Title: Energy Savings
1Energy Savings Efficiency Workshop Faith
- Portland, ME
- April 26, 2009
2Workshop Objectives
- Learn
- how to conduct a basic energy assessment
- about energy, basic building structures and
mechanical systems - how to gather and interpret data to measure
energy use - simple, cost-effective ways to save energy
3Faith Community Energy Assessment Top 4
- Heating
- Insulation Building Envelope
- Hot Water
- Lighting
- Overview of basic heating systems
- Determine building/heating efficiency (2
calculations) - Calculating efficiency of heating system
- Calculating rate of heating fuel use
- Assessing building occupancy patterns
- Identify common issues and problems
- Identify cost effective solutions
5Overview of basic heating systems
- Boiler
- Distributes heat via hot water or steam
- Delivers heat to
- Radiators
- Hot water baseboard
- Cast iron
- In floor radiant
- Oil or gas fired
- Typically used in halls and offices
- Furnace
- Distributes heat via hot air through
ductwork - Delivers heat to spaces
- Floor registers
- Ceiling registers
- Oil or gas fired
- Typically used in sanctuaries
6Determine building/heating efficiency
- Calculating an estimate of
- heating building system efficiency
7Determine building/heating efficiency
Calculating estimated building heating efficiency
- Formula to calculate estimated building heating
efficiency - Annual Fuel Use (gallons)
- Square Footage of Building
8Determine building/heating efficiency What the
numbers mean
- .1 to .25 efficient heating system well
insulated building little to no action needed - .25 to .5 investigate heating system
efficiency insulation likely action needed - .5 to .75 inefficient system or poor
insulation plan for action - .75 ALERT! Youre heating the outdoors take
action immediately!
9Determine building/heating efficiencyCalculating
Estimated Heating/Building System Efficiency
Case 1 Church 21,000 SF
Boiler Fire Rate 7.9 gal/hr 6,000 gallons/ 21,000
SF 0.29 gals/SF Base board and hot air
10Determine building/heating efficiencyCalculating
Estimated Heating/Building System Efficiency
Case 2 Church 5400 SF
Boiler Fire Rate 1.3 gal/hr 1,764 gallons/ 5,400
SF 0.32 gals/SF Base board
11Determine building/heating efficiencyCalculating
Estimated Heating/Building System Efficiency
Case 3 Church 21,000 SF
Boiler Fire Rate 11-18 gal/hr 18,802 gallons/
44,000 SF 0.42 gals/SF Baseboard Heating
12Determine building/heating efficiencyCalculating
Estimated Heating/Building System Efficiency
Case 4 13,000 SF
Boiler Fire Rate ? gal/hr 11,600 gallons/ 13,000
SF 0.9 gals/SF
13Determine building/heating efficiency
- Calculating Rate of Heating Fuel Use
14Determine building/heating efficiency
Calculating Rate of Heating Fuel UseUsing a Data
- 50 device to determine hours that oil heating
unit fires over a period of time (e.g., 1 week). - A counter activated by vibration (logs time when
vibration active) - ENM Counting Instrument (unit shown below is an
ENM T54C1) - available at
- www.enmco.com
15Determine building/heating efficiency
Calculating Rate of Heating Fuel UseUsing a Data
Place counter on the burner and the device will
log the hours that the burner is firing
16Determine building/heating efficiency
Calculating Rate of Heating Fuel UseUsing a Data
- To calculate gallons of fuel used in a week
- Number hours logged X boiler firing rate
- NOTE number of hours logged represents hours
recorded by data logger device over a week
17Determine building heating efficiency
Calculating Rate of Heating Fuel UseUsing a Data
Logger Determine Boiler Fire Rate
18Determine building/heating efficiency
Calculating Rate of Heating Fuel UseUsing a Data
Logger Determine Boiler Fire Rate
Steam Boiler 11-18 GPH (high/low firing rate)
19Determine building/heating efficiency
Calculating Rate of Heating Fuel UseUsing a Data
Logger Determine Furnace Fire Rate
20Determine building/heating efficiency
Calculating Rate of Heating Fuel UseUsing a Data
Logger Example
- Number hours logged X boiler firing rate
- Example
- data logger records 35 hours over a seven day
period - boiler fires at a rate of 2 gallons per hour
(gph) - 35 hours x 2 gph 70 gallons (over 7 days)
- This tells us that
- the boiler burns 10 gallons of fuel per day (70
gallons / 7 days) - the boiler fires for 5 hours per day (10 gallons
per day / 2 gph)
21Determine building/heating efficiency
Calculating Rate of Heating Fuel UseUsing a Data
Logger tracking data in a spreadsheet
Data logger started at 76.8 as it could not be
reset to 0
Number hours logged X boiler firing
rate (example below 26.6 X 5.8 154.3 gallons
over 7 days)
22Determine building/heating efficiency
Calculating Rate of Heating Fuel Use Using a
Data Logger What do the numbers mean?
- Data logger fuel rate calculation provides
- baseline fuel use for a typical winter week or
month - Excessive fuel use above this baseline
calculation may indicate - Boiler or furnace is out of calibration
- Current manual thermostat was left on after a
meeting - Programmable thermostat not programmed correctly
- Excessive use of the faith community facility
- Outdoor temperature sensor (if installed) has
failed - A window or door has been left open
- Ceiling fans have been turned off
- Also, helpful data for your boiler technician in
- maintaining your boiler and ensuring optimal
23Identify common issues and problems Review
occupancy rate over a 7 day week
24Identify cost effective solutionsinstall
programmable thermostats
- Replace manual thermostats with digital
- Another upgrade? Install an outdoor air
temperature sensor to control boiler (requires
hiring a heating technician) -
25Identify cost effective solutionsaddress air
- Airius Thermal Equalizers
- Installation of the units will help to stabilize
the temperature - Peak ceiling temperature are 5 to 10 degrees
warmer than the floor. - Available at Maine Green Building Supply
26Faith Community Energy Assessment Top 4
- Heating
- Insulation Building Envelope
- Hot Water
- Lighting
27Insulation Building Envelope
- Determine efficiency of building envelope
- Calculate building/heating system efficiency (see
previous section) - Inspect building
- Identify common issues and problems
- Identify cost effective, immediate solutions
28Determine efficiency of building envelope
Inspect building for problem areas
Image adapted from http//www.energyauditgo.com/Wo
29Determine efficiency of building envelope
inspect building doors and windows
30Determine efficiency of building envelope
inspect building attic access
Heat loss
31Determine efficiency of building envelope Inspect
building for ice dams
32 Determine efficiency of building envelope
inspect building sill plates
Masonry Foundation
Concrete Foundation
33Identify cost effective, immediate solutions
Insulation Values
R-value resistance to heat flow The higher the
R-value the better!
Adapted from the US Dept of Energy 1997
Insulation Fact Sheet
34Identify cost effective, immediate solutions
where to insulate
Adapted from the US Dept of Energy 1997
Insulation Fact Sheet
35Identify cost effective, immediate solutions
where to insulate
Sanctuary Ceiling R 1?
36Identify cost effective, immediate solutions
where to insulate
Sanctuary R 38 Cellulose
Church Hall R 20
37Identify cost effective, immediate solutions
where to insulate
Over 20 inches of blown in Cellulous Building was
a .2 gal/SF
38Identify cost effective, immediate solutions
where to insulate lighting
39Identify cost effective, immediate solutions
where to insulate sill plate
At a minimum insulate the sill plate area to
prevent cold air infiltration
40Identify cost effective, immediate solutions
where to insulate install plastic film over
single pane windows
41Identify cost effective, immediate solutions
install insulated doors (R12) in place of wooden
doors (R1)
42Identify cost effective, immediate solutions
install vapor barrier in crawl space
43Faith Community Energy Assessment Top 4
- Heating
- Insulation Building Envelope
- Hot Water
- Lighting
44Hot Water System
- Overview of hot water system
- Assessing hot water system
- Identify common issues and problems
- Identify cost effective, immediate solutions
45Overview of Hot Water SystemsTypical hot water
systems for congregations
- Electric hot water heater
- 40 gallons average size
- no external controls
- Boiler hot water coil
- boiler on 24/7 and/or
- electric for non heating season
46Overview of Hot Water SystemsTypical oil fired
boiler with hot water coil
Hot water coil
47Overview of Hot Water SystemsNewer systems - oil
fired boiler with indirect hot water tank
Hot water to fixtures
Cold water in
Boiler hot water _at_ 140ºF - 180ºF circulates
through a coil immersed in the indirect hot water
tank transferring the heat to the domestic hot
water surrounding the coil and returns to the
boiler to be heated again.
Indirect hot water storage tank with coil
48Assessing hot water system
- Determine what you make hot water for typically
congregations use hot water for restrooms,
kitchens and dishwasher - Determine how you make hot water electric tank,
boiler, etc - Determine when you make hot water days w/
highest demand - Determine how much hot water you make use table
below as a guide (substitute units to match your
49Identify common issues and problems
- Heater and pipes not insulated
- Hot water heater temperature set too high
- Water being heated when not in demand (heated 7
days a week when only needed for 1 day) - Water heater tied to heating system requiring
boiler firing during non heating season - Constant hot water circulation
50Identify cost effective, immediate solutions
- Reduce hot water temperature. If hot water is for
general use (e.g., hand washing) reduce
temperature to 120 degrees or less. - Install a timer on your hot water tank
- One congregation saved 700 in a year
- One congregation spent 150 on a timer and saw a
2 month pay back
51Identify cost effective, immediate solutions 7
Day timer vs. 24 hour timer
52Identify cost effective, immediate solutions On
Demand Tankless Water Heaters
- Heat water directly without the use of a storage
tank - When hot water tap is turned on, cold water
travels into the unit and an electric element or
gas fired coil heats the water. You only consume
energy when you open the faucet - No standby heat losses. Delivers a constant
supply of hot water - Two types
- Electric provide approximately 2 gallons per
minute - Gas-fired produce higher flow rates between 5 -
8 gallons per minute - Must have large domestic hot water demand to
53Identify cost effective, immediate solutions On
Demand Tankless Water Heaters
Gas fired 1500- 2000 Electric 200- 400
54Identify cost effective, immediate solutions
tank vs. tankless
Rinnai tankless provides 240 gallons per hour
40 gallon electric tank provides 45 gallons per
55Identify cost effective, immediate solutions
Small Electric Water Heaters Ariston tankless
water heaters
- Ariston-Point-of-Use Water Heaters
- 2.75 Gallons - GL2.5 199.36
- 3.85 Gallons - GL4 216.29
56Identify cost effective, immediate solutions On
Demand Tankless Water Heaters under sink model
57Identify cost effective, immediate solutions
Insulate hot water piping
Heat loss with no insulation
58Faith Community Energy Assessment Top 4
- Heating
- Insulation Building Envelope
- Hot Water
- Lighting
- Overview of lighting
- Assess lighting use and needs
- Identify common issues and problems
- Identify cost effective, immediate solutions
60Overview of Lighting
- Fluorescent tube lighting
- T12 1 ½
- T8 1 inch
- T5
- Note If your fluorescent lighting has not been
upgraded in the last 10 - years then it is most likely T-12
- Incandescent lights old fashioned light bulbs
- Compact fluorescent light bulbs
- Coming soon LEDs!
61Assess Use Needs of Lighting
- Take inventory of lights
- Inventory should by type and by area (room,
hallway, sanctuary, meeting hall, etc.) - Note be mindful of minimum lighting requirements
(e.g. adequate lighting in stairwells) - Assign hours per week that lights are on and
determine cost
62Identify cost effective, immediate solutions
- Turn off lights (and other equipment) when not in
use. - Adjust lighting levels to match needs. Remove
un-needed lighting check current lighting
levels against IES recommended levels. - Make use of free day lighting where possible
- Use high reflectance ceiling tiles and light
colors on walls, partitions, and carpeting to
carry daylight into interior space.
63Identify cost effective, immediate solutions
- Replace incandescent bulbs with compact
fluorescents (CFLs) wherever possible. - CFLs only use only about half the energy, plus,
they last 10-12 times as long, saving on
replacement bulb cost and labor. - Replace incandescent and fluorescent exit signs
with light emitting diodes (LEDs) or the latest
solid-state technology. - LEDs exit signs use about 1/10th the energy of an
incandescent bulb. - Replace T-12 fluorescent fixtures with energy
saving T-8 fixtures and electronic ballasts.
64Identify cost effective, immediate
solutionsinstall occupancy sensors
- Install occupancy sensor switches in
seldom-occupied areas - Passive Infrared (PIR) which detects body heat
- Ultrasonic (US) units which detects body
movement. - Install controls on exterior lights.
- Install motion sensors, time clocks, or
photoelectric sensors on exterior parking lots
and security lighting.
65Efficiency Maine Assistance
- Participants receive specified incentives for
purchase of pre-qualified energy efficient
equipment - Prescriptive Incentives
- Lighting
- Motors
- Variable Frequency Drive for HVAC systems
- Project Pre-Approval IS REQUIRED for most
prescriptive incentives - Lighting Refrigeration in excess of 1,000
- HVAC Variable Frequency Drives
- Project Pre-Approval IS NOT REQUIRED for
- Three-Phase Motors
- Agricultural Measures
66Words of wisdom found in the attic of a old
church built in the 1840s. Recent renovations to
the structure in 2002
In the year of the lord 2002, May the original
builder forgive our affront to their craft
67Contact Information AJ Ballard at 207-522-7927
Efficiency Maine Energy Consultantajballard_at_susc
om-maine.net Shirley BartlettProgram Manager
Efficiency Maine 207-287-3318shirley.bartlett_at_ma
ine.gov Harry BrownMaine Interfaith Power and
Light (207) 721-0444harry_at_meipl.org
68Alternative Energy for Faith Community
Buildings???Practical for large commercial
applications, not smaller buildings
Cuba Naval Station reduce 650,000 gallons
diesel fuel
3.3 KW PV at Falmouth High School (5 HP motor)
405,000 BTUs for heat energy per day (3 gals of
fuel oil per day)