Title: Space Songs
1- Space Songs
- Sun, Sun, moon, and sun,(hands over head)
- high up in the sky.
- Brighty brighty brighty brighty shining in my
eyes. - (Row, row, row your boat)
- Spaceships spaceships high up in the sky. aliens
aliens some have one eye - rocket ships astronauts comets and more some
aliens have 2 legs and some have 24 - spaceships spaceships high up in the sky aliens
aliens some have one eye. - (Twinkle twinkle little star)
- There was an astronaut that had a
- spaceship and he went to space.
- And that is where he wanted to be.
- There was an astronaut that had a space ship and
he went to space. - PACE, PACE, PACE
- And that is where he wanted to be.
- There was an astronaut that had a spaceship and
he went to space - ACE, ACE, ACE
- And that is where he wanted to be.
- There was an astronaut that had a
- spaceship and he went to space.
- CE, CE, CE
- And that is where he wanted to be.
- There was an astronaut that had a spaceship and
he went to space - E, E, E
- And that is where he wanted to be.
- There was an astronaut that had a spaceship and
he went to space - , ,
- And that is where he wanted to be.
5Row, Row, Row Your Boat
- Buses, planes, trains and bikes (clap for each
word) - to travel near (pull hands close to you) or far
(push hands away) - to the park ( point one way to the side) or out
of state (point the opposite way) - or even take a car (pretend to drive steering
6London Bridge
- Drive, walk or take a train (clap 4 times to
beat) - take a train (X2) (pull whistle motion)
- Drive, walk or take a train (clap 4 times to
beat) - all over town (spread hands)
- Fly, bike or take a boat (clap 4 times to beat)
- take a boat (X2) (row boat twice)
- Fly, bike or take a boat (clap 4 times to beat)
- to be on your way (point outward to beat)
7ABCs tune of twelve days of Christmas
- On the first day preschool my teacher told to me
- A is for apples, B is for Barney
- C is for Carrots!
- On the second day of preschool my teacher told to
me - D is for ducks E is for eggs
- and F is for fun!
- On the third day of preschool my teacher told to
me - G is for girls H is for hopping
- and I is for Igloo.
8123stune of Where is Thumbkin
- 1 pink pig 1 pink pig
- 2 yellow ducks 2 yellow ducks
- 3 kangaroos 3 kangaroos
- hopping around! hopping around!
9A Day in the Zoo (Tune of Robin Hood and Little
- Seein lions seein tigers and all the white
polar bears oddle lolly oddle lolly golly what a
day - Monkeys swingin zebras grazin and having such a
good time oddle lolly oddle lolly golly what a
day - Walkin through the reptile house, are you afraid
of snakes? Ssssss EEEK! Lets run away! - Mommy, Daddy five more minutesdo we have to go?
Oddle lolly oddle lolly I love zoo days!
10The Animals in the Zoo (tune of The Wheels on the
- The tigers in the zoo go
- grr grr grr, grr grr grr, grr grr grr the tiger
in the zoo go, grr grr grr all day along - The monkeys in the zoo go
- oo oo ah oo ah oo ah oo ah the monkeys in the zoo
go oo ah oo ah oo ah all day long - The penguins in the zoo go waddle waddle waddle
waddle waddle waddle waddle waddle waddle the
penguins go waddle waddle waddle all day long
11Colors and Shapes are so Fun!(Sung to the tune
of the Adams Family)
- Chorus
- Colors and shapes (clap clap) are so fun (clap
clap) colors and shapes are so fun colors and
shapes (clap clap) - There's red and then there's orange there's
yellow and there's green, next comes blue and
purple and pink comes finally - Repeat Chorus
- There's hearts and squares and circles, there's
stars and triangles, rectangles and ovals and
now weve named them all. - Repeat Chorus
12Take Me out to the Rainbow(Sung to the tune of
Take Me out to the Ballgame)
- Take me out to the Rainbow (move arms in arc)
- Take me up to the sky (point to the sky)
- Teach me the colors and shapes up there
- So I can be the smartest guy (point to head)
- There is red orange and yellow
- Next comes green blue and purple
- Show me the stars and the circle moon
- So I can go to school soon. (point to self)
13Tune Mary had a Little Lamb
14Tune If youre Happy and you Know it
15Tune The Wheels on the Bus
- The friends in the class say hello, hello, hello
- The kids in the room say how are you, how are you
today - The friends in the class say I am fine, I am
fine, I am fine - The kids in the class say goodbye, goodbye for now
16Im a little farmer(Im a little teapot)
- Im a little farmer (point to yourself), welcome
to my barn (make roof over head). - There (point) is the hay and there (point other
direction) is the corn. - When the animals come in, they all eat (eating
motion). - I love (hands over heart) my animals, theyre so
sweet. -
17The little pig(Mary had a little lamb)
- My farm has a little pig, little pig, little pig,
my farm has a little pig who ran away one day.
(running motion) - Little pig met little lamb, little lamb, little
lamb, little pig met little lamb (wave) and they
came home one day. - The pig and lamb are best of friends, best of
friends, best of friends, pig and lamb are best
of friends, they run and play all day. (running
Tune to Where is Thumbkin?
- This is a square, this is a square,How can you
tell? How can you tell?It has four sides,All
the same size.It's a Square, It's a Square.This
is a circle, this is a circle.How can you tell?
How can you tell?It goes round and round,No end
can be found.It's a circle, It's a circle.This
is a triangle, this is a triangle.How can you
tell? How can you tell?It only has three
sides,That join to make three points.It's a
Triangle, It's a triangle.This is a Rectangle,
This is a rectangle.How can you tell? How can
you tell?It has two short sidesAnd it has two
long sides.It's a rectangle, It's a rectangle
Tune If Youre Happy and You Know It
- If you are wearing red, Shake your head,If you
are wearing red, Shake your head,If you are
wearing red,Then please shake your head.If you
are wearing red, shake your head. - Others Blue, touch your shoe
- Black, pat your backGreen, bow like a
queenYellow, Shake like Jell-OBrown, Turn
aroundPink, give us a wink.
20The cat on the farm goes (nod head up and down
while singing) meow, meow, meow
meow, meow, meow meow, meow, meow The
cat on the farm goes meow, meow,
meow all through the farm The
chickens on the farm goes (Arms up like a
chicken move up and down)
Peep, peep, peep Peep, peep, peep
Peep, peep, peep The chickens on the farm
goes Peep, peep, peep all
through the farm
The cow on the farm goes (moo very
loud) moo, moo, moo
moo, moo, moo moo, moo, moo The cow
on the farm goes moo, moo, moo
all through the farm
21The rooster on the farm goes
cock-a-doodle-doo, cock-a-doodle-doo,
cock-a-doodle-doo cock-a-doodle-doo,
cock-a-doodle-doo, cock-a-doodle-doo
cock-a-doodle-doo, cock-a-doodle-doo,
cock-a-doodle-doo The rooster on the farm
goes cock-a-doodle-doo, cock-a-doodle-doo,
cock-a-doodle-doo all through the farm The
Farmer on the farm goes (put pointer
finger over mouth) shhh, shhh, shhh
Shhh, shhh, shhh Shhh, shhh,
shhh The Farmer on the farm goes..
Shhh, shhh, shhh All Day Long
- The pig on the farm goes
- (make pig face)
- oink, oink, oink
- oink, oink, oink
- oink, oink, oink
- The pig on the farm goes
- oink, oink, oink
- all through the farm
- The horse on the farm goes
- neigh, neigh, neigh
- neigh, neigh, neigh
- neigh, neigh, neigh
- The horse on the farm goes
- Neigh, neigh, neigh
- All through the farm
Do you know the letter A, The letter A The
letter A Oh do you know the letter A (make letter
a with hands above head) that makes the word
Apple Do you know the letter B, The letter B,
The letter B Oh do you know the letter B ( make
letter b) That makes the word Balloon Do you
know the letter C, The letter C, The letter C Oh
do you know the letter C (make letter c with
hands one on top of head and one on side of
body) That makes the word Clown Yes I know my
ABCs my ABCs my ABCs Yes I know my ABCs and
I can add more letters.
23To the tune of Jingle Bells
Body Parts
- Head, eyes, nose
- Mouth, Chin, ears.
- Neck, shoulders, arms and hands
- Elbow, knees, legs and hands
- Help me bend and stand
24To the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
Body Parts
- My body is important to me,
- I have many parts indeed!
- Even though Im very small,
- One day I will grow real tall.
- Someday you will come to see
- The big kid Ive grown to be!
25Clap your hands
If you know your 123s clap your hands (clap
twice) If you can say your abcs clap your hands
(clap twice) If you know your 123s and you can
say your abcs if you know your 123s clap your
hands. (clap twice) Repeat the song
26G o o d b y e (Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Tune)
- Goodbye, Goodbye Ill miss you wave
- But I know Ill see you soon
- binoculars
- Just for now Ill say goodbye wave
- I promise you I will not cry
- wipe a tear
- From a far point
- From a near point
- Make a promise
- To come back here point to floor
27Bye, Bye (Rock a by baby tune)
- Time to say bye bye wave
- To my best friend hug
- It wont be long
- Til I see you again binoculars
- Next time I see you binoculars
- Then we will play
- Now we say bye bye wave
- Until that day
28Flutter Flutter Butterfly(sung to Twinkle
Twinkle Little Star)
Flutter, flutter, butterfly.Floating in the
summer sky.Floating by for all to see,Floating
by so merrily.Flutter, flutter,
butterfly,Floating in the summer sky.
29Bumble Bee(sung to Jingle Bells)
- Bumble Bee, bumble bee,Landing on my
nose,Bumble bee, bumble bee,Now he's on my
toes. - On my arms, on my legs,On my elbows.Bumble bee,
oh bumble beeHe lands, and then he goes.
30Under The Sea (Sing to the tune of Row your boat)
- Swim, Swim using your fins (swimming motion)
- Along the ocean floor. (swoop)
- Purplepinkyellow and blue fishes all around
31Fish Are Swimming (Frere Jacques)
- Fish are swimming, fish are swimming, in the sea,
in the sea. - Watch out for the sharks, watch out for the
sharks. (look-out motion) - Snap, snap, snap, snap, snap, snap. (claw motion)
32Fishing In The Sea
- There I was just-a-fishin in the sea (reeling in
fish motion) - Singin Doo-Whap fishies Doo-Whap Doo-Whap!
(jazz hands) - I was hoping to catch a real big fish today
- Singin Doo-Whap fishies Doo-Whap Doo-Whap!
(jazz hands)
33When you visit the zoo
- What do you see when you visit the zoo?
- A lion a bear and a elephant too,
- Youll see some birds and a rhino named Sue,
- All through the park.
- What do you see when you visit the zoo?
- A alligator a hippo and some penguins too,
- Youll see some dolphins and a monkey name Lu,
- All through the park.
34What the animals do
- The birds in their cages go beep beep beep,
- Beep beep beep, beep beep beep,
- The birds in their cages go beep beep beep,
- All day long.
- The fishies in the zoo go (fish face)
- The fishies in the zoo go (fish face)
- All day long.
- The penguins in the zoo go brr brr brr,
- Brr brr brr, brr brr brr,
- The penguins on the ice go brr brr brr,
- All day long.
- The frogs on the lillies go ribbit ribbit ribbit,
- Ribbit ribbit ribbit, ribbit ribbit ribbit,
- The frogs on the lillies go ribbit ribbit ribbit,
- All day long.
- Wheels on the Bus
35The Farmer (Sung to farmer in the dell)
- The farmer had a little kitten, little kitten,
little kitten, the farmer had a little kitten and
it went MEOW (roll in ball) - The farmer had a little chick, little chick,
little chick, the farmer had a little chick and
it went CLUCK (Chicken motion) - The farmer had a little pony, little pony, little
pony, the farmer had a little pony and it went
NEIGH (gallop around) - The farmer had a little piglet, little piglet,
little piglet, the farmer had a little piglet and
it went OINK (pig noise) - The farmer had a little son, little son, little
son, the farmer had a little son and he said
HELLO (wave) - Everywhere the farmer went, farmer went, farmer
went and everywhere the farmer went the animals
went too.