Title: Regional Meetings Data Update
1Regional MeetingsData Update
22005 Donor, Transplant, and Waiting List Numbers
3Waiting List Additions 1996-2005U.S.
Number of Registrations
4Waiting List Additions 1996-2005U.S.
5Deceased and Living Donors1996 - 2005
6Deceased and Living Donors2005By Region
7Deceased and Living Donors2005Region 1
8Deceased and Living Donors2005Region 2
9Deceased and Living Donors2005Region 3
Number of Donors
10Deceased and Living Donors2005Region 4
Number of Donors
11Deceased and Living Donors2005Region 5
Number of Donors
12Deceased and Living Donors2005Region 6
Number of Donors
13Deceased and Living Donors2005Region 7
Number of Donors
14Deceased and Living Donors2005Region 8
Number of Donors
15Deceased and Living Donors2005Region 9
Number of Donors
16Deceased and Living Donors2005Region 10
Number of Donors
17Deceased and Living Donors2005Region 11
Number of Donors
18Deceased Donors by Type1996 - 2005
19Standard Donors2003 - 2005
Number of Donors
20ECD Donors2003 - 2005
Number of Donors
21DCD Donors2003 - 2005
Number of Donors
22Deceased Donors by Type and Region2005
Number of Donors
23Deceased Donors by Type2005Region 1
Number of Donors
24Deceased Donors by Type2005Region 2
Number of Donors
25Deceased Donors by Type2005Region 3
Number of Donors
26Deceased Donors by Type2005Region 4
Number of Donors
27Deceased Donors by Type2005Region 5
Number of Donors
28Deceased Donors by Type2005Region 6
Number of Donors
29Deceased Donors by Type2005Region 7
Number of Donors
30Deceased Donors by Type2005Region 8
Number of Donors
31Deceased Donors by Type2005Region 9
Number of Donors
32Deceased Donors by Type2005Region 10
Number of Donors
33Deceased Donors by Type2005Region 11
Number of Donors
34Deceased Donor Transplants 2003 - 2005
35Deceased Donor Transplants 2003 - 2005Region 1
36Deceased Donor Transplants 2003 - 2005Region 2
37Deceased Donor Transplants 2003 - 2005Region 3
38Deceased Donor Transplants 2003 - 2005Region 4
39Deceased Donor Transplants 2003 - 2005Region 5
40Deceased Donor Transplants 2003 - 2005Region 6
41Deceased Donor Transplants 2003 - 2005Region 7
42Deceased Donor Transplants 2003 - 2005Region 8
43Deceased Donor Transplants 2003 - 2005Region 9
44Deceased Donor Transplants 2003 - 2005Region 10
45Deceased Donor Transplants 2003 - 2005Region 11
46Living Donor Transplants1996 - 2005
47Living Donor Transplants1996 - 2005
48Living Donor Transplants1996 - 2005
49Organs Transplanted Per Donor by Type1995 - 2005
50HRSAs Program Goals
- Increase the average number of organs
transplanted per DCD donors each year by 0.096 to
reach 3.0 in 2013
2005 Actual 1.98 2005 Goal 2.23
51HRSAs Program GoalsOrgans Transplanted Per DCD
Donor2003 - 2005
52HRSAs Program GoalsOrgans Transplanted Per DCD
Donor 2003 - 2005Region 1
53HRSAs Program GoalsOrgans Transplanted Per DCD
Donor 2003 - 2005Region 2
54HRSAs Program GoalsOrgans Transplanted Per DCD
Donor 2003 - 2005Region 3
55HRSAs Program Goals Organs Transplanted Per DCD
Donor 2003 - 2005Region 4
56HRSAs Program GoalsOrgans Transplanted Per DCD
Donor 2003 - 2005Region 5
57HRSAs Program GoalsOrgans Transplanted Per DCD
Donor 2003 - 2005Region 6
58HRSAs Program GoalsOrgans Transplanted Per DCD
Donor 2003 - 2005Region 7
59HRSAs Program GoalsOrgans Transplanted Per DCD
Donor 2003 - 2005Region 8
60HRSAs Program GoalsOrgans Transplanted Per DCD
Donor 2003 - 2005Region 9
61HRSAs Program GoalsOrgans Transplanted Per DCD
Donor 2003 - 2005Region 10
62HRSAs Program GoalsOrgans Transplanted Per DCD
Donor 2003 - 2005Region 11
63HRSAs Program Goals
- Increase the average number of organs
transplanted per non-DCD donors each year by
0.080 to reach 4.0 in 2013
2005 Actual 3.15 2005 Goal 3.36
64HRSAs Program GoalsOrgans Transplanted Per
Non-DCD Donor 2003 - 2005
65HRSAs Program GoalsOrgans Transplanted Per
Non-DCD Donor 2003 - 2005Region 1
66HRSAs Program GoalsOrgans Transplanted Per
Non-DCD Donor 2003 - 2005Region 2
67HRSAs Program Goals Organs Transplanted Per
Non-DCD Donor 2003 - 2005Region 3
68HRSAs Program Goals Organs Transplanted Per
Non-DCD Donor 2003 - 2005Region 4
69HRSAs Program Goals Organs Transplanted Per
Non-DCD Donor 2003 - 2005Region 5
70HRSAs Program Goals Organs Transplanted Per
Non-DCD Donor 2003 - 2005Region 6
71HRSAs Program Goals Organs Transplanted Per
Non-DCD Donor 2003 - 2005Region 7
72HRSAs Program Goals Organs Transplanted Per
Non-DCD Donor 2003 - 2005Region 8
73HRSAs Program Goals Organs Transplanted Per
Non-DCD Donor 2003 - 2005Region 9
74HRSAs Program Goals Organs Transplanted Per
Non-DCD Donor 2003 - 2005Region 10
75HRSAs Program Goals Organs Transplanted Per
Non-DCD Donor 2003 - 2005Region 11
76HRSAs Program Goals
- Increase the number of deceased donor organs
transplanted each year until 42,800 are
transplanted in 2013
Organs Txed
2005 Actual 23,261 2005 Goal 23,512
77HRSAs Program GoalsDeceased Donor Organs
Transplanted 2003-2005
Organs Transplanted
78HRSAs Program GoalsDeceased Donor Organs
Transplanted 2003-2005 Region 1
Organs Transplanted
79HRSAs Program GoalsDeceased Donor Organs
Transplanted 2003-2005 Region 2
Organs Transplanted
80HRSAs Program GoalsDeceased Donor Organs
Transplanted 2003-2005 Region 3
Organs Transplanted
81HRSAs Program GoalsDeceased Donor Organs
Transplanted 2003-2005 Region 4
Organs Transplanted
82HRSAs Program GoalsDeceased Donor Organs
Transplanted 2003-2005 Region 5
Organs Transplanted
83HRSAs Program GoalsDeceased Donor Organs
Transplanted 2003-2005 Region 6
Organs Transplanted
84HRSAs Program GoalsDeceased Donor Organs
Transplanted 2003-2005 Region 7
Organs Transplanted
85HRSAs Program GoalsDeceased Donor Organs
Transplanted 2003-2005 Region 8
Organs Transplanted
86HRSAs Program GoalsDeceased Donor Organs
Transplanted 2003-2005 Region 9
Organs Transplanted
87HRSAs Program GoalsDeceased Donor Organs
Transplanted 2003-2005 Region 10
Organs Transplanted
88HRSAs Program GoalsDeceased Donor Organs
Transplanted 2003-2005 Region 11
Organs Transplanted
89HRSAs Program Goals
- Increase the number of non-DCD donors each year
until 9251 is achieved in 2013
2005 Actual 7031 2005 Goal 6587
90HRSAs Program GoalsNon-DCD Donors Recovered
Donors Recovered
91HRSAs Program GoalsNon-DCD Donors Recovered
2003-2005 Region 1
Donors Recovered
92HRSAs Program GoalsNon-DCD Donors Recovered
2003-2005 Region 2
Donors Recovered
93HRSAs Program GoalsNon-DCD Donors Recovered
2003-2005 Region 3
Donors Recovered
94HRSAs Program GoalsNon-DCD Donors Recovered
2003-2005 Region 4
Donors Recovered
95HRSAs Program GoalsNon-DCD Donors Recovered
2003-2005 Region 5
Donors Recovered
96HRSAs Program GoalsNon-DCD Donors Recovered
2003-2005 Region 6
Donors Recovered
97HRSAs Program GoalsNon-DCD Donors Recovered
2003-2005 Region 7
Donors Recovered
98HRSAs Program GoalsNon-DCD Donors Recovered
2003-2005 Region 8
Donors Recovered
99HRSAs Program GoalsNon-DCD Donors Recovered
2003-2005 Region 9
Donors Recovered
100HRSAs Program GoalsNon-DCD Donors Recovered
2003-2005 Region 10
Donors Recovered
101HRSAs Program GoalsNon-DCD Donors Recovered
2003-2005 Region 11
Donors Recovered
102HRSAs Program GOALS
- Increase the number of DCD donors each year until
2018 is achieved in 2013
2005 Actual 562 2005 Goal 618
103HRSAs Program GoalsDCD Donors Recovered
Donors Recovered
104HRSAs Program GoalsDCD Donors Recovered
2003-2005 Region 1
Donors Recovered
105HRSAs Program GoalsDCD Donors Recovered
2003-2005 Region 2
Donors Recovered
106HRSAs Program GoalsDCD Donors Recovered
2003-2005 Region 3
Donors Recovered
107HRSAs Program GoalsDCD Donors Recovered
2003-2005 Region 4
Donors Recovered
108HRSAs Program GoalsDCD Donors Recovered
2003-2005 Region 5
Donors Recovered
109HRSAs Program GoalsDCD Donors Recovered
2003-2005 Region 6
Donors Recovered
110HRSAs Program GoalsDCD Donors Recovered
2003-2005 Region 7
Donors Recovered
111HRSAs Program GoalsDCD Donors Recovered
2003-2005 Region 8
Donors Recovered
112HRSAs Program GoalsDCD Donors Recovered
2003-2005 Region 9
Donors Recovered
113HRSAs Program GoalsDCD Donors Recovered
2003-2005 Region 10
Donors Recovered
114HRSAs Program GoalsDCD Donors Recovered
2003-2005 Region 11
Donors Recovered
115Conversion Rates for Non-DCD Donors LessThan 71
Years of Age 2003-2005