Title: Using GPS data to study the global tropopause
1Using GPS data to studythe global tropopause
Bill Randel National Center for Atmospheric
Research Boulder, Colorado
- What is the tropopause, and why is it
interesting? - Structure and circulation of UTLS
- (Upper Troposphere / Lower Stratosphere)
- GPS observations of the tropical tropopause
3Vertical temperature profile
tropopause (tropics)
4Vertical temperature profile
tropical tropopause
midlatitude tropopause
5Latitudinal structure of the tropopause
6Latitudinal structure of the tropopause
7The tropopause is interesting because
- boundary between stratosphere and troposphere
- (air masses with different chemical and
- dynamical characteristics)
- tropical tropopause sets boundary condition for
air entering the stratosphere (key for water
vapor) - relevant for understanding climate variability
and change (a sensitive indicator of climate
9- Air enters the stratosphere in the tropics
ozone photochemical source region (tropics)
Brewer-Dobson circulation
maximum ozone due to transport
10Seasonal variation of column ozone
winter-spring maximum in both hemispheres
11QJRMS, 1949
12water vapor
very dry stratosphere
moist troposphere
13Stratosphere-troposphere exchange (STE)in
14aircraft ozone measurements
15What processes maintain the tropical tropopause?
radiative control
influence of deep convection
16Understanding the Tropical Tropopause Layer (TTL)
Gettelman and Forster, 2002
17Key questions re tropical tropopause layer
- What processes control dehydration and cirrus
formation? How important are large vs. small
scale processes? - What is the importance of convection for the
thermal and chemical structure of the TTL? - What is the detailed radiative balance, and how
might this evolve in a changing climate?
18Comparison of GPS with meteorological analyses
High resolution GPS measurements more
accurately resolve the tropical tropopause
19Sample of GPS tropical temperature profiles
note enhanced variability above 15 km
20Comparison of GPS with radiosondes
21Tropical temp variability studied with GPS data
- Seasonal climatology and annual cycle
- Quasi-biennial oscillation
- Planetary-scale Kelvin waves
- Small-scale waves (inertia-gravity waves)
22 tropical data from GPS (10 N 10 S)
obs per month
23Tropical tropopause temperatures
NH winter climatology
deep convection
24Variability of tropopause temperature
25Vertical structure at equator
26high, cold tropopause over South Asian Monsoon
NH summer climatology
deep convection
27Seasonal variation from GPS/MET data
28Amplitude of annual cycle in temperature
strong maximum just above the tropopause (amplitud
e 8 K) Why?
29Response of stratospheric water vapor to annual
cycle in tropopause temperature (tape recorder)
from Mark Schoeberl
30Quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO)
31Comparisons with Singapore radiosonde data
GPS/MET data
32Latitudinal structure of QBO
anomalies centered over equator
33Space-time variability on daily time
scales using CHAMP SAC-C data
- Kelvin waves
- identification
- coupling with zonal winds (QBO)
- forcing by tropical deep convection
- Small scales (gravity waves)
34Equatorial sampling of CHAMP and SAC-C
35Background stratospheric QBO
zonal winds
36Simple gridding procedure
37Planetary wave variability (gridded data)
19 km
17 km
38What are Kelvin waves?
39Kelvin waves in the ocean
40Vertical structure
eastward phase tilt with height characteristic
of Kelvin waves
41Individual GPS profiles
42A second example
43Variations in wave amplitude
44Daily variations in wave amplitude
45Residual temperature variance (small scales)
46Sample of GPS tropical temperature profiles
note enhanced variability above 15 km
47Gravity waves observed by GPS/MET
maximum in tropics (see Alexander et al., JAS,
Tsuda et al., JGR, 2000
48Residual (small-scale) wave variance
49Residual variance (small scales)
50Model simulation of gravity waves forced by deep
Alexander and Holton, 2000
51Gravity waves interacting with a critical level
52Gravity waves interacting with a critical level
critical level
53How are tropopause temperatures linked to deep
54Variations in tropical convectionfrom
55Correlation of waves with convection (OLR)
wave variance at 17 km
OLR near Indonesia
56Correlation of GPS temps and OLR near Indonesia
easterly winds in lower stratosphere
convection varies over this region
57Tropopause variations linked to convection
17 km
58January 28, 2002
convection directly over equator
59Correlation of GPS temps and OLR near Indonesia
westerly winds in lower stratosphere
convection varies over this region
60Vertical structure at equator
61Tropical tropopause temperatures
NH winter climatology
deep convection
62Key points
- GPS data allow high resolution view of ubiquitous
wave variability near tropical tropopause. - Kelvin waves (and smaller scales) strongly linked
to stratospheric zonal winds - Direct evidence for wave forcing from tropical
deep convection - Future work
- better understanding of smaller scales
- detailed variability of extratropical tropopause
63Future COSMIC EQUARS Soundings in a Day
GPS radio occultation Data will be available in
64annual variation at 17 km
65Stratospheric methane
photochemical loss of CH4
Brewer-Dobson circulation
high CH4 values from troposphere
66Contributions of Anthropogenic and Natural
Forcing to Recent Tropopause Height
ChangesSanter et al.Science, July 2003
observations (NCEP data)
climate model with changing CO2, ozone, aerosols,
decrease in tropopause pressure (increase
in altitude)