Title: Tracy Sandoval, Auditor and Controller/Assistant Chie
1County of San Diego
- Rating Agency Presentation
- May 2004
- County of San Diego
- Walt Ekard, Chief Administrative Officer
- Donald F. Steuer, Chief Financial Officer
- Tracy Sandoval, Auditor and Controller/Assistant
Chief Financial Officer - Janel Pehau, Director, Office of Financial
Planning - Lisa Keller-Chiodo, Capital Finance Manager
- Group Finance Directors
- Jill Serrano, Group Finance Director,
- Public Safety
- Terry Hogan, Group Finance Director,
- Health Human Services Agency
- Ray Fernandez, Group Finance Director,
- Land Use Environment
- Jerry Hughs, Group Finance Director,
- Community Services
- Michelle Bush, Group Finance Director,
- Finance General Government
- Treasurer-Tax Collector
- Dan McAllister, Treasurer-Tax Collector
- Auditor and Controller
- Christopher Gilmore, Deputy Controller
3Mission Statement and Strategic Initiatives
- Mission Statement
- To provide the residents of San Diego County
with superior County services in terms of
quality, timeliness and value in order to improve
the regions Quality of Life. - Strategic Initiatives
- Improving Opportunities for Kids
- Protect the Environment
- Promoting Safe Livable Communities
4Recognitions of Excellence
- General Management System (GMS)
- San Diego County Taxpayers Association 2003
Grand Golden Watchdog Award - CSAC 2003 Challenge Award
- Operational Excellence
- NACo 2003 Achievement Award - Best in Class -
Risk Management for Workers Compensation - NACo 2003 Achievement Award for Pension
Obligation Bonds - GFOA Distinguished Budget Presentation and
Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in
Financial Reporting - Strategic Initiative Recognition
- NACo 2004 Acts of Caring Awards Program-Criminal
Justice - CSAC 2003 California Community Partnership Award
- American Planning Association California Chapter
2003 State Planning Award
5Credit Highlights
- The Countys previous and current actions
demonstrate its ability to make difficult
decisions to cut spending and retain a
structurally balanced budget, while still meeting
its obligations to taxpayers and residents of the
County. - The County is well-positioned to manage the
challenges presented by the State of Californias
fiscal crisis.
6Table Of Contents
- Economic Overview Highlights
- Financial Results Fiscal Year 04-05 05-06
Operational Plan - County Retirement System Pension Obligation
Bonds - County Investment Pool
- 2004-05 Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes
- Long-Term Bonded Debt
- Closing Remarks
71. Economic Overview Highlights
8San Diego is a Place People Want to Go
- PETCO Park opened in April 2004
- San Diego Convention Center is celebrating 15
years in the community - 10 billion in economic impact
- Generated more than 7.4 million hotel room nights
- San Diego ranked as 1 for Spring and Summer
Travel Destination - Location Location Location
9Economic Highlights
- Statewide job growth
- Strong job market, with County unemployment
(3.9) below State (6.2) and National (5.8)
10Diverse High-Tech Center
11Economic Highlights
- San Diego County has experienced positive
economic growth every year since 1994. - If San Diego were a separate country it would
rank as the 30th largest economy in the world,
equal in economic output to Finland or Thailand. - San Diego has the largest number of military
personnel in the nation. - Construction Housing Boom
- Increase in Housing prices (Average Price
518,650) - Property Tax Base has increased 9 a year since
1997. -
122. Financial Results Fiscal Year 04-05 05-06
Operational Plan
13Financial Highlights FY 2003-04
- VLF revenues are expected to be under budget by
45.0 million - All other general purpose revenues are projected
to be 16.0 million higher than budget - Firestorm 2003 County committed appropriations
of 22.6m, 18m has been approved and 3.7m has
been received - Amount not included as part of Fund Balance or
resources for FY 04-05 - 39m of unappropriated fund balance
14General Fund Financial Results
Balances for the year ended June 30, 2001 were
significantly affected by the implementation of
GASB 33, which requires equity that was
previously classified in certain agency funds to
be consolidated with the General Fund. As
reported in the Third Quarter Fund Balance
15Conservative Budgeting Strong Financial
(1) Third Quarter Fund Balance Report for each
respective fiscal year, Excess Ongoing Revenues
over Ongoing Expenditures
16Reserves and Resources
17Challenges for the Future
- State Economy
- Structural Cost Increases
- Property Tax Shift
- Categorical Program Impacts
- Dependence on State Government
- Workforce Transition
18Financial Highlights FY 2004-05
- The Countys operational plan built on the
January 9, 2004 governors budget. - County will retain the general reserve of 55.5
million and will appropriate an operational
contingency reserve of 11 million. - The plan includes the final two years of
five-year salaries and benefits agreements for
most of the Countys bargaining units. - Retirement costs have been incorporated into the
Countys cost structure.
19Fiscal Year 04-05 Proposed Operational Budget
3.96 Billion by fund 3 decrease
20FY 04-05 General Fund Proposed Operational Budget
Revenues (in millions)
2.763 Billion
County maintains balanced budget.
Appropriations (in millions)
21General Fund Revenue Composition
By Source (in millions) 0.8 decrease
General Purpose Revenue of 630.2M 2.5 decrease
22FY 04-05 General Fund Detail
23Public Safety
- Mission Statement Provide all County residents
with the highest levels of public safety and
security. - Provide law enforcement services to over 800,000
residents in the unincorporated areas and nine
contract cities Operate 7 jails - Prosecute approximately 50,000 felony and
misdemeanor crimes, including consumer and
welfare fraud - Supervise more than 20,000 juvenile and adult
offenders sentenced to probation by the Court - Provide legal representation to indigent persons
- Collect and disburse approximately 150 million
in child support payments - Operation of new Juvenile Detention Facility
- Participate in development of a Regional
Intelligence Center - Increased focus on sex offenders, gang violence,
adult offender literacy and prevention of youth
exposure to violence.
24Health and Human Services Agency
- Mission Statement. Make people's lives safer,
healthier and self sufficient by managing
essential services - Strengthen Child Welfare Services by managing to
achieve state and federal accountability outcomes - Ensure that 75 of foster youth achieve high
school completion. - Achieve total of 225,000 children enrolled in
health insurance coverage. - Place 4,000 Welfare-to-Work participants monthly
in unsubsidized employment - Begin integration of mental health and alcohol
and drug services into a behavioral health system - Provide Food Stamp benefits to more than 30,000
households. - Prevent the spread of communicable diseases such
as AIDS and TB.
25Land Use and Environment Group
- MISSION STATEMENT To unify the Countys efforts
in environmental preservation, quality of life,
economic development, recreation, and
infrastructure development and maintenance. - KIDS Commitment to Prevention and Diversion
- Continue to
- Build the Spring Valley Teen Center
- Support kids in 4-H, mentoring and Critical Hours
programs - SAFE LIVABLE COMMUNITIES Preserve the
Infrastructure - Continue to
- Seek full state and federal reimbursement of
costs resulting from Firestorm 200, and develop
grant proposals to help fund fire recovery
efforts - Continue collection of household hazard waste
- Detect agriculture pests early
- Leverage County resources for outside funding for
open space acquisition. - Complete public review of General Plan 2020
Environmental Impact Report, and present it to
the Board of supervisors for approval - Complete North County Multiple Species
Conservation Program Environmental Impact Report - Continue to improve watershed protection and
stormwater quality - Preserve open space for public use
26Community Services Group
- Mission Statement To provide cost effective and
responsive services to our customersthe public
and County departments. These services are
provided with an emphasis on customer
satisfaction, quality, and value. - Sustain commitment to major maintenance
- Reengineered facilities maintenance to improve
efficiency and reduce total costs - Continue investments in energy-saving
technologies - Provide funding to assist revitalization of
lower-income neighborhoods - Apply innovative procurement methods to reduce
costs to County departments - Successfully conduct November General Election
27Finance and General Government Group
- Mission Statement To provide timely, accurate,
efficient and effective financial, legislative
and general government services to County
residents, other local public agencies, county
departments and individual County employees that
are consistent with federal, State and local
requirements. - Provide accounting, audit, budget, payroll and
collection services. - Establish values and maintain records on all
taxable property within the County. - Make available to the public all vital records.
- Remain a critical revenue generator for the
County. - Provide investment and treasury services to the
County as well as school districts, cities, and
special districts. - Deploy Human Resources and Financial Systems.
- Manage IT Outsourcing Contract.
- Present full disclosure of financial transactions
through recurring reports.
28Impact of May Revised Budget
- State Mandates Payments SB-90
- Increase in IDEA funds
- ERAF effect shifts from 55m to 28m
293. County Retirement System Pension Obligation
30County Retirement System
- San Diego County Employees Retirement
Association was established July 1, 1939 under
the provisions of the County Employees
Retirement Law of 1937 - 18,434 active members as of fiscal year ending
June 30, 2003 - 10,280 retired members
- 3,790 deferred members
- Current year activity
- New actuary
- Tri-annual experience review
31Policy Objectives
- Ensure that the County Retirement System is
appropriately funded. - Pay the full annual contribution required by the
Retirement Systems Actuary. - Take advantage of low interest rates to lower
Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability (UAAL) and
save money by periodically issuing POBs. - Minimize risk of over-funding pension system by
targeting maximum funding ratio of 90-95. - Maximize flexibility to prepay and refinance
future UAAL.
32Current Status
- Actuarial Report as of 6/30/2003 released in
April 2004 - Reflects new UAAL of 1.4 billion (75.5 funded)
- Does not include sizable investment gains
achieved since June 30, 2003 - Board of Supervisors authorized CFO to pursue
issuance of pension obligation bonds. - County has retained its own actuary to assist in
matters relating to retirement funding.
33SDCERA Overview
- Theme
- Operational Enhancements
- Successes
- Challenges
- SDCERA Goals for FY 04-05
342004 POBs Preliminary Financing Plan
- Take advantage of favorable interest rates to
achieve cost savings - Target near-term funding ratio of 80
- Consistent with Strategic Plan, continue to use
available one-time, operating surpluses to retire
POBs or other County debt - Economic Defeasance of 1994 POBs budgeted for
FY04-05. Escrow can be collapsed and funds
redirected if needed - Structure financing to achieve ongoing savings
- Not a near-term budgetary fix
- Include optimized mix of fixed and floating rate
bonds - Consistent with County Long-Term Debt Policy
352004 POBs Historical Perspective
1 Assumes market rates as of May 7, 2004. Actual
rates may vary. 2 2002 POBs had 100 million of
unhedged ARS while 2004 POBs assume 60 million
of unhedged ARS at conservative benchmark
variable rates. 3 10-yr T-note yield as of May
7, 2004.
362004 POBs Financing Schedule
Date Activity May 19 Rating Agency
Presentations June 7 Receive Ratings June
8 Receive Credit Enhancement Bids June 15 Board
Meeting to Approve Transaction Mail POS June
22 Price Transaction June 29 Closing
Preliminary, subject to change.
374. County Investment Pool
38Investment Pool Strength and Stability
- Highly Liquid
- Low weighted average maturity
- 65 of securities mature within 1 year
- Portfolio focus is Safety, Liquidity, Return
- Weighted average yield of 1.60
- High Credit Quality
- High credit quality (100 of securities are rated
AAA or A-1/P-1/F-1) - Professionally managed
- Strong cash flow model
39Key Pool Highlights Pool Participants
As of March 31, 2004
- Mandatory Participants
- County of San Diego,
- K-12 school districts, and
- various special districts and accounts
controlled by the County Board of Supervisors.
- Community Colleges fall somewhere between
Mandatory and Voluntary Participants. While they
have the ability to invest funds outside of the
County Treasury, they receive banking, checking,
and investment services from the County.
- Voluntary Participants
- cities,
- fire districts, and
- Various special districts
40Asset Allocation
As of March 31, 2004
41Key Pool Highlights - Credit Quality
As of March 31, 2004
The Pool is limited to buying corporate and
medium-term notes of issuers rated AAA or better
when the maturity is beyond one year, whereas the
Code allows for buying corporate and medium-term
notes of issuers rated A or better. The following
pie chart displays the percentage breakdown of
credit exposure for the Pool.
425. 2004-05 Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes
432003-2004 Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes
- Preliminary Size 360 million
- Includes maximum cash deficit and working capital
reserve - Provides additional low cost, liquidity in light
of State budget challenges - Mitigates any potential need for supplemental or
internal borrowing - Final Maturity
- 12 or 13-month maturity - to be determined
- Investment of Note Proceeds and Set-asides
- Investment Agreement vs. County Pool - to be
determined - Flexible Pricing Schedule
- Navigate around technical imbalances that may be
caused by State
442004-2005 General Fund Cashflow
In thousands
452003-2004 General Fund Actual/Estimated Cashflow
In thousands
46Available Cash for Short Term Interfund Borrowing
47TRANs Financing Schedule
Date Activity May 11 County Board Approves
Financing May 24 Receive Ratings May 25 Post /
Mail Preliminary Official Statement June 1 Price
Transaction (Tentative) July 1 Closing
Preliminary, subject to change.
486. Long Term Bonded Debt
49Long-Term General Fund Bonded Debt
- Composition
- 32 of debt COPS
- 68 pertains to Pension Obligation Bonds
- County pays down various long-term obligations
- San Pasqual
- Interim Justice
- 1993 Series A
- 1993 Vista Refunding
50Debt Profile
Outstanding Certificates of Participation
Outstanding Certificates of Participation
Pension Obligation Bonds
51General Fund Debt
County Debt Service Burden 4.20 Debt
Service Burden with offsets 2.92 Debt
Service Burden net of POBs 2.01
Total Debt Payments/(General Fund Revenue
Fund Balance)
527. Closing Remarks
53Closing Remarks
- County continues to exercise fiscal prudence and
uses reserves properly in times of economic
slowdown - Consistent with its strategic plan and financial
objectives, the County has maintained a
structurally balanced budget - Absorb the emergent events of FY 2003-2004
- County continues to maintain adequate cash
position - County is well positioned to manage future
challenges, including economic slowdown,
potential impact of State budgetary actions, and
changing demands of our citizens - Prudent reserves and resources available
- No public hospital system
- Diversified economy