Title: One-Thousand Words
1One-Thousand Words
Enriching Digital Images to Improve Information
- Peter Parente
- Enabling Technology
- Spring 2003
- Final Presentation
2Information Accessibility
- The accessibility of information is a measure of
how well a person can investigate and comprehend
new knowledge from a given source, despite his or
her method of access.
3Assistive Tech Redefined
- An assistive technology is any tool, system, or
service that either improves a persons
functional capabilities or improves access to
aspects of modern society.
4Visual Information
- Growing number of images, movies, etc. on the
Internet - Very inaccessible
- ALT attributes left blank
- Images used for page layout
- Often overlooked by screen readers
- We can do better, but most websites dont
5Related Work
- Three areas of focus
- Convert images to text
- Convert images to sound
- Convert images to touch
6Images to Text
- Image ALT attributes
- Webpage transcoding (Asakawa, Huang, Takagi, et
al. 2000-2002)
7Images to Sound
- WebSound (Petrucci, et al., 2000)
- AB-Web (Roth, 1998)
- The vOICe (Meijer, 1996)
8Images to touch
- Ifeelpixel (2002)
- Pin grid arrays
- Braille printed images (Ina, 1996)
9Two Improvements
- I argue that all of the work in this area can be
improved in two ways
10The Single Method Problem
- There is no replacement for vision
- No single alternative is as rich as vision
11A Solution
- Combining techniques helps compensate for
weaknesses - Pretty obvious, but not often implemented
12The Single Author Problem
- Content authors are not omniscient
- One person or organization can only know and do
so much - Results in content that meets the needs of the
authors and their intended audience
13Another Solution
- Content amateurs
- Let anyone with a vested interested in
accessibility enrich any existing image,
regardless of ownership
The accessibility and quality of digital
information, especially that on the Internet, can
be improved by a community of knowledgeable users
who work together to enrich existing
contentincluding content which they do not
ownwith new facts and features important to
members of that community. In such a system,
passive web browsing is replaced by the active
process of web augmentation in which new
information is shared, viewed, edited, and
further enriched by other members of the
Blah blah blah
15The Short Version
- Communities of users
- Working together to improve web accessibility and
quality - Ability to add, remove, change any content on any
- Packets of new information and features added to
an image - Text
- Graphics
- Sounds
- Speech
- Touch
- Three programs
- Editor helps users create enrichments
- Repository stores enrichments for later editing
and viewing - Viewer augments images in a web browser with
18Use Case
- Prototype enrichments only support speech and
sound - Demo
- Editor used briefly by one teacher, one OM
specialist - Viewer needs more work before testing
20Future Work
- Enrichments for other types of information
- Entire websites? Programs? Operating systems?
- Online enrichment communities
- How to build, moderate, maintain?
- Gary Bishop
- For not giving up on getting the awful Microsoft
Accessibility library working - Diane Brauner
- For her helpful pointers and conversations