Title: Interactivity in large lectures using an innovative, appropriate technology
1Interactivity in large lectures using an
innovative, appropriate technology
L'interactivitĂ© dans les grandes confĂ©rences Ă
l'aide d'une technologie innovative et convenable
- Dr. Stephen BostockAdvisor for Technology and
LearningKeele University, UK - s.j.bostock_at_keele.ac.uk
2Active learning
- Summary
- A framework for thinking about effective learning
in large group teaching/lectures- four modes of
engagement- with examples - Initial evaluation of an innovative technology
supporting the interaction mode
- Good teaching involves purposeful student
activities so that a motivated student cannot
avoid achieving the learning outcomes(John
Biggs 2003, 2nd ed. Teaching for Quality
Learning at University)
4passive role
5(No Transcript)
6(No Transcript)
7Examples of student activities
- Solve a problem
- Buzz groups discuss something
- Complete a gapped handout
- Read something short with a purpose
- Make notes on a topic together
- Compare notes made so far
- Recap slot summarize to each other
- Answer quiz questions
- Write their own questions and answers
8An activity
- Discuss in small groups for 3 minutes what
student activities you have seen, been part of,
or taught with, in large groups.Make a list of
them. - Une Activité
- En petits groupes, discutez pendant 3 minutes
les activités des étudiants que vous avez vues,
dont vous avez fait partie, ou enseignées en
grands groupes. - En faites la liste.
9(No Transcript)
10Types of questions with a Personal Response
- Multiple choice quiz/problem solving at start to
diagnose initial understanding - Students self-report relevant experience
- Concept check Multiple choice quiz on content
just delivered - Students self-report level of understanding
- Students opt for a revision topic
- Combine MCQ with small group discussion
(activity), and presentations.
11Interactivity in large groups
- Most students do not volunteer, do not
communicate to the tutor - Most volunteers are not chosen to speak and one
students answers may not be useful to others - Students cannot get individual feedback from the
tutor - We need a technology Personal Response Systems
allow all students to make individual responses,
maybe anonymously
12Response technologies
- Electronic voting handsets
- anonymous but can opt out
- automatic counting and display
- electronic high risk for teacher, training
needed - expensive
Similar pedagogy
13(No Transcript)
14First year Psychology
15(No Transcript)
16Second year Law
17Modes of engagement in large groups
- Traditional lecture information delivery
without feedback, no learning activity beyond
listening note taking - Enhanced presentations more effective/
memorable information delivery with slides and
handouts e.g. PowerPoint, Interactive
Whiteboard - Student activity problem solving, small group
discussion, etc. - Student tutor interactivity feedback to tutor
through a personal response system and feedback
to students on their responses
18With your CommuniCube Prenez votre CommuniCube
- Vote for Et choisissez
entre - Move on to the evaluation report Continuer Ă
lévaluation - Say more about interactivity Parler encore au
sujet de linteractivité - Say more about electronic Personal Response
Systems Parler encore au sujet des systèmes
électroniques et personnels de la réponse - Say more about CommuniCubes Parler encore en ce
qui concerne les CommuniCubes
19Advantages of Interactivity
- Interactivity is good because it demands student
learning activity as their part in it - It provides feedback on their understanding, or
views, communicated to the teacher - The teacher checks how much is being understood
and can modify his/her actions and provide
feedback on misconceptions - Students motivated by teacher adjusting to
student performance
20Personal Response Systems PRS
- Infrared/radio handsets with unique codes in a
set. Codes are detected and numbers fed to
software that displays the results, maybe through
PowerPoint. - Cost 80-150 per handset, plus detector, plus
software, plus anti-theft devices - Sophisticated versions have mini screens for
individual feedback - Some interactive whiteboards have detectors
- Coloured cards and triangles have been used for
voting - Cubes refine the idea and give 5 number choices
- Best in a raked lecture hall with benching or
seminar with tables - Pedagogic practice similar to PRS but
participation is enforced - Anonymous to different degrees
- Different uses in seminars
- Intellectual Property Rights Stephen Bostock
22End of part one
23CommuniCubes an initial evaluation
- Foam and printed cubes made in Keele university
- First semester 2003-4 used in groups of 20-30 in
Education, Computer Science and Law and with 120
in a 2nd year Law lecture - Second Semester 2003-4 used in
- 250 1st year Psychology students (10 returns)
- 31 students in 2nd and 3rd year in Law tutorials
(100 return) - Two questionnaires on first use and after
several sessions
24On first use
- 120 second year law students in a large lecture
theatre - Three votes, every 15 minutes or so
- At the end (voting with cubes) Would you like
to use the colour cubes again? - Yes 85
- Maybe, depends on the context 13
- No 2
- One blind student used a Braille cube after one
minutes training
25Questionnaire on first use
- (with groups of 20-30 students)
- Would you like to use one again?(Y/N/depends on
the situation) - What were the good aspects of using a cube?
- What were the bad aspects of using a cube?
- How could they best be used in this size group?
27Questionnaire after several sessions
- How do you think use of the cubes has been
helpful to your learning (first, second, and
third most important reasons) - How do you think use of the cubes has been
unhelpful to your learning (first, second, and
third most important reasons) - On balance what is the net advantage/disadvantage
(scale of 1 to 9) - Would you recommend we use them next year?
(yes/no/not sure)
29(No Transcript)
30After several sessions 1st year Psychology -
reasons helpful
- Score high most important
- 12. Gave me feedback on my understanding
- 12. It was fun, made lecture interesting
- 8. Participation, made me think, contribute, be
involved, express an opinion - 6. (Mention of) interactive
31After several sessions 3rd year Law - reasons
- Score high most important
- 39 Participation, made me think, contribute, be
involved, express an opinion - 5 Preparation for sessions improved
- 4 Gave me feedback on my learning
32After several sessions 1st year Psychology -
reasons unhelpful
- Score high most important
- 12 Get answer from seeing others votes
- 9 A distraction, irrelevant
- 7 Slowed things down, wastes time
33After several sessions 3rd year Law - reasons
- Score high most important
- 13 Can get the answer from seeing others vote
- 9 Wasted time
- 8 Had to make a decision too quickly or when
undecidedmore data 2nd year Law
- Most students found them helpful to learning
modal value is significant advantage - A few (able?) students may dislike them
- In first year lectures the main reasons were
getting feedback on understanding and fun - In second and third year seminars the reason was
the enforced participation - The learning gains will depend on appropriate
use, of course
35Vote now
- No thanks.
- Maybe, Ill think about it, depends on the cost.
(Email me for more information and a web
address.) - Yes please.(Indicate your name on the list, and
take my card. You can keep a folding cube.)
36Cost effectiveness?
- Effective, according to students
- Much cheaper than electronic alternatives
- Next step at Keele in 2004-5
- wider use across the university to build up a
body of good practice - a direct comparison with electronic handsets
Are the benefits similar to electronic systems
but for lower cost?
38CommuniCubes Would you like to try them with
your students?
- Hand them back please! Or
- Keep a folding cube (but not a foam cube) and
tick your name on the list. I will email you - Ideas for their use
- Buy them from Keele University s.j.bostock_at_keele.a
c.uk - Negotiate a license to produce your own
39After several sessions 2nd year Law - reasons
- Score high most important
- 30 Participation, made me think, contribute, be
involved, express an opinion - 16. Can express opinion without embarrassment
- 7 Can see others' opinions
- 6 Fun, interesting, variety
- 5 Can work with others sharing your opinion
40After several sessions 2nd year Law - reasons
- Score high most important
- 11 Limits the options to respond or discuss
- 6 Slowed things down, wastes time
- 5 (Descriptive of the mechanics), shows answer,
must count responses
41One unhappy student
- How have the cubes been helpful?
- There isnt any (reason)
- Distracted from what we were actually looking
at - All it did was to show who understood or not
we could do that with raising our hands, there is
no need for cubes - Net dis/advantage? Slight disadvantage (6)
- Recommend we use them again? No
- A rant about their uselessness and the use not
being explained Thanks for the attempt though
42Whats the use of lectures?Donald Bligh 1972 etc.
- as effective as other media
- not effective
- not very effective
- His review of research into what (traditional)
lectures might be good for - transmitting information ?
- promoting thought ?
- changing student attitudes ?
43Lecturing to large groupsAndreson 1990
- Faced with bigger classes and/or more classes,
two responses are possible for lectures - Refinement as theatre enhance style,
techniques, presentation skills technology - Augmentation with student activity, feedback,
dialogue, using other media
44Student Activity in large groups
- Active learning requires students to do tasks
that force the cognitive processing needed for
understanding. - So Design activities that give students no option
but to adopt a deep learning approach. - Trap them into understanding without them
knowing they made the effort.
45The Lecture
- A dark corner of passivity
- Concise Oxford Dictionary(i) a discourse before
an audience or class on a given subject usually
by way of instruction(ii) admonition, reproof - Traditionally talk and chalk by tutor, listen
and write by students
passive role
46Teacher-student Interactivity
- In large groups most will not volunteer and hence
not communicate to the tutor, some offer but
are chosen to speak - Too many students to get individual feedback
from the tutor - Individual students questions and answers may
not be relevant to others - We need technology Personal Response Systems
allow all students to vote/ respond, maybe
47Colour Cubes
- Coloured cards, post-its etc. have been used in
the past for voting, cubes refine that idea - Cubes give up to 5 number choices
- Best in a raked lecture hall with benching
- Spreadsheet or mechanical pie chart for results
display - IPR owned by Stephen Bostock
- Different uses in small/medium groups
- Pedagogic practice is developing
- Originally because books were rare
- Concise Oxford Dictionary(i) a discourse before
an audience or class on a given subject usually
by way of instruction(ii) admonition, reproof - Traditionally talk and chalk by tutor, listen
and write by students
passive role
49Whats the use of lectures?Donald Bligh 1972 etc.
- as effective as other media
- not effective
- not very effective
- His review of research into what (traditional)
lectures might be good for - transmitting information ?
- promoting thought ?
- changing student attitudes ?
50Active-passive (Smith 97)
- Practice in reality
- Simulation
- Role play
- Give a talk
- Seeing and hearing
- Seeing
- Hearing
- Reading
51Lecturing to large groupsAndreson 1990
- Faced with bigger classes and/or more classes,
two responses are possible for lectures - Refinement as theatre enhance style,
techniques, presentation skills technology - Augmentation with student activity, feedback,
dialogue, using other media
52- Prenez votre CommuniCube
- Et choisissez entre
- Continuer à lévaluation
- Parler encore au sujet de linteractivité
- Parler encore au sujet des systèmes
électroniques et personnels de la réponse - Parler encore en ce qui concerne les CommuniCubes