Title: Jeopardy
2(No Transcript)
33 minutes
4A firm handshake
5Being late
6Please and Thank you
8A smile
9Skirt or pant suite, not jeans
10Jewelry, make-up and perfume/cologne
12Sneakers, sandals, or flip-flops
13Talk with your mouth full
14Close your menu
15Touch up your makeup, hair or remove/clean
16From the outside, In
17The 4 O'clock position diagonally across your
18A hand written thank you
19Eye contact
20Cell phone
21Drive there the day before
22Are you married?
23How much time does it take to make a first
24How should you greet someone?
25How can you make a first bad impression before
even meeting someone?
26Two common courtesy words you should always use
27What you should always show yourself and others
28What is the best accessory you can wear?
29What you should wear in formal, semi-formal
30What you should not wear too much of
31What should you remove before formal, semi-formal
32What type of footwear you shouldn't wear in
formal, semi-formal situations?
33What you should never do at the table?
34What you should do to let the server know you are
ready to order
35What you should never do at the dinner table
36The order you use silverware
37Where you place your silverware when you are done
38How you should always follow up an interview
39What you should maintain during an interview
40What you should never answer during an interview
41What should you do if you are unsure where your
interview is or how to get there
42What is an example of an illegal interview