Title: How Self-funding Works
1How Self-funding Works
100 Non-refundable Premium
Stop Loss Premiums
Potential Claims (Opportunity to Save)
3- Claims treated as expenses
- Potential for savings
- Most premium taxes avoided
- Avoid certain coverage levels
- We manage self-funding
- Specific stop loss
- Aggregate stop loss
4Stop Loss limits your liability
- Specific stop loss limit 40,000
- Individual catastrophic claims 50,000
- Amount paid by insurer 10,000
5Stop Loss limits your liability
- 400,000 x 125 500,000
- 500,000 Attachment Point
6Maximum funding recommended
Maximum Cost Total of all premiums paid
100 Non-refundable Premium
7Maximum funding recommended
Administrative Expenses Stop Loss
Premiums Maximum Claims
Stop Loss Premiums
Potential Claims (Opportunity to Save)
Covered Employees 65 Annual Premiums
450,000 Monthly Payment 37,500 Claim
Payments 170,000 Annual Premiums
450,000 Claim Payments -170,000 Carrier
Profit 280,000 Claim Reserve 60,000
Administration 20,000
Stop Loss Premiums 130,000
100 Non-refundable Premium 450,000
Actual Aggregate Claims 170,000
Actual Savings 130,000
20,000 130,000 150,000 12,500
per month Claims paid 170,000 Savings
Administration 20,000
Stop Loss Premiums 130,000
100 Non-refundable Premium 450,000
Actual Aggregate Claims 170,000
Actual Savings 130,000
10In Summary
- Funds belong to your company
- Flexible plan design
- Compare at no cost or obligation
- Accurate claim settlement
- Greater financial control
- Access plan information 24/7
- Decision making
- Monthly management reports
- Plan for the future
- Adapt to change
- Meet employee needs