Title: Universities: potentials created by the Nelson system
1Universities potentials created by the Nelson
system focus on research capacity
- Simon MarginsonMonash University
- Sustaining Prosperity Conference, 1 April 2005
2Top 500 research universities 2004 data compiled
by Shanghai Jiao Tong University Institute of
Higher Education
Actually top 502 research universities due to
tied places. Others include Denmark, Finland,
Austria, Hong Kong (each 5), Norway, Brazil,
South Africa (each 4), Taiwan, India, Ireland,
New Zealand, Hungary (each 3), Singapore, Russia,
Poland, Greece (each 2), Argentina, Mexico, Czech
Republic, Chile, Portugal (each 1).
3Top 100 research universities 2004 data compiled
by Shanghai Jiao Tong University Institute of
Higher Education
Others Netherlands 2, Israel, Finland, Austria,
Norway, Russia, Italy each 1.
4Australian universities in worlds top 502
research universities, 2004
5Top 20 research universities 2004
6Research performance of main English-speaking
nations, 2004
7National research performance compared to
economic capacity 1
8National research capacity compared to economic
capacity 2
9National research performance compared to
economic capacity 3
10Distribution of new ARC Discovery Grants 2005
11The Nelson hierarchy (some highly speculative
probably wrong)
12How to modify stratification and a too-narrow
research capacity
- Site funded major centres of excellence in most
of Newcastle, Macquarie, Wollongong, La Trobe,
Griffith, Tasmania, Flinders, James Cook,
Murdoch, Deakin, UNE (the pre-1987s outside the
Go8) - Allocate 25 of the RAE distribution, on a
selective basis, to underpin the evolution of
blue sky research capacity (including APAs and
post-docs) in the post-1987 institutions and
parts of those institutions