Title: Availability Heuristic Experiment
1Availability Heuristic Experiment Click on the
arrow key for instructions.
2Instructions In this experiment, you will be
shown two lists of items, with each item
presented in the center of the screen for several
seconds. You should attend to each item as it
appears on the screen in preparation for a later
memory test. - If you have any questions, ask
the instructor now - - If not, click on the arrow
key to begin -
4Tim Kirkland
5Hillary Clinton
6Eric Reilly
7James Conklin
8Julia Roberts
9Darryl King
10Shaun Barber
11Janet Jackson
12Eleanor Roosevelt
13Troy McGee
14Mark Peterson
15Barbara Walters
16Mark Wright
17Oprah Winfrey
18John Gonzales
19Pamela Anderson
20Randy Jensen
21Dave Winslow
22Barry Walton
23Evan Stephenson
24Meg Ryan
25Jodie Foster
26Larry Simmons
27Doug Courson
28Rosie ODonnell
29The second list will now be presented in the
exact same fashion as the first list.
Presentation of the second list will begin in a
few seconds.
31Richard Meyerson
32Terrence Ford
33Tracy Wagner
34Bill Lewis
35Jane Schneider
36Wayne Hunter
37Sue Levine
38Nicole Forsythe
39Frank Larson
40Craig Freidman
41Ann Fuller
42Aaron Sawyer
43Mary Hoffman
44Adam Clark
45Scott Reeves
46Sara Hill
47Andy Mullen
48Michelle Goddard
49Todd Campbell
50Kevin Reynolds
51Teresa Brown
52Matt Wells
53Dana Carlson
54Jason Ellis
55Chad Randall
56Test Instructions Think back to the FIRST list
that was presented. Do you think there were more
male names in the list or more female names in
the list? Go to your answer sheet and indicate
your choice in the appropriate blank under List
1. After you do this, estimate the number of male
names and the number of female names that you
think were included in the list. Now consider
the SECOND list that was presented. Once again,
indicate whether you think there were more male
names or female names in the list, and then
provide estimates for the number of male and
female names that were included. - Press the
escape key when you are finished -