ????? - 3/ ??????? ????????? ???????Method used
3The definition
- ?????? ????????
- ?????? ??????
- ??????? ????????
- ????????
Genetic Print DesoxyriboNucléic Acid Genetic
Identity Chromosomes
4The form of DNA
Its was discovered in 1952
5All the living creatures carry DNA.
6DNA is found in the nucleus
7DNA consists of paired chromosomes which are
found in the nucleus.
8Each living creature has its specific number of
chromosomes. For example
????? (??????) 14 ????? 42 ?????? 22? 33 ??
44 ????? 48 ??????? 46 ????? 6 ??????.
The green pea 14 chr. Wheat 42 chr. Melon
22, 33 or 44 chr Donkey 48 chr. Potato 46
chr. Crab 06 chr.
9All human beings cells consist of 48 chromosomes
except the sexual ones which have 23
?? ??????? ????? ??? ??? ????? ?? 46 ?????? ??
??? ??????? ??????? ???? ????? ??? 23
Cells somatic 46 chr. Cells sexuals 23 chr.
102) Its function
- ????? ??????
- ??
- The miraculous nature of DNA
11All human beings cells contain the same
DNA. DNA contains the necessary information that
permits the good working of the cells. DNA is
the genetic identity of a person. DNA is 100,
000 time smaller than the millimeter.
12??? ?????? ???? ???? ????? 2 ?
Tout lADN dune cellule 2 m.
13?? ????? ???? ?????? ???????? ???????? ?? ????
??????? ???? ???????? ???? ????? 10 ????? ??? ??
?? ????? ????? ???????? ???????.
All the DNA that is found in all the cells of
human beingmeasures 10 milliard kilometers.It
equals to the diameter of the solar system.
14The content of the information restored in DNA.
15The information that is found in DNA equals an
encyclopedia of one million pages.
DNA represents 1000 books of 1000 pages.
16DNA contains approximately 3 milliard of
different subjects. It represents a bank of
information 40 times greater than the most
biggest encyclopedia in the world. This
encyclopedia, which is the Encyclopedia
Britannica, consists of 32 volumes of 25
thousand pages of each. The cells read the
information embodied in the DNA continuously
without stop each second. The thing that Man may
do in one century.
1705 is all what is known about the DNA.
? ?? ???? ?? ?????? ???????? ??? ?? ???? 05 .
18The method used in the affirmation.
3 / ??????? ????????? ???????
19? - ???????
A - Samples
DNA can be extracted from any given cell
????sang ???????? salive ?????
cheveu ????? sperme ?????
os ?????dents
can also be extracted from every thing where we
found the prints of human being.
20B - Applications
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? ?? ?????? ??? ??? ??????? ?????? ?? ??? ??????
21In the domain of the family, the most frequent
cases where DNA is used are to affirm paternity
and to a lesser extent to affirm maternity.
22? ??????? ?????????
C The method that is folowed
??? PCR ????? ?? ??????? ????? ????????? ?????
????? ?? ??????? ? ???????? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??????
???????? ?????? ??? 100 ????? ???? ????? ?????
?????? ???????? ? ??? ?? ??? ?? ?????? 3 ????.
Polymerize Chain Reaction (PCR) is a technique
used to Xerox/ copy a part of DNA into millions
of copies. It permits the isolation, the mark
and the enlargement of the fragments of the DNA
which are going to print a white and black film.
This printing leaves a kind of patterns called "
Bar code ". the comparison of the bar Code of
the baby with that of the supposed father or
mother enables us to deduce if there is any
blood relation between them.
23???? ???????? The degree of reliability
???? ??????? ??? ????? ??????? 99.95 . ???
?????? ??????? ?? 100 .
The affirmation of lineage (paternity or
maternity) is reliable to 99,95 but denial
is reliable to 100
DNA is perpetual (continuous), fixed and constant
for every human being. It can be extracted from
any given cell in the body to analyze it. 50
of this DNA originates from the father and 50
originates from the mother. People who have very
close relations have a resembling DNA.
25The affirmation of blood relation through DNA in
the last means that proves this relation
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