Title: Discovering
1Discovering Putting Our Strengths to work
2008 Cabinet Retreat Division of Student
Affairs Northern Illinois University
2What is Strengthfinder?
- Strengthfinder is a tool to seek out your
dominant strengths and a program to focus on
capitalizing on these strengths. - Two books
- Now, Discover Your Strengths
- Go Put Your Strengths to Work
3Consistent, near perfect performance in an
What is a strength?
4What is his strength?
5What is his strength?
6Conventional wisdom
- tells us that we learn from our mistakes.
- The strength movement says that all we learn from
mistakes are the characteristics of mistakes. - If we want to learn about our successes, we must
study success.
7Putting the Themes to Work
- We need to learn how to take our existing job and
reshape it around our themes make our jobs play
to our strengths. - Make the best of our jobs the most of our jobs.
- Establish a new framework for work
- 1.) Pinpoint what invigorates what depletes you
- 2.) Stay in control of your hours
- 3.) Explain what you are doing
- 4.) Address change with a clear head
86 Step Process
- Bust the Myths
- Get Clear
- Free Your Strengths
- Stop Your Weaknesses
- Speak Up
- Build Strong Habits
POOF The myths are gone!
- As you grow, personality changes.
- You will grow the most in your areas of greatest
10Time to Get Clear
- Strengthfinder gives you themes not strengths
help you discern strengths - Strengths are the things you do consistently
near perfectly - Strengths have three ingredients
- Talents, skills knowledge
11Success Instinct Growth Needs
Signs of a Strength
12Lack of Success Instinct Growth Needs
Signs of a Weakness
- Are there any obstacles to building my strengths?
- Why focus on these themes?
- Is there significance to the order?
- What if I dont feel they apply?
- Are there theme opposites?
- Will I become too narrow if I focus on just my
signature themes?
14Getting Clear Exercise
15StrenghtsFinder themes
- Achiever
- Activator
- Adaptability
- Analytical
- Arranger
- Belief
- Command
- Communication
- Competition
- Connectedness
- Context
- Deliberative
- Developer
- Discipline
- Empathy
- Fairness
- Focus
- Futuristic
- Harmony
- Ideation
- Inclusiveness
- Individualization
- Input
- Intellection
- Learner
- Maximizer
- Positivity
- Relator
- Responsibility
- Restorative
- Self-Assurance
- Significance
- Strategic
- Woo
16Exploring our Strengths Exercises
- Gather in groups of 3-4 individuals
- Avoid gathering with too many fellow
- COPers we will work later as COPs
- Complete the two-part exercise
- Sharing your Reaction Reflections
- Feedback from Others
17StrenghtsFinder themes
- Achiever
- Activator
- Adaptability
- Analytical
- Arranger
- Belief
- Command
- Communication
- Competition
- Connectedness
- Context
- Deliberative
- Developer
- Discipline
- Empathy
- Fairness
- Focus
- Futuristic
- Harmony
- Ideation
- Inclusiveness
- Individualization
- Input
- Intellection
- Learner
- Maximizer
- Positivity
- Relator
- Responsibility
- Restorative
- Self-Assurance
- Significance
- Strategic
- Woo
18Now, Discover Your StrengthsReactions
Reflection Exercise
- First Reactions? Agree/Disagree? Surprises?
- Which themes fit you best?
- Which themes hold the strengths you use most?
- How does each theme help you in your work
role? - Which themes do you most want to develop?
19Now, Discover Your StrengthsFeedback Exercise
- Do you see this theme in me?
- Provide an example
- What surprises you?
- Which of the five themes do you notice most in
me? - Are there any additional themes of talent that
you see in me?
20Free Your Strengths
- Identify how this strength/theme helps you in
your current role - RELEASE
- Find missed opportunities in your role
- Learn new skills related to this strength
- Build your job around this strength
21Stop Your Weaknesses
- Simply eliminate the activity
- Partner with others who are strengthened by the
activity - OFFER UP
- Volunteer your strength and steer your job
toward it - PERCEIVE
- Look at your weaknesses from a different
22Speak Up
- This discipline presents the concept of frequent
dialogue in the workplace about strengths and
weaknesses - Continually voicing the concept of strength-based
leadership will lead to greater utilization of
the principles - Discuss strengths when assigning roles
responsibilities - REMEMBER The goal is to approach your work the
majority of the time from a strength perspective
attempting this all of the time is likely
23Speak UpExercise
24Giving Voice to our Strengths
- Gather with the members of your COP.
- Complete the worksheet provided and discuss the
questions at the end. - Please be prepared to summarize your discussion
of the questions with the larger group.
25Building Strong Habits
- Go Put Your Strengths to Work, provides daily,
weekly, and annual exercises you can use to build
the habit - Apply these themes throughout the year as we
interact with one another - Explore your themes further define your
strengths before taking this further
26A Visual for the 6 Step Process
27Moving beyond YOUR Strengths
- Now, Discover Your Strengths offers great ideas
about managing strengths in your department (this
section may even give you better insight into
yourself!) - Models for Strength-based Organizations
28Managing Strengths
- What is the difference between checkers chess?
- Mediocre managers play checkers with their
people. They assume (or hope) that their
employees will be motivated by the same things,
driven by the same goals, desire the same kinds
of relationships, and learn in roughly the same
ways. -
29- What percentage of the US
- workforce is actively engaged at
- work and believe they are doing
- what they do best?
- 16
- What about your staff?
- Remember our peoples strengths are our greatest
30Teaching Strengths
- Models for student-centered programs common
reading, advising/retention purposes, mentoring
programs, employment programs, etc. - Students possess groups of talents before they
enter our hallways - These talents form the basis of how they learn,
achieve, and persist - Potential to enhance person-environment
interaction, as well as cognitive affective
31Questions? Comments?