Application Hosting - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Application Hosting


COMPLETED task done, wait for Hosting System to grab output ... Hosted Application grabs the input data. The Hosted Application only handles one task at a time. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Application Hosting

Application Hosting
  • WG-23 Status Report 29 October 2007

Targets for WG-6
  • Overview for WG-6 today
  • Review for Public Comment in March 2008
  • Frozen Draft in May/June 2008
  • May decide to ballot early if implementations are
    far enough along
  • Ballot Fall 2008

Basic Goals of Supp. 118
  • Simple encapsulation of existing applications
  • Self-contained applications
  • Data exchange via files (e.g. Part 10 format)
  • Ease development of new applications for DICOM
  • Simple abstract model
  • Hosting System parses and builds DICOM objects
  • Full native access available if needed
  • Use existing technology where practical

Out of Scope for Supp. 118
  • Full integration into the Hosting System GUI
  • No standard GUI widgets
  • However, host may provide rectangular screen area
    recommendation to cooperating applications
  • Discovery
  • No standard service for locating suitable
    applications on the Internet for installation
  • No mechanism for determining what applications
    are installed on the Hosting System
  • Access to DICOM services beyond storage

In Debate
  • Formalized description of applications
  • Against not enough time to get it right
  • For needed to verify application ID (e.g.
  • Alternative a paper-based description
  • Start-up method command line arguments
  • Against does not cover all start-up methods
  • For simple, available on most systems
  • Alternative 1 well-known port
  • Alternative 2 args, with well-known port
  • Alternative 3 leave it open, let host decide

Application Initialization
  • Hosting System locates desired Application using
    mechanisms outside of the standard.
  • Hosting System initializes the Hosted Application
    using the equivalent of a run or exec
  • Hosted Application utilizes command line
    arguments passed by the Hosting System to connect
    to the Host interface, and to present the
    Application interface.
  • If no command line arguments, the Hosted
    Application utilizes a well known port to
    obtain the needed information for connecting to
    the Host interface, and to present the
    Application interface.

Two Main Interfaces
  • Application holds methods that the Hosting
    System uses to control and feed data to the
    Hosted Application.
  • Host holds methods that the Hosted Application
    uses to communicate outputs to the Hosting
    System, and to notify it of status and state
  • One-to-one correspondence of instances of the
    Host and Application interfaces.
  • Interfaces are defined in WSDL to be language and
    platform independent.

Application Methods
  • setState(state State) boolean
  • getState() State
  • bringToFront() boolean

Host Methods
  • notifyStateChanged(state State) void
  • notifyOutputAvailable() void
  • notifyStatus(status Status) void
  • getTmpDir() String
  • getOutputDir() String
  • generateUID() String
  • getAvailableScreen(appPreferredScreen
    Rectangle) Rectangle

Application States
  • IDLE waiting for next task
  • INPROGRESS performing task
  • COMPLETED task done, wait for Hosting System to
    grab output
  • SUSPENDED task is not finished, but no
    processing is being done
  • CANCELED kill the task and release resources
    with no further output
  • EXIT destroy this instance of the application

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Application Running
  • On start-up, the Hosted Application waits in the
    IDLE state.
  • The Hosting System triggers a task by changing
    the Hosted Applications state to INPROGRESS.
  • Hosted Application grabs the input data.
  • The Hosted Application only handles one task at a
  • The Hosting System may simultaneously start
    multiple Hosted Applications, including more than
    one running instance of the same Hosted

Application Suspend
  • The Hosting System may pause a running Hosted
    Application by changing the state from
  • When suspended, the Hosted Application minimizes
    resource use without loosing task context.
  • The Hosting System asks the Hosted Application to
    continue processing the task by changing the
    state to INPROGRESS.

Application Cancel
  • The Hosting System kills a running or suspended
    task by changing the Hosted Applications state
    to CANCELED.
  • The Hosted Application aborts processing,
    releases all resources, and returns to the IDLE
    state, waiting for the next task.

Application Task Completion
  • When the Hosted Application has completed its
    task, it changes its state to COMPLETED and
    notifies the Hosting System of the state change.
  • When the Host System has collected the output
    data, the Hosted Application changes state to
    IDLE, and notifies the Hosting System of the
    state change.

Application Termination
  • If the Hosted Application is in the IDLE state,
    the Hosting System may terminate the Hosted
    Application by changing the state to EXIT.

Condition Handling
  • If there is a notable condition (e.g. a progress
    report, an error) in the Hosted Application, it
    may inform the Hosting System via a
    notifyStatus() call.
  • The Status includes
  • statusType (i.e. INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL)
  • codingSchemeDesignator
  • codeValue
  • messageString

Data Exchange
  • File Access Methods
  • Simple exchange of files (e.g. DICOM Part 10)
  • Can support other file formats (e.g. Analyze)
    used by researchers
  • Furthest along (essentially finished)
  • Model Access Methods
  • Both Native (e.g. DICOM models) and Abstract
    (e.g. Multi-Dimensional Image) versions
  • Uses commonly available tools that are often used
    to process XML
  • Is independent of the underlying data format

File Access Methods
  • getNativeObjectDescriptors() NativeObjectDescrip
  • getAsFile(desireObjects NativeObjectDescriptor
    ) NativeObjectLocator

Native Object Descriptor
  • Consists of
  • UUID String
  • MIMEType String
  • SOPClassUID String
  • Used to describe the native form of one object
    (e.g. a DICOM Part 10 file)
  • UUID used to
  • Avoid potential collisions with SOP Instance UID
  • Maintain generality

Native Object Locator
  • Consists of
  • referencedUUID String
  • uri URI
  • referencedUUID, which identifies the object, is
    taken from the Native Object Descriptor
  • The uri identifies the location of the desired
    object (i.e., the file)

File Exchange Sequence
return of NativeDescriptors
getAsFile( targets NativeDescrptors)
return of NativeLocators
Symmetric File Exchange
  • File Exchange methods are symmetric (i.e. the
    Hosted Application uses the same methods to get
    input data from the Hosting System that the
    Hosting System uses to get output data from the
    Hosted Applications)
  • Once the recipient asks for a Native Object
    Descriptor as a file, and the sender responds,
    then the sender takes the object off of the
    Native Object Descriptor list

Model Access Methods
  • Derived from Java Image IO concepts
  • Abstract access to common data
  • Generic mechanism to access format-specific data
  • Utilizes the XML Infoset concept
  • Hosting System maintains a model of the
    referenced data, e.g. using DOM tools
  • Using DOM does not mean that the data ever
    existed natively in XML form
  • DOM is a convenient way to describe the layout of
    the data, even if the data is in DICOM format
  • Hosted Application utilizes XPath to identify the
    desired data

Example XPath for Native Model
  • /DicomObject/ViewCodeSequence/Item_at_number1/
  • Will add a column to Part 6 Data Dictionary for
    properly formatted tag IDs
  • Will have provisions for proper Private Data
    Element access
  • Can access by Group and Element Tags instead of
    by tag ID

Alternative Without XPath
  • getNativeMetadata()
  • .getElementsByTagName(DicomObject).item(0)
  • .getElementsByTagName(ViewCodeSequence).
  • .getElementsByTagName(Item).item(0)
  • .getElementsByTagName(CodeMeaning
  • .getElementsByTagName(value)
  • .getNodeValue()

Proposed Model Methods
  • Get Abstract Object Descriptors
  • Alternative to getNativeObjectDescriptors()
  • Hosting System creates Abstract Models as needed
  • Returns Native Descriptors if not part of an
    Abstract Model
  • Get/Set XPath
  • May return single values or Infosets
  • Set may be restricted to values
  • Asymmetric
  • Hosting System manages the creation of models
  • Create new models related to old ones
  • Allows Hosting System to track info needed to
    serialize the object in DICOM
  • Allows Hosting System to add derived references

Abstract Model (in development)
  • Make life easier for the application developer
  • Draws simplified concepts from the new DICOM
    enhance multi-frame objects
  • Only commonly used dimensions included
  • References the source native models if an
    application needs full details
  • Assumes cooked data, e.g.
  • Modality LUT applied
  • Clean data (sign extended, no overlay bits)
  • Data from old style SOP Classes reorganized
  • Pixel interleaved color only
  • Signed unsigned integers, single double
  • Semantic intent and units included

Access to Bulk Data
  • Frame is the smallest common denominator
  • Bulk Data References done as file locators plus
    offsets to start of data
  • Can be read in with normal I/O, or
  • Can be accessed as memory-mapped files

Implementation Status
  • Three independent implementations of earlier
    version as proof of concept, including Java and
    .net versions interoperating
  • Primitive performance benchmarking
  • Two independent implementations of the file-based
  • Methodology similar to the model access methods
    used in other projects
  • Memory-mapped access used in other projects

Driving Forces
  • The eXtensible Imaging Platform project from
    NCIs caBIG program
  • First open source release due 15 December 2007
  • Hands on demonstration at RSNA 2007
  • Hands on tutorials at SIIM 2008
  • Initial focus on analysis applications for trials
  • Two hour workshop at Medical Imaging 2008
  • Multiple implementers

caBIG will facilitate sharing of infrastructure,
applications, and data
Core Principles
  • Common, widely distributed informatics platform
  • Shared vocabulary, data elements, data models
  • Common standard for developing applications

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In Vivo Imaging Workspace
  • Middleware
  • NCIA
  • geACRIN
  • AIM
  • XIP

What is the ?
  • The eXtensible Imaging Platform (XIP) is the
    image analysis and visualization tool for caBIG.
  • XIP is an open source environment for rapidly
    developing medical imaging applications from an
    extensible set of modular elements.
  • XIP may be used by vendors to prototype or
    develop new applications.
  • Imaging applications developed by research groups
    will be accessible within the clinical operating
    environment, using a new DICOM Plug-in interface
    first implemented in XIP.
  • XIP may server as a reference implementation of
    the DICOM WG-23 Application Hosting interfaces.

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XIP Plug-in Architecture
XIP Host
DICOM Plug-in Framework
  • WG-23 addresses clinical integration and vendor
    inter-operability by defining standardized
    plugs and sockets (APIs)
  • caBIG XIP addresses an open-architecture,
    open-source integrated development environment
    for rapid prototyping collaboration based on WG
    23 APIs.

XIP developed Application
Standard API

Unix, Mac, PC
Internet Server
Commercial Vendor 2
Commercial Vendor 1
? Prototype Collaboration ?
? Clinical ?
After Supp. 118?
  • Work item proposal for Phase 2 at spring 2008
    DICOM Standards Committee meeting
  • Phase 2 will fill holes from Phase 1 (e.g. some
    of the out of scope for 118 issues)

Abstract metadata for multidimensional image data
considered as functions
  • B Gibaud
  • 25/10/2007

  • Provide documentation of the bulk data
  • Concerning
  • logical organization
  • Range of the function scalar or not, data type
    used (uchar, char, int, float, double, etc)
  • Domain of the function Number of variables,
    order of variables, number of samples along each
    dimension, regular sampling or not
  • Semantics
  • Of components
  • Of variables

Spec of domain and range
  • Range (components)
  • Scalar
  • Data-type, e.g. int32
  • Semantics, e.g. T1weightedMRIsignalintensity
  • Vector
  • Nb-components table of (Data-type, Semantics)
  • Domain (variables)
  • Nature of interval
  • Regular-interval
  • Nb-samples inter-sample-distance sample-width
  • Non regular interval
  • Nb-samples origin table of (dist-to-origin,
    sample-width )
  • Semantics e.g. space, time, energy

Example 1
  • T1weighted MR dataset
  • Scalar Range
  • Data-typeint32
  • Semantics T1weightedMRsignalintensity
  • 3 variables
  • Regular interval
  • Nb-samples256, inter_sample-dist1mm,
  • semantics space along X
  • Regular interval
  • Nb-samples256, inter_sample-dist1mm,
  • semantics space along Y
  • Regular interval
  • Nb-samples120, inter_sample-dist 4mm,
  • semantics space along Z

Example 2
  • fMRI dataset
  • Scalar Range
  • Data-typeint16
  • Semantics T2STARMRsignalintensity
  • 4 variables
  • Regular interval
  • Nb-samples128, inter_sample-dist4mm,
  • semantics space along X
  • Regular interval
  • Nb-samples128, inter_sample-dist4mm,
  • semantics space along Y
  • Regular interval
  • Nb-samples12, inter_sample-dist 9mm,
  • semantics space along Z
  • Regular interval
  • Nb-samples200, inter_sample-dist 1s,
  • semantics time

Example 3
  • SPECT acquisition dataset (TOMO)
  • Scalar Range
  • Data-typeint16
  • Semantics Number of counts
  • 3 variables
  • Regular interval
  • Nb-samples128, inter_sample-dist4mm,
  • semantics space along X
  • Regular interval
  • Nb-samples128, inter_sample-dist4mm,
  • semantics space along Y
  • Regular interval
  • Nb-samples128, inter_sample-dist 2.81,
  • semantics space along theta (projection

Example 4
  • 3D displacement field (non linear registration)
  • Vector Range
  • 3 components
  • (Data-typefloat Semantics space
    displacement along X)
  • (Data-typefloat Semantics space
    displacement along Y)
  • (Data-typefloat Semantics space
    displacement along Z)
  • 3 variables
  • Regular interval
  • Nb-samples256, inter_sample-dist1mm,
  • semantics space along X
  • Regular interval
  • Nb-samples256, inter_sample-dist1mm,
  • semantics space along Y
  • Regular interval
  • Nb-samples120, inter_sample-dist 4mm,
  • semantics space along Z

Example 5-1
  • RGB 2D image
  • Vector Range
  • 3 components
  • (Data-typeint16 Semantics Luminance in
  • (Data-typeint16 Semantics Luminance in
  • (Data-typeint16 Semantics Luminance in
  • 2 variables
  • Regular interval
  • Nb-samples1024, inter_sample-dist0.5mm,
  • semantics space along X
  • Regular interval
  • Nb-samples1024, inter_sample-dist0.5mm,
  • semantics space along Y

Open issues 1
  • Need to have a sort of qualitative variable to
    manage e.g. RGB images in 3 separate planes,
    indexed by this variable ?
  • semantics of the corresponding variable would be
    Red, Green, Blue ?
  • semantics of the corresponding (scalar) range
    would be luminance ?
  • Probably needed
  • It would become somewhat arbitrary to choose
    between a  vector range  versus a colour
    qualitative variable

Example 5-2
  • RGB 2D image (as 3 separate planes)
  • Scalar Range
  • (Data-typeint16 Semantics Luminance)
  • 3 variables
  • Regular interval
  • Nb-samples1024, inter_sample-dist0.5mm,
  • semantics space along X
  • Regular interval
  • Nb-samples1024, inter_sample-dist0.5mm,
  • semantics space along Y
  • Qualitative variable
  • Nb-samples3
  • (Semantics Luminance in Red)
  • (Semantics Luminance in Green)
  • (Semantics Luminance in Blue)

Open issues 2
  • Need to manage related variables ? for instance
    in the SPECT example (TOMO), the indexing could
    be done both on the projection angle and on
  • Useful ?
  • Is sampling necessarily regular with both
    variables (linear relationship between the two) ?

Open issues 3
  • Need to manage units in which scalar components
    are represented (Hounsfield, NM units, etc.) ?
  • Useful ?

Example 6
  • MR Spectro
  • TBD
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