Title: The mission statement of
1The mission statementof
2My mission as a teacher is to help students
3By encouraging involved citizenship in our
school and in our democratic society.
- Good citizenship in the classroom is essential
for learning to occur, just as our democratic
society needs good citizens to function properly. - Language learning requires complete involvement
in the activities of the class.
4By increasing awareness of our role as citizens
of the global community.
- People of different countries think, speak, and
act differently. - These differences are not wrong- only different.
5 By fostering respect for themselves and
respect and compassion for others.
- Proper behavior comes from self-respect and
respect for the rights of others. - Being tolerant and sympathetic to others when
they make mistakes (and we will make many, some
of them downright laughable) is essential to
successful language learning.
6By encouraging self-discipline and pride in their
- Success and pride come from a job well-done.
- Self-discipline leads to doing
- the job well.
- Learning a second language requires
concentration, dedication, and a willingness to
take risks. It is also richly rewarding when you
can use the new language to communicate with
another person.
7By modeling and engendering positive thinking
- The motto in my class is Sí puedo hacerlo.
- I can do it!!!
- Each student is expected to perform at the
highest level possible and give 100 effort to
the tasks at hand. - No one should ever ask, Why dont they just
speak English?"
8By requiring personal responsibility
- through high expectations
- through consistent coaching to reach those
9By helping students learn coping mechanisms to
assist them in meeting challenges.
- Every student in my class is expected to
participate and I will use every technique,
trick, and method at my command to help them. If
necessary, I will even ask you, the
parent/guardian, for help. - It is my goal that every student will succeed in
communicating in the second language.
10By sharing other cultures with them to raise
their level of acceptance and tolerance.
- As we study the cultures of other civilizations,
we will develop tolerance and acceptance of
their customs.
11By modeling and requiring tolerance and
acceptance of each other
- Learning a new language makes one sound, feel,
and look funny. - It is important to be careful not to hurt the
feelings of others as they practice. - All of us will make mistakes, and we must be
tolerant and accepting of each other at these