Title: Feedbackbased Adaptive Video Transmission over wireless network
1Feedback-based Adaptive Video Transmission over
(wireless) network
Presentation in CS 6235 (Real-Time Systems)
April 2001 Wanxia Xie College of Computing
- Introduction
- Overview
- Architecture w/o adaptation
- Architecture w/ adaptation
- Implementation
- Monitor (Feedback Controller) / UDP
communication / Monitor Channel /Adaptation - Results
- Future Work
- Conclusion
- Problem with Video transmission over (wireless)
network - Dynamic traffic intensity and bandwidth (Low
bandwidths, high error rates and disconnection
for wireless network) - Dynamic system resources (cpu, memory, power)
4Old Architecture w/o adaptation
Control Channel
Raw Channel
Mpeg Channel
Socket (TCP)
5New Architecture w/ adaptation
Control Channel
Raw Channel
Mpeg Channel
Xpalm w/probe
Play w/ Probe
Monitor (Feedback Controller)
Socket (UDP)
Monitor Channel
6Probe and Feedback Collection
- Mpeg Queue Fill Level in play
- CPU usage and memory usage in play
- Raw Queue Fill Level in xpalm
- Packet Loss Rate in xpalm
- CPU usage and memory usage in xpalm
- Adaptation for play
- 1)Downgrade Quality of Raw Video
- 2)Compress / Decompress of Raw Video (If CPU
usage and memory usage in play and xpalm is low) - 3)Change raw video transmission rate (Bottleneck
is decode process from mpeg to raw video) - Adaptation for gen
- Change mpeg transmission rate in gen
8Monitor (Feedback Controller)
- Receive feedback information from monitor channel
- Make the adaptation decision and change control
parameters such as quality criteria,
compress/decompress option and transmission rate - Send the updated control information to control
channel. - (Receiver of Control information, gen and play
update their control information and apply these
in mpeg or/and raw video transmission)
9Experiment Setup
Red Hat Linux 6.2 (kernel 2.2.13) on an
i686. trans runs in edhpc1.cc.gatech.edu xpalm
runs in edhpc8.cc.gatech.edu play runs in
edhpc3.cc.gatech.edu gen runs in
edhpc4.cc.gatech.edu monitor runs in
edhpc5.cc.gatech.edu ( CPU and memory sampling
every second) Experiment Goal (Solve the
bottleneck) 1) Maintain mpeg queue fill level
60-80 2) Adapt video transmission for dynamic
network activity
10Result (1) Mpeg transmission rate w/o adaptation
11Result (2) Mpeg Queue fill level w/o adaptation
12Result (3) Mpeg Packet Loss Rate w/o adaptation
13Result (4) Mpeg transmission rate w/ adaptation
(buf 1000)
14Result (5) (No packet loss)Queue fill level w/
adaptation (buf 1000)
15Result (6) Mpeg transmission rate w/ adaptation
(buf 100)
16Result (7) Queue fill level w/ adaptation (buf
17Result (8) Mpeg Packet Loss Rate w/
adaptation(buf 100)
18More results
- Mpeg transmission rate, queue fill rate, mpeg
packet loss rate for buf 500. - Latency of Monitor (feedback controller)
- CPU usage and memory usage with adaptation
Compress/decompress (cpu usage 100) - Quality adpatation for xpalm
- Packet loss rate in xpalm (UDP connection) (For
High contention, middle contention and minimum
19Future Work
- Multiple video streams
- PID control algorithm
- Dynamic sampling frequency for probe to reduce
the overhead of probe - Real wireless network simulation
- Good sample application for infopipe
- Generic interface for infopipe specification
- Maintain the queue buffer fill level
- Reduce packet loss rate
- Flexible adaptation (quality adaptation,
compress/decompress, transmission rate)