Title: Institute For Healthy Aging
1Institute For Healthy Aging
Development of an Assisted Pet Adoption
Intervention to Treat Social Isolation Among Rur
al, Isolated Elderly
A Demonstration Project
2003 Grant Proposal
Craig A. Cookman, RN PhD, Principal
Jean Scott, PhD, Co. P.I. Anna Tacon, PhD, Co. P.
Charles Stelle, PhD, Co P.I.
2Attachment Related Developmental Task Achievement
in Aging
Developmental Task Achievement (Feeney Noller,
Social Integration Self - Transcendence
Pet Attachment
People Attachment
Proximity Separation Protest Secure Base Effect
Health-Related QOL
Ware and Sherbournes SF - 36
Reeds STAS Heidrichs Perceived Social Integrati
on Scale (PSI)
Poresky Pet Bonding Scale (Phase II)
Lipson-Parra Adult Attachment Scale (LAAS)
Attachment Structure Tool (GAST)
3Questions for Intervention Development /
- The intervention is fairly straightforward
introduction of the pet. So the
- question is also one of the appropriateness and
sensitivity of outcome
- measures as well? (Conn, et al., 2001) Can you
clarify that?
- 2. What are the essential components of the
intervention itself looking for a
- complete list that the proposal could be sure to
- 3. Kind of intrigued by Conns 8 issues
- Conceptual basis
- Previous descriptive research
- Related intervention literature
- Intervention targeted for population
- Specificity / generality
- Single / bundled interventions
- Intervention delivery issues
- Dose
- 4. Say one wanted to validate each essential
feature of an intervention -
- how would one know they had been thorough and
- 5. How do issues of reliability and validity
relate to interventions as opposed
- to the measures used in an intervention study?
- 6.
4Effect of Pet Attachment on Holistic Health
Outcomes Among Older Adults Living Alone
Social Isolation
Biopsychosocial-Spiritual Health Outcomes
Pet Attachment
Loneliness Depression
Social Integration Functional Status Self-Transc