Title: Impasse Hearing San Diego City Firefighters I'A'F'F' Local 145
1Impasse HearingSan Diego City Firefighters
I.A.F.F. Local 145
April 16, 2007 Item 203
2Who We Are
- Local 145 Fire Personnel provide these public
safety services -
- Fire Suppression - Airport Crash/Rescue
- Emergency Medicine - Helo Air Operations
- Arson Investigation - HAZMAT Response
- Fire Inspection Services - Explosive Device
Response - Heavy Rescue Services - Urban Search Rescue
- WMD Preparedness - Wildland Firefighting
3San Diego City Firefighters
- In FY 2006
- Responded to 99,121 emergency calls
- Provided 64,916 emergency medical transports
- Completed 3,021 weed/brush inspections
- Responded to 349 hazardous materials incidents
4San Diego Firefighters Do More With Less
- There are only .69 firefighters per 1,000
population lowest ranking of any agency
surveyed - Department 300-400 firefighters and 22 stations
short compared to national standards
- source Accreditation Study
5Population Per FirefighterSource Accreditation
Highest ratio of citizens to firefighters
6How We Compare
- Compensation package is NOT competitive
Source Fire Compensation Study Source CPI
for San Diego Metropolitan Statistical Area
Dept of Labor
7How We Compare
8Top Step Fire Fighter II Total Compensation
ComparisonSource Fire Compensation Study
- Overtime is
- Necessary
- Department keeps approximately 50 budgeted
positions vacant - Mayor Sanders confirms that the department is 300
firefighters and 22 stations short (Accreditation
Report) - Mayor Sanders has budgeted 8M of vacancy
savings - Cost Effective
- Cheaper to work firefighters on overtime basis
than to hire additional personnel - Were running the equivalent of 3.5 Stations on
overtime shifts - Does not count towards retirement
- Mandatory
- Firefighters can be disciplined for refusing to
work mandatory coverage shifts - Constant minimum staffing required under Cal-OSHA
law - For FEMA activations, Wildland USR task forces
- Quality and continuous public service demand it
- Population increased 18 since 1990
- Staffing levels have not increased at near that
rate - Source SANDAG Fast Facts 1/2007
- A significant impact on firefighters
- Firefighters work 832 hours more per year for
base pay - Firefighter 2,912 hours per year
- 40 hour employee 2,080 hours per year
- Time away from family, important events.
- Fire Service works 24/7, 365
12Past Concessions
- No salary or health benefit increase for two
years - CPI for San Diego rose 7.2
- Health Care premiums rose an average of 25
- Take-home pay reduced 5.7 in FY 06 for
additional retirement contributions - Elimination of Retirement benefits for Employees
hired after 7/1/05 Retiree Health, DROP,
Purchase of Service
13Health/Flex Benefits
- Health benefits are critically important to
Firefighters - Face increased risk of injury/death
- Higher experience of heart and lung disease,
cancer - City eliminating lower-cost, Union-Administered
Health Plans from plan selection
14Health/Flex Benefits
- Citys annual contribution (5,575) is lowest of
all agencies in Mayors Fire Compensation Survey - 965 LESS than lowest comparable agency
(Oceanside 6,540) - 3,487 LESS than average
- 8,263 LESS than highest
- contributing agency
- (Encinitas 13,838)
15Annual Maximum Health Care/Flex Contribution
ComparisonSource City of San Diego Compensation
Benefits Study
3,487 less than average
16Consequences of City Proposal
17Fire Recruit Total Compensation
ComparisonSource Fire Compensation Survey
9,960 less than average
18Applicants Perspective
- Salary Not competitive and getting worse
- Health benefits Not competitive and getting
worse - Retiree Health No longer available
- DROP No longer available
- Purchase of Service No longer available
- Pension Benefit Under Attack
- Approved Overtime Under Attack
- Staffing Insufficient
- Resources Insufficient
19Salary Increase Comparison FY 07 through FY 09
Source City of San Diego Compensation Benefit
0 Increase
- 35 applicants rejected job offers since FY 2003
- A new trend
- Source Fire Department data
21Negotiations Status
- Firefighter One Year proposal
- 6 July 1, 2007 All classifications
- 2 July 1, 2007 Additional 2 for Fire
Recruit Fire Fighter classifications
only - Add 500 to annual Health Benefits allotment
- Delay modification of flex-benefit redesign for
one year - Safety Retirement status for all classifications
22City Proposal
- No salary or health benefit increases for third
year in a row - In the face of double-digit inflation
- Reduction of health benefit contribution for 59
of Local 145 members - without meeting obligation in MOU to study the
issue - Elimination of lower-cost union-offered health
benefit plans - Inconsistent with philosophy of managed
24Avoid Creating Recruitment and Retention Problems
- Firefighter One Year proposal
- 6 July 1, 2007 All classifications
- 2 July 1, 2007 Additional 2 for Fire
Recruit Fire Fighter I classifications
only - Add 500 to annual Health Benefits allotment
- Delay modification of flex-benefit redesign for
one year - Safety Retirement status for all
25Bottom Line
- San Diego Firefighters have assisted the City in
difficult financial times by agreeing to labor
contracts for the last two years - Agreements contained significant salary and
benefit reductions - Firefighters deserve a reasonable salary increase
- To avoid falling further behind the cost of
living and creating a significant recruitment and
retention problem - Cost of increase can be funded within current
Fire-Rescue Department budget - 8M in Vacancy savings included in FY 08 budget