Title: Relay Ring Closing Metathesis
1Relay Ring Closing Metathesis
2RRCM (Relay Ring Closing Metathesis)
- Powerful and widely used method
- Limitations
- Sterically hindered alkenes
- Electronically deactivated alkenes
- Substrate designed to dictate the sequence of
metathesis events through the individual steps of
the RCM - Substrate controlled reaction
- Intramolecular loading of Ru catalyst
3Increasing Reactivity By RRCM
Hoye et al JACS 2004, 126, 10210
4Bidirectional RRCM
- Demonstrates cyclization
- Onto an electron deficient alkene 6 to 7
- Into an electron deficient alkene 8 to 7
5RRCM Choreography
with G2
with G1
6Non Obvious Advantage
- Remote atom and all it bears is expendable during
RRCM. - Hoye used larger groups near the alcohol to
increase resolution.
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8Retrosynthetic Analysis of Oximidine III
Porco Angew. Int. Ed. 2004,43, 3601
9Metathesis Strategy
10Enyne Synthesis
Hansen, E.P. Lee,D. Org. Lett. 2004, 6, 2035
11Cross Metathesis of Conjugated Enynes
12Cross Metathesis of Conjugated Enynes
13 Mechanism of CM without Relay
14Cross Metathesis
15Cross Metathesis of Conjugated Enynes
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17CM Metathesis with Relay