Title: Extension
- Problem sheet 1 will be distributed in class on
Monday August the 25th and solutions should be
returned in class on Monday September the 29th
Problem sheet 2 will be distributed in class on
Monday September the 29th and solutions should be
returned in class on Monday October the 20th - Problem sheet 3 will be distributed in class on
Monday October the 20th and solutions should be
returned in class on Monday November the 24th - Late work will not usually be accepted.
2Lorentz transformation
3Rotations in R2
4Rotations in R2
5 (1)
Definition If the components of the quantity A
transform under a rotation accoring to (1) then A
is said to be a vector
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12Vectors in R3
13Our choice of axes is essentially arbitary and we
can just as well introduce a new set
14Our choice of axes is essentially arbitary and we
can just as well introduce a new set
15Our choice of axes is essentially arbitary and we
can just as well introduce a new set
If we maintain the same origin the two systems
are related by a rotation
16Definition A vector in R3 is a set of 3 numbers
which transform under a rotation of the
coordinate system accoring to the above equations
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19DefinitionAny quantity which is left unchanged
by a coordinate transformation is said to be an
invariant of the transformation
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224-vectors, Minkowsski-space
Classical Physics was developed in terms of
vectors and scalars (which are invariant under
rotations) Scalars are just numbers Vectors
transform under well defined rules(fixed by the
orientation of our axes in space). Our ambition
here is to introduce 4 vectors and express the
laws of physics in invariant form
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24Our object is to find a way to write the Physical
laws so that they are Lorentz invariant
The speed of light is a constant
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27Minkowski Space
- Consider a 4 dimensional vector space
28Lorentz Transformation rules
31- Note that if A1is real
- Then A4 must be imaginary
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34Time Dilation Again
35Four velocity
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37We now wish to find an expression for the four
velocity of a moving particle
38The relativistic Addition of velocities
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42Relativistic addition of velocities
43The momentum Energy 4 vector
- As we have seen the classical momentum is not
relativistically invariant
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47Doppler again
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