Sharper Image - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Sharper Image


At Open House, you should introduce your parents to your teachers. ... A woman's two-piece suit specifically designed to be worn without a blouse is acceptable. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Sharper Image

Sharper Image
Course Integrated Business Applications Objectiv
e Explain how participation in career and
technology education student organizations (FBLA)
can promote lifelong responsibility for continued
professional development (standard for student
organizations, B4) Click on the following links
for information related to that topic.
  • Table Manners
  • Shaking Hands
  • Stand, Sit, and Walk with Pride
  • Body Language
  • Conduct
  • Introductions
  • Grooming (Nails)
  • Professional Attire
  • Table Manners
  • Shaking Hands
  • Stand, Sit, and Walk with Pride
  • Body Language

Table Manners
  • Always start with the implement of each type that
    is farthest from the plate, assuming the table
    has been correctly set. In other words, begin at
    the outside and eat in.

Table Manners (cont.)
  • Unfold napkin and place in lap. Wait for hostess
    to do so first.
  • If its a large napkin, unfold to half its size.
    Begin eating after hostess picks up her first
    implement, or, if a very large party, after five
    or six have been served.

Correct Silverware Usage
  • Hold fork between index finger and thumb, resting
    fork on middle finger about midway up the fork

Like this!
Not like this!
Cutting Meat
  • To cut meat, hold fork in left hand and knife in
    right hand. Then switch fork to right hand to

American style of using a knife and fork
  • In the American style of eating, after cutting
    your meat you switch the fork to your right hand
    from the left, put your knife down on the plate,
    spear a piece of meat, and then eat it. (Its a
    lot of work, doing it that way, but thats the
    way we do it in this country.)

Between cuttings
  • Place knife on plate, diagonally, on upper right
    corner between cuttings. Dont cut meat up all
    at once preferably one bite at a time.

  • When you have paused in eating but have not
    finished, leave your fork and knife in this
    position. A trained waiter will know that you
    are signaling him not to remove your plate.
    Place your napkin in your seat or to the left of
    the plate.

  • When you leave your fork and knife on the side of
    the plate in this position (fork tines may be up
    or down), it signals the waiter that you are
    through eating and that your plate may be removed.

  • Place the napkin to the left of the plate. Wait
    for the hostess to do so first. If the plate has
    already been removed, put the napkin in the
    plates place.

Table Manners Guidelines
  • Dishes are passed counterclockwise (to the person
    on your right).
  • If someone on the far end asks for something to
    be passed, and you want some when it goes by you,
    its okay to help yourself as it goes by as long
    as you dont get the last serving.
  • If youre a guest at a dinner party, its a good
    idea to wait until the hostess offers seconds.

Guidelines (cont.)
  • Serving dishes and pitchers with handles should
    be passed with handle toward person receiving it.
  • Remember to say please and thank you.
  • When passing your plate to the head of the table
    for seconds, leave the knife and fork on the
    plate, and be sure they are far enough on not to
    topple off.

Guidelines (cont.)
  • If you are serving a table, serve to the left,
    remove from the right.
  • If you must leave before the others have
    finished, always say, May I be excused, please?
    Then say, I enjoyed it to the hostess.
  • Contribute your share to polite conversation.
    (not illness, dental work, etc.)

Guidelines (cont.)
  • If something is in your mouth that you need to
    discard, whether its a bone, seed, or whatever
    as inconspicuously as possible, spit it into your
    fork or fingers and quickly place it on the edge
    of your plate. Do not spit it into your napkin.
  • If it happens to be a bug, or a hair, quietly
    discard it under the table. No need to ruin
    everyone elses meal. You may use your napkin
    for a bug. If in a restaurant, notify the waiter.

Guidelines (cont.)
  • If you have a bite of chewed meat you cant
    swallow as inconspicuously as possible, remove
    the unconquered portion with your fingers and
    sneak it safely out of sight under a piece of
    lettuce or potato skin.
  • You may use a piece of bread to push food onto
    your fork if you need to, or you may hold your
    knife in your left hand and use the knife to push
    the food onto the fork.

Guidelines (cont.)
  • You may mop up the last bit with bread, provided
    you do it with your fork not your fingers.
  • Bread should be pulled apart into moderate-sized
    pieces with your fingers. You may use your knife
    for biscuits or toast. Dont butter rolls ahead,
    rather butter each piece and then eat it.

Guidelines (cont.)
  • If you have a bread and butter plate, keep your
    roll there. If not, keep it on the top left side
    of your plate. You can discreetly pick up crumbs
    and put on your plate.
  • Soup Dip spoon away from you. Eat from the
    side of the spoon.
  • Spaghetti Twirl with a fork. Dont cut.

Guidelines (cont.)
  • Other cultures Korean cuisine
  • When you eat with older people, you would not
    lift a spoon or chopstick until the older people
    begin, Lockcuff says. (unknown news source)
  • Dont use toothpicks or pick your teeth with your
    fingers at the table. Go to the restroom if you
    cant wait.
  • Sit erect with your feet on the floor, not on the

Guidelines (cont.)
  • Never sprawl your legs out far enough under the
    table to encroach upon the territory of others.
  • Never blow your food to cool it.
  • Never serve yourself with your own silver.
  • No elbows on the table.
  • Hands in lap when not eating.
  • When eating, keep the hand you are not using in
    your lap.

Guidelines (cont.)
  • Do not talk with food in your mouth.
  • Chew with your lips closed.
  • Dont gesture with your silverware.
  • Dont tip chairs.
  • Dont meet your food halfway. Bring it up to
    your mouth.
  • If you have a spill
  • In a home say Im sorry. Help, if needed.
  • In a restaurant Call the waiter.

Guidelines (cont.)
  • Wait until you have swallowed your food to take a
  • Dont encircle your plate with one arm while
    eating with the other.
  • Dont push back your plate when finished. Wait
    until it is removed or you clear it.

Dear Abby
  • I am 60 years old. Somewhere in the past, I
    acquired the habit of pushing my plate toward the
    center of the table when I finished eating.
  • My ladyfriend, who was born and educated in
    England, says this really gets on her nerves.
  • I never noticed it before because I have always
    thought it was properthat it signals to the
    server that you are finished with that course.
    Please advise.Serious in Boston

Dear Serious
  • Pushing ones plate toward the center of the
    table is not proper. To signal the server that
    you have finished eating and are ready to have
    your plate removed, place your knife and fork
    together diagonally across the upper right corner
    of the rim of your plate. The knife blade should
    face inward and the fork should be on the

  • Video Proper Table Manners The Dos and
  • Video Introduction, Definition, and History of

Shaking Hands
  • Use a pleasantly firm grip and look the person in
    the eye. (Handshake Video)
  • Men and boys shake hands when introduced
  • Traditionally, ladies have not shaken hands when
    introduced to other ladies however, they have
    begun to shake hands in social and business
    settings. Either is okay. If someone offers
    their hand, shake it!

Shaking Hands, Continued
  • When a man is introduced to a woman, its up to
    the woman to offer her hand if she chooses
    (exceptionshost, boss, friend of parents, much
    older man) however, if he offers his hand, shake
  • A child should be prepared to shake hands when
    adults offer their hands.

On former President Clinton
  • But what would you think if you got to know him?
  • Chances are the first impression would be
    terrific. He is a seductive conversationalist,
    the kind of man who locks eyes and hands on a new
    acquaintance and makes you feel like nobody is
    more important.
  • His soft, beefy right hand grabs yourshis left
    hand resting atop the handshake for a
    double-barreled hello. He nods his head with
    your every point RightExactlyI know. And at
    his most charming, he might yoke a heavy arm
    around your neck in a best-buddy embrace.
  • He is one of the most attentive, intensive
    listeners Ive ever known said Blair, a friend
    since the 1970s.
  • But dont be surprised if his blue eyes suddenly
    dart over your shoulder. Somebody more
    compelling might be standing behind youa
    congressman, a corporate head, a flashy Hollywood
  • Hes always looking for the next conversational
    conquest, said another longtime friend. (news
    source unknown)

Introduce With Pride
Knowing how to introduce people helps to put
yourself and others at ease. Remember that both
people are not being introduced, but that one
person is being introduced to the other. One
person is shown a little more courtesy, so you
say that persons name first.
  • President, Ministers, Principals
  • Older people
  • Ladies
  • Gentlemen
  • Children

Introductions (cont.)
  • Introduce a man to a woman. Say the womans name
    first. Ex., Jenny, this is my cousin, Robert
    Smith. Robert, this is Jenny Atwood.
  • Introduce a young person to an older person. Say
    the older persons name first. Ex. Mr. Staples,
    this is my little sister, Nancy.

Introductions (cont.)
  • Introduce your friends to your parents. Say your
    parents names first. Ex. Mom and Dad, Id like
    for you to meet Mary Adams and Susie Smith.
    Mary and Susie, my parents, Mr. and Mrs. Scott.
  • Introduce everyone to a minister or head of
    country or state. Say the ministers name first.
    Ex., Dr. Graham, this is my mother, Martha

Introductions (cont.)
  • When introducing people of the same sex and same
    age, say either name first. Dont say this is
    my friend, Mary. It may make the other person
    feel like shes not your friend.
  • At Open House, you should introduce your parents
    to your teachers. Say your teachers name first.
    Ex. Mrs. Poag, this is my Mom. Mrs. Wilson.
    You may reverse this in the grocery store and say
    your Moms name first.

Introductions (cont.)
  • When you have been introduced, respond to the
    introduction and try to repeat the persons name.
    Its a compliment to the person, and it helps
    you to remember their name.
  • When making an introduction say something that
    will suggest a topic of conversation for those
    being introduced. Ex., Mom, this is Stephanie.
    Shes in my strings class at school. Stephanie,
    this is my mom, Mrs. Mills."

When to Rise and Shine
  • Young people rise at an introduction to an older
    person, whether a man or a woman. Actually, the
    young one rises when the older one enters the
  • Usually girls and women do not rise when
    introduced to their own kind and contemporaries.
  • Men and boys rise for all introductions, unless
    seated at a dinner table. To show his manners he
    makes a slight gesture of partially rising

Introductions Review
  • Introduce a
  • Man to a woman
  • Young to old
  • Lower to higher

Say this persons name first
What to Say
  • More formal How do you do?
  • Less Formal
  • Hello.
  • Im glad to meet you.
  • Its nice to meet you.
  • NOT pleased ta meecha

  • Video More on Introductions
  • Video Tips for Polite Introductions

Public EntertainmentBasic Principles of Conduct
  • Be on time
  • Dress appropriately
  • Do not draw attention to yourself by noisy or
    conspicuous behavior.
  • Do remember that others in the audience, as well
    as the performers, are entitled to your

Public Entertainment Conduct (cont.)
  • Excuse me, please is the natural thing to say
    when having to disturb anyone in order to get to
    or leave your seat in a theater. If someone has
    to stand to let you pass, add Thank you or Im
    sorry. If you have to pass them again, say Im
    sorry to disturb you again, and Thank you as
    they let you go by.
  • When climbing in and out of a row of seats, face
    the stage or front and press closely to the backs
    of the seats in front of you, being careful not
    to drag your coat or purse over the heads of
    those seated nearby.

Public Entertainment Conduct (cont.)
  • Let others pass by moving knees in, or to the
    side, or standing if necessary.
  • Quiet please? Not talking during performance.
  • Do not hum or keep time with fingers or feet,
    rustle programs or candy wrappers, or indicate
    approval or disapproval with gasps, groans,
    sighs, etc.

Public Entertainment Conduct (cont.)
  • At a symphony, the conductor and guest soloists
    are applauded when they walk onto the stage.
    Clapping stops as soon as the conductor steps
    onto the podium and raises his baton. Applaud
    when the conductor turns toward the audience and

Stand, Sit, and Walk with Pride
  • Poor posture is a persons number one image
  • Perfect standing, sitting, and walking posture is
    not only the most attractive presentation of the
    body, it is the most comfortable.
  • Learn the art of standing and carrying yourself

Stand, Sit, and Walk with Pride
  • Superb posture emphasizes height and makes
    fashions look their best. Broad shoulders fill
    out clothing. Backs must be straight. You will
    be hard pressed to find a model, actor, or any
    famous, successful man or woman who slumps.

Stand, Sit, and Walk with Pride
  • Not only does poor posture distort physical
    appearance and body functions, it has an equally
    adverse effect on ones spirits and emotions.
    Mental fatigues and depression go hand in hand
    with a fatigued and depressed posture.
  • According to the National Physical Therapy
    Association, correcting posture problems may
    bring immediate relief from pain and promote
    movement efficiency, endurance, and a feeling of
    well-being. (news source unknown)
  • Stand highfeel high stand lowfeel low
  • If you are feeling low and unsuccessful, try
    changing your posture. It may just lift your

Stand, Sit, and Walk with Pride
  • Whenever you try to correct a posture fault,
    whether it be in standing, sitting, or walking,
    the proper position is going to feel awkward to
    you at first. That is because your bad habits
    have become natural to you. Good habits are
    going to feel unnatural at the beginning. It is
    only through constant practice that you can
    eliminate both the bad habits and the awkward
    feeling which accompanies the changeover. But I
    assure you, the good habits will become the most
    natural and comfortable ones.

Stand, Sit, and Walk with Pride
  • Perfect posture is a goal worth striving for.
    Make the most of your body and enjoy the aura of
    poise and self confidence that will surely be
    your reward.

Posture Checklist
  • Ears - Back over the shoulders.
  • Chin - Parallel to the floor
  • Shoulders - Back, down, and relaxed
  • Rib cage - Elevated at all times
  • Stomach Pulled in and taut
  • Pelvis Tucked in and tilted slightly forward
  • Knees Relaxed and slightly flexed
  • Feet Weight rests on the center of the foot

  • Cuticles
  • Massage with cuticle oil
  • Gently push back cuticles with cuticle stick. If
    you arent careful, you can damage the matrix
    from which the nails grow.
  • Wash off with soap and water

Nails (cont.)
  • File
  • Use an emory board not a metal file.
  • Use clippers for hangnails only.
  • File in one direction. Use long strokes from the
    side to the center.
  • File into a slightly square (to strengthen sides)
    or oval shape.
  • Dont file deep down at the corners as this can
    cause splitting and ingrown nails.

Nails (cont.)
  • Polish Only polish if you are going to keep it
    flawless! Repair and redo when needed.
  • Nail Shape examples

Not this
Or this
Professional Attire Female
  • Business suit
  • Business pantsuit
  • Skirt or dress slacks with blouse or sweater
  • Business dress
  • Dress shoes and nylons
  • Dress or skirt lengths must be below mid thigh.
  • A womans two-piece suit specifically designed to
    be worn without a blouse is acceptable.

Professional Attire - Male
  • Business Suit with collared dress shirt and
  • Sports coat, dress slacks, collared shirt, and
  • Dress slacks, collared shirt, and necktie
  • Banded collar shirt may be worn only if sport
    coat or business suit is worn.
  • A sweater over collared shirt with necktie is
  • Dress shoes and dress socks.

FBLA presents
  • Dressing for the business world


Todays ObjectiveDemonstrate powerful and weak
body language used in business.
What is Your Body Saying?The Basics to Body
Powerful Body Language
  • Openness Open hands, unbuttoned coat.
  • Confidence Steepled hands, hands behind back,
    back stiffened, hands in coat pockets with thumb
    out, fingers forming pyramid.
  • Cooperation Upper body in sprinter's position,
    open hands, sitting on edge of chair, hand to
    face gestures, unbuttoning coat.

(No Transcript)
Weak Body Language
  • Nervousness Pinching flesh, fidgeting, covering
    mouth, jiggling money or keys, tugging ears,
    wringing hands.
  • Frustration Tightly clenched hands, wringing
    hands, fist-like gestures, pointing index finger,
    rubbing hand through hair, rubbing back of neck.

Weak Body Language contd
  • Defensiveness Arms crossed, sideways glance,
    touching-rubbing nose, rubbing eyes, buttoned
    coat, drawing away.
  • Insecurity Pinching flesh, chewing pen, thumb
    over thumb, biting fingernail.

What is my body saying to you?
Additional Information
  • Etiquette and Attire
  • FBLA

Rock Hill High School FBLA Advisors, President
and Vice President at the National Leadership
Conference in Nashville, July 2006.
Credits and Bibliography
  • Presentation Created By
  • Pam Poag Lisa Tompkins
  • Rock Hill High School Business Teachers
  • Data compiled from
  • Emily Posts Etiquette
  • FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America -
  • ClipArt
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • Original Sound Recordings Pam Poag and Lisa
  • Videos and Google Video
  • Music I Feel Pretty (Westside Story)
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