Title: Beauty Production at HERAB
1Beauty Production at HERA-B
- Performance of the Second Level Trigger
- And bb Cross Section in 920 GeV pN Collisions
Ph.D. thesis by Brian Aagaard Petersen
June 4, 2002
- Introduction
- The HERA-B experiment
- The trigger system
- The trigger performance
- Beauty production cross section
- Conclusions
3Standard Model
4b Hadron Decays
b hadrons decay weakly
Hundreds of different final states available
5CP Violation
- Main goal of b physics is to measure CP violation
What is CP?
CP is a symmetry in QED and QCD
CP violation seen in weak decays of s quarks
6CP Violation in Beauty
CP violation predicted in many channels
Two decay paths
7New Beauty Experiments
Three experiments built to measure CP in b system
- BaBar and Belle
- Located at SLAC, USA and KEK, Japan
- Asymmetric ee- colliders on ?(4s) resonance
- ?(4s)?B0B0 clean event topology
- Measured sin2ß0.78?0.08
- Fixed target exp. at DESY, Germany
- Use 920 GeV proton beam on different nuclei
- Only 1 in 106 interactions contain b hadrons!
- Golden decays in 10-11 events. Need high IA rate
8The HERA-B Experiment
9The HERA-B Experiment
- Vertex detector
- 8 superlayers of silicon microstrip detectors
(50 mm pitch) - Provides high resolution vertexing (500 mm in z,
50 mm in x/y)
10The HERA-B Experiment
- Magnet
- Conventional warm dipole magnet with field
integral of 2.2 Tm - Equipped with several tracking chambers (Removed
in 2002!)
11The HERA-B Experiment
- Main tracking system
- Divided into two systems with different
segmentation - MSGC and Honeycomb drift chambers (90 and 300
mm resol.)
12The HERA-B Experiment
- Hadron identification
- Ring Imaging Cherenkov detector (C4F10 radiator
gas) - Provides p, K and P separation for 3 GeV/c lt p lt
60 GeV/c
13The HERA-B Experiment
- Charged lepton identification
- Electrons Electromagnetic calorimeter
- Muons 4 tracking stations between hadron
14A Golden Decay at HERA-B
Topology for a golden event
- Unfortunately B hadrons are not produced alone
15Typical HERA-B Event
- At design rate average of five interactions per
Need a trigger system to filter out interesting
16The Trigger System
- Requirements
- Handle a new event every 96 ns
- Reduce event rate with O(105)
- Have high efficiency for signal events (J/y
- Solution
- Four levels of triggers
- Buffer events during processing
- Events are processed in parallel
- Main idea is to track leptons with high momentum
through the complete detector - Tracking only done in Region of Interest (RoI)
17The HERA-B Trigger System
- Pretriggers
- Searches for electron and muon candidates
- Used to define RoIs for the first level trigger
18The HERA-B Trigger System
- First Level Trigger (FLT)
- Searches for hits in RoIs after the magnet (
Kalman Filter) - Can apply mass and pt cuts on pairs of found
19The HERA-B Trigger System
- Second Level Trigger (SLT)
- Confirms and refines the FLT tracks (RoI based)
- Prolongs tracks through the magnet and the VDS
to the target
20The SLT Algorithm
- Slicer
- Requires hits in RoI behind magnet (ghost
removal) - RefitX/RefitY
- Refits track parameters from FLT (Kalman Filter)
- L2Magnet
- Parameterizes bending in magnet.
- L2Sili
- Finds tracks and calculates parameters in the VDS
- L2Vertex
- Requires track pairs to come from a common vertex
21Trigger Hardware
- Pretriggers and FLT
- Uses custom-made hardware
- Events pipelined on detector
- Specialized data transmission
- Processing on PC farm
- Buffer and switch made from DSP processors
- TLT runs on the same farm
- Fourth level trigger (4LT)
- Uses a second PC farm
- Does full event reconstruction
- Does not reject any events
22SLT Performance
- The key performance parameters
- Efficiency How many signal events is written to
tape? - Trigger rates Do we get enough suppression?
- Timing Is the algorithm fast enough?
- Ghost rate How many of the tracks are real
leptons? - Track precision How well do reconstruct tracks?
Evaluated for 2000 and 2002 trigger configurations
23The 2000 Trigger Config.
- The FLT was not ready for the 2000 run
- Use pretriggers to seed SLT directly instead
- Reduce trigger rate by hard ET cuts and
downscaling - Interaction rate was adjusted to about 5 MHz
- SLT first emulates part of the FLT (muon
tracking) - The SLT tracking algorithms has to use large RoIs
- No common vertex requirement is used
- Reduced detector performance
- ITR not available for the SLT (30 less
acceptance) - OTR, ECAL and MUON systems plagued by dead and
noisy channels. Efficiencies not very well-known
24J/y Trigger Efficiency
- The main losses are due to detector performance
25Muon Tracking Efficiency
- The muon tracking requires hits in all 4
Pretrigger handles last two layers SLT handles
first two layers
The problem is the first layer! The SLT here
requires a double hit
Single cell efficiency 85 Double hit
efficiency (85)272 Two muons (72)252
26J/y Rates in Data and MC
Run 16665
- MC underestimates signal!
- Muon detector efficiency is very uncertain
In electron channel, MC signal is 50 too high!
27SLT 2000 Trigger Rates
- The lack of FLT gives more suppression in the SLT
- Suppression more than sufficient SLT limited at
input - MC statistics insufficient to evaluate full chain!
28SLT 2000 Timing
- ee- channel needs 60 nodes
- mm- channel needs 40 nodes
Only 100 nodes busy
29The 2002 Configuration
- Detector performance have been improved
- FLT and ITR are now available
- FLT pair mode efficiency very uncertain
- The 2002 baseline trigger
- FLT only required to find one lepton
- SLT finds second lepton based on pretriggers
(as in 2000 configuration) - Interaction rate of 5-10 MHz
- FLT output rate adjusted with pt cut
30SLT Upgrades
- 300-450 MHz CPUs upgraded to 1200 MHz
- ITR included in Slicer/Refit algorithms
- Muon tracking rewritten for higher efficiency
- Refit code speeded up
- L2Magnet now use hits in a magnet chamber
- L2Sili rewritten for speed and precision
- L2Vertex is now used
Algorithm has not been tested on 2002
data Performance evaluation based on 1 million MC
31FLT Trigger Rates
Rates as function of pt
SLT/DAQ is limited to 30 KHz input rate
- Muon channel OK with
- Ptgt0.7 GeV at 5 MHz
- Ptgt1.4 GeV at 10 MHz
Electron rate is too high! Require bremsstrahlung
- Electrons emit bremsstrahlung in material
Bremsstrahlung visible as second cluster Very
clean signature of electrons! ECAL pretrigger can
detect these FLT requires the electrons to have
bremsstrahlung Lowers FLT trigger rate by 2
orders of magnitude
33SLT Trigger Rates
Maximum reconstruction rate in 4LT 50 Hz
Can reduce rate by 50-75 with a 2.0 GeV mass cut
Output rate looks OK, but at the limit!
34SLT Timing for muons
Only 40-65 nodes needed
More than sufficient CPU power available!
35J/y Trigger Efficiency
Electron efficiency low due to bremsstrahlung
All SLT components at 90 or above Very
difficult to improve up on
36Efficiency Dependency on pt
10 MHz cut
5 MHz cut
- At 10 MHz (ptgt1.4 GeV)
- J/y?mm- efficiency drops 30
- J/y?ee- efficiency drops 50
37Predicted 2002 J/y Rates
After 2000 hours of running at 10 MHz
Still have to correct for detector performance
38Physics Program 2002
J/y yield too low for CP violation measurement
- New HERA-B physics program
- A dependence of charmonium production
- Measure production rate of J/y, y, cc and ?
- as a function of xF and target material
- Beauty production cross section
- Make a precise measurement of the cross section
- using beauty hadron decays into J/y mesons
39 - The bb Cross Section
- Using the 2000 data
40The bb Cross Section
- Beauty production a test of QCD
Large theory uncertainties Contradictory
More measurements needed!
41The Method
Use b ? J/yX decays with J/y?mm- and J/y?ee-
Luminosity and efficiency poorly known
Measure relative to prompt J/y signal
- Procedure
- Count J/y events ( prompt J/y events, nP)
- Select detached J/y events to count b events (nB)
- Calculate s(bb) from the ratio nB/nP
42J/y?mm- Data Sample
- The full muon triggered sample (100 hours)
43Improved J/y Sample
- Reduce background
- Muon ID
- RICH ID (not K)
- Common vertex
S/B factor 4 better
nP2880 events
44Detached Event Selection
- Use the long lifetime of b hadrons
Vertex at primary
45The Detached Events
- A few detached J/y events observed downstream
Use unbinned likelihood fit of mass spectrum Free
exponential for bkg and fixed Gaussian for signal
Fit result nB1.9 events
Background mainly from semileptonic b and c decays
46A Candidate Event
J/y candidate with two extra tracks
Primary vertex
B candidate is not fully reconstructed!
47The J/y?ee- Channel
- More bkg in ee- channel
- Use hard PID to see J/y
- Not needed for detached!
Estimate without PID cuts nP7750520STAT280SYS
48Detached J/y?ee- Selection
- Dzgt 0.5 cm
- e impact parameter to wire Iw gt 200 mm
- OR
- Closest track at wire more than 250 mm away
49Combined Likelihood Fit
- Simultaneous fit of s(bb) in ee- and mm-
Combined fit
Not reducible (14)
statistics limited
51Result and Comparisons
HERA-B result s(bb)32 8sys nb
HERA-B result is fully compatible with theory and
Statistical precision still low
Need 2002 data
- HERA-B is a high rate, low S/B experiment
- SLT is flexible, but subject to detector perf.
- SLT algorithm has been improved for 2002 run
- Much higher J/y yields are now expected
- s(bb) has been measured from 2000 data
53The Golden Decay
Golden event rate at HERA-B O(10-10-10-11)
54The HERA-B Experiment
- Other systems
- Special tracking system for triggering on
high-pt hadrons - Transition radiation detector for e-p separation
55Design Values