Title: Sustainability Insight
1 Sustainability
- UCCCfS Workshop
- Climate Change Action Plans
- Design, Development and Implementation
2 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Welcome
Contact Details Colin Brown Director Built
Environment Sustainable Development Sustainabili
ty Insight T 0131 476 3020 M 0754 502 5219 E
colin.brown_at_sustainabilityinsight.co.uk W
Sustainability In Waste
Sustainability In Corporate Responsibility
3 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Welcome
- Recent Sustainability Insight FHE Engagement
- EAUC Resource Map
- SFC Sustainable Development Estate Management
- Guidance 2009 Amendment and Update
- DFID Promoting Poverty Aware Procurement on
- Campus
- Sustainability Insight Climate Change Action
Plan - (CCAP) Design, Delivery and Implementation
- EAUC CCAP Workshop Events
- EAUC CCAP Template and Proforma Review
4 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Introduction
- Objectives of Today
- Instruct you on what a CCAP will look like or
what it must contain - WILL
- Provide relevant CCAP information and
appropriate guidance and advice - Facilitate debate and initiate discussion.
Chatham House rules apply - Review and develop existing and proposed CCAP
guidance - Begin the process to establish best practice
CCAP checklists and or CCAP - Template to provide further guidance
direction throughout the CCAP process - Feedback all findings and consultation to EAUC
and UCCCfS Advisory Board
5 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Introduction
- Event Structure
- Four short sessions of roughly the same format
- Introduction and analysis of one of the Four
main aspects of a Climate - Change Action Plan Why, What, Who and How
- Relevant Scottish FHE Case Study/ shared
experience from the floor - Workshop and consultation related to associated
CCAP topic - Summary of workshop findings
- Q A
6 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Introduction
- Group Participation
- Some of you are well down the road of completing
your CCAPs - Some of you are responsible for driving the
sustainability agenda within the - FHE sector
- Some of you have allocated resource in terms of
both finance and agenda - focussed personnel to address climate change,
carbon emissions reduction - and sustainability issues
- Together you may represent for 10 - 15 of the
7 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Introduction
- Group Participation
- Some of you have just begun or about to begin
the process of completing a - CCAP
- Some of you the climate change, carbon emission
reduction and sustainability - are areas that have until recently, been the
remit of somebody else - Some of you have yet to allocate or have just
begun to allocate resources in - terms of finance
- Some of you will not have additional agenda
focussed personnel to address - climate change, carbon emissions reduction
- and sustainability issues
- Together you may represent 85 - 90 of the
8 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Introduction
- Group Participation
- Essential that we have a balanced input from
both groupings - Begin the process that develops meaningful and
useful material and - guidance that is developed from within the
sector, for the sector - Question Sheets
- Please take a couple of minutes to complete the
questions relating to session - one
9 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Session 1 -
- Why are climate change, carbon emission reduction
and sustainability important issues for Scotland
and FHE sector? - Planet
- Legislation
- Cost
- Campus
- Community
- Education
- Leadership
10 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Session 1
- Scotlands Climate is already changing
- Since 1961
- Temperatures have risen in every season
- Become 20 wetter
- Growing season earlier and longer
- 25 fewer days of frost
- Snow season has shortened
- Source SNIFFER A Handbook of Climate Trends
Across Scotland
11 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Session 1 -
By the 2050s if emissions continue at their
present rate Central estimates based on
1961-1990 baseline
Eastern Scotland Northern Scotland Western Scotland
Summer average Temperature 2.3C 2.0C 2.4C
Winter average Temperature 1.7C 1.7C 1.9C
Summer precipitation -12 -10 -12
Winter precipitation 10 15 15
12 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Session 1 -
- Why is 2C bad?
- Increased risks of e.g.
- Water shortage
- Flooding
- Rising sea levels
- Diseases
- Warming not shared evenly some countries warm
more than others - Dr Rajendra K Pachauri, IPCC Chair, Copenhagen,
March 2009
13 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Session 1 -
By the 2080s if emissions continue at their
present rate Central estimates based on
1961-1990 baseline
Eastern Scotland Northern Scotland Western Scotland
Summer average Temperature 3.5C 3.0C 3.5C
Winter average Temperature 2.3C 2.2C 2.6C
Summer precipitation -16 -11 -15
Winter precipitation 12 17 21
14 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Session 1 -
- Sea Level
- The sea level in Edinburgh is expected to rise
- 13.9 cm by 2050
- 24.4 cm by 2080
- 30.5 cm by 2095
15 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Session one
- Why?
- Legislation and Initiatives
- The Stern Review on the Economics of Climate
Change - Choosing Our Future Scotland's Sustainable
Development Strategy - Low Carbon Building Standards Strategy
for Scotland (Sullivan Report) - PAN 84 Reducing Carbon Emissions in New
Development - EPBD - Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs)
- Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC)
- Zero Waste Scotland
- SPTF Procuring the Future Report and Flexible
16 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Session one
- Why?
- Legislation and Initiatives
- Scotlands Climate Change Declaration 2007
- - All 32 Local Authorities signed
- - Of the 32, 5 have demonstrated real
commitment to change and delivery - - Of those 5, 2 LAs have driven the agenda
forward Fife and Borders -
- Scottish Climate Change Act 2009
- United Nations Climate Change Summit Copenhagen
2009 - Universities and Colleges Climate Commitment for
Scotland 2009
17 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Session one
- Why?
- Scottish Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009
- Summary
- Climate Change (Scotland) Bill passed by the
Scottish Parliament on 24 June - 2009. Received Royal Assent and became and Act
on 4 August - Main objective of Bill reduce greenhouse gas
emissions by 80 by 2050 - Important interim target for 2020. Currently set
at 42 with a power to change - based on expert advice from UK Committee on
Climate Change - Basket of gases - carbon dioxide, methane,
nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, - perfluorocarbons sulphur hexafluoride
18 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Session one
- Why?
- Duties on Public Bodies Part 4 (1)
- Duties on the face of the Act require that a
public body must, in exercising its functions,
act - In the way best calculated to contribute to
delivery of the Acts emissions - reduction targets
- In the way best calculated to deliver any
statutory adaptation programme - In a way that it considers most sustainable
19 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Session 1 -
- Duties on Public Bodies (2)
- Scottish Ministers also able to place further
statutory climate change - duties on public bodies in secondary
legislation - Public bodies defined as those within meaning of
s.3(1)(a) Freedom of - Information (Scotland) Act 2002
- Scottish Ministers must give guidance to
relevant public bodies in - relation to climate change duties. Before
bringing forward such guidance, - relevant stakeholders must be consulted
- Public duty provisions must come into force no
later than 18 months - after the Bill received Royal Assent
20 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Session 1 -
- What else is in the Act? Part 5
- Adaptation to climate change
- Action plan for promotion of energy efficiency
- Action plan for promotion of renewable heat
- Energy performance of non-domestic buildings
- Energy performance of living accommodation
- Energy efficiency discount schemes council tax
and non-domestic - rates with new reporting requirements from 2012
- Promotion of water conservation and water use
efficiency - Scottish civil estate procurement and annual
21 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Session 1 -
- United Nations Copenhagen Climate Change Summit
- The UN climate conference in Copenhagen in
December this year hopes to have new global
climate agreements on four political essentials - How much are the industrialised countries willing
to reduce their emissions of greenhouse gases? - How much are major developing countries such as
China and India willing to do to limit the growth
of their emissions? - How is the help needed by developing countries to
engage in reducing their emissions and adapting
to the impacts of climate change going to be
financed? - How is that money going to be managed?
- Scottish Gov. planning a Scotland Day at
Copenhagen to highlight how Scotland and in
particular the Public Sector are leading on
Climate Change
22 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Session 1 -
- Universities and Colleges Climate Change
Commitment for Scotland (UCCCfS) - In February 2009 there were 38 signatories of
the UCCCfS, constituting - 60 of universities and colleges in Scotland
- Each has committed to preparing and publishing a
5 year Climate Change - Action Plan with targets and timescales to
achieve significant reduction - in emissions from all business activities
- This will require the allocation of time and
resources but should become - part of an institutions strategic planning
process - FHE representatives liaising with Scottish
Government on best practice
23 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Where to
Climate Change Action Plans Where to
Start? Q1. Please list the known current
activity that your institute is currently
undertaking regarding combating climate change
and implementing sustainable
development regardless of scale that relate to
Estates / Curriculum / Community Q2.
Have you read the UCCCfS planning and
implementation guide? Yes / No Q3. How
useful was this document in aiding you in the
design, development and
implementation of your CCAP? Very useful
/ Useful / Not very useful
24 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Where to
- For those who are already engaged in the agenda
- Use existing measurement and auditing systems
- E-mandate
- Environmental Management Systems
- Universities that Count
- Eco-Campus
- ISO 14001
- Carbon Management Programmes
- Sustainable Accounting Group
- In house developed mechanisms
25 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Where to
- For those of you who have not already engaged in
the agenda - Can be a very daunting prospect
- There is no right way. What is appropriate for
one institute might be - entirely inappropriate for you
- Walk around campus and talk to other members of
staff in differing - departments
- Speak to colleagues from other institutes for
shared knowledge and - experience
- Assess and review current in house practice and
reporting mechanisms - Assess and determine available resources
personnel and finances
26 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Where to
- Starting point what do we already have?
- Policies
- Annual audits (financial, energy, waste, water
etc) - Utility bills (energy, waste, water)
- Financial accounts
- Committee reports
- Purchasing accounts
- Maintenance and Repair reports
- Building log books
- Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs)
- Vehicle log books/mileage reports
27 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Where to
- Starting point who would have relevant
information? - Internal
- Estates
- Maintenance
- Finance
- Administration
- Heads of Department
- Other.......
28 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Where to
- Starting point who would have relevant
information/where can I get assistance? - EAUC
- Scottish and UK Governments (incl. DEFRA)
- Local Authorities
- Other FHE institutes
- Utility companies
- Supply chain
- Consultancies
29 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Where to
- Starting point who would have relevant
information/where can I get assistance? - National Government Organisations including
- Carbon Trust (carbon, energy, water,
transportation) - Energy Savings Trust (energy, transportation,
carbon) - WRAP (waste, materials, carbon, water, energy)
- NISP Scotland (waste, materials, water,
transportation) - SUSTRANS (transportation)
- REMADE Scotland (waste, materials)
30 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Where to
Case Study 1 Edinburgh College of Art Isla
Duncan, Edinburgh College of Art Colin Brown,
Sustainability Insight
31 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Where to
- Edinburgh College of Art
- Issues/Barriers
- Students and Staff
- First steps
- EAUC Resource Map
32 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Where to
Starting point where can I get
assistance? Q4. Are you aware of the SFC
Sustainable Development Estate Management
Guidance document? Yes / No Q5.
Have you used the SFC Sustainable Development
Estate Management Guidance document?
Yes / No Q6. How useful was this document in
aiding you in the design, development and
implementation of your CCAP? Very
useful / Useful / Not very useful Q7. Reasons
33 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Where to
- SFC Sustainable Development Estate Management
- Guidance
- The revised Sustainable Development Guidance for
Estate Management has - been produced on behalf of the SFC to provide
colleges and universities with a - toolkit for incorporating sustainable
development into practical, routine facilities - management and also for embedding the
principles of sustainability in their - estate strategies
- The guidance was developed in 2008 on behalf of
the SFC and has - subsequently been amended and updated this year
to work in tandem with - other SFC guidance and documentation and to
fully integrate with the EAUC - Resource Map
34 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Where to
Starting point where can I get
assistance? Q8. Are you aware of the EAUC
Resource Map to assist signatories address
the issues of climate change, carbon emission
reduction sustainability? Yes /
No Q9. Have you used the Resource Map?
Yes / No Q10. How useful was this document in
aiding you in the design, development
and implementation of your CCAP? Very
useful / Useful / Not very useful Q11. Reasons
35 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Where to
EAUC Resource Map 20 minute demonstration
during (last 20 minutes of) lunch for those of
you how are interested In support of the
UCCCfS, EAUC-Scotland has undertaken a major
resource mapping exercise to facilitate
partnership between the sectors and the
organisations that promote sustainable
development and provide the necessary support to
develop and deliver Climate Change Action Plans.
Comprehensive details of 46 organisations'
services and support have been collated and are
found in this document.
36 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Where to
EAUC Resource Map The information is organised
in a framework that addresses the three
recognised phases of estates development and
management1. Pre Construction2.
Construction 3. Post Construction In addition
to these three phases, the information has been
broken down into two other groupings1.
Organisational areas of assistance 2.
Sustainability Themes
37 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Where to
EAUC Resource Map Organisational areas of
assistance have been grouped into five categories
and contain information on the following1.
Funding2. Toolkits3. Workshops / Training 4.
Resource Information 5. Case Studies
38 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Where to
- EAUC Resource Map16 Sustainability Themes
including - Biodiversity
- Carbon Emission Reduction
- Community
- Education
- Environmental Management Systems
- Energy Source, Consumption and Efficiency
- Information and Communication Technology
- Procurement and Trade
- Sustainable Design, Construction and Building
Materials - Sustainable Development
- Transportation and travel Planning
- Water Management
- Waste Management and Recycling
39 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Where to
EAUC Resource MapThe Resource Map is an
interactive live document that will be updated
on a quarterly basis to reflect ongoing
developments in sustainability and associated
funding streams and resources.The key aim of
the Resource Map is that it be a useful and user
friendly tool. Therefore to ensure we deliver a
tool that FHE practitioners can use effectively,
we would appreciate feedback from colleagues and
end-users on the Resource Maps1. Usability2.
Usefulness 3. Layout4. Content5. Additional
themes to be included6. Additional organisations
to be included7. Additional support to be
40 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Where to
- Starting point where can I get assistance?
- Q12. Please describe and list the ways in which
you have secured funding both - internally and externally for
addressing - Climate Change
- Carbon Emission Reduction
- Sustainability Issues
- Climate Change Action Plan
41 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Workshop 1
- Where to start UCCCfS toolkits
- Facilitated discussion and consultation
- What changes, additional topics would you like
to sees included in the - second phase of the Resource Map 10 minutes
- What additional tools would you like to see
developed to help inform you - and provide guidance on the issues relating to
climate change, carbon - emission reduction and sustainability? 10
minutes - Suggest and list ways in securing funding both
internally and externally - for supporting the delivery and implementation
of a Climate Change - Action Plan 10 minutes
42 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Workshop 1
Summary and QA
43 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Session 2
What Who?
- Session two agenda
- What and who to include overview and
introduction - Case study 2 What to include?
- Elmwood College
- Who to include?
- Edinburgh University
- Workshop 2 What and Who to Include
- Question Sheets
- Please take a couple of minutes to complete the
questions relating to session - two
44 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Session 2
What Who?
What and who to include? Q1. Have you begun to
develop a CCAP? Yes / No Q2. Where are
you in the process of developing a CCAP?
Yet to start / have just started / started /
nearly complete / complete Q3. Have you
consulted with others in the development of your
CCAP? If so with whom? Q4.
List any issues and barriers that you may have
45 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Session 2
- What to include
- Carbon Emission Reduction probably the most
important element of the - plan (energy, water, waste, transportation)
- However, it is not just about Carbon Emission
Reduction. It includes - Sustainable Development
- Biodiversity
- Community
- Procurement and Trade
- Construction and design materials, layout
- Building maintenance and repair materials,
design, layout - Education
- Health
46 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Session 2
- What to include
- The whole concept of the Climate Change Action
Plan is that not - everything can be done at once
- The plan simply needs to be set out what is
intended overall and when - the key actions, investments and changes are to
be introduced - Each of the following UCCCfS headings/topics
should be addressed, - either outlining what actions are to be
implemented or demonstrating why - these areas are not a priority for the 5 year
action plan
47 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Session 2
- The following UCCCfS have to be addressed
- To enhance our learning and teaching through the
provision of skill, - modules and courses
- To promote research capacity and knowledge
exchange activity in - sustainability
- To reduce carbon emissions cutting energy
consumption and - substituting energy sources
- To encourage waste reduction, recycling and
responsible disposal - To deliver sustainable estate development
through both maintenance - and capital programme
- To achieve sustainable and active travel through
sustainable travel - planning
48 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Session 2
- To enhance our learning and teaching through the
provision of skill, modules and courses,
including - Qualitative and quantitative information
- Taught content programmes and curriculum
- Staff training in house training and external
CPD - Staff, student and wider community awareness
Institute generated - guidance, documentation and events
- External input awareness lectures,
presentations, events, seminars and - conferences
- Prioritisation to be determined by the
individual institute
49 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Session 2
- To promote research capacity and knowledge
exchange activity in sustainability, including - Qualitative and quantitative information
- Research capacity to be determined by individual
institute may not - apply to all
- Knowledge exchange to include sharing of best
practice and process - with other staff members and with other FHE
colleagues and NGOs - To include curriculum, guidance, projects,
reports, lectures, tours, - demonstrations
- Prioritisation to be determined by the
individual institute
50 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Session 2
- To reduce carbon emissions cutting energy
consumption substituting energy sources,
including - Qualitative and quantitative information
- Consultation and communication key
- Probably the most important element of the
report - To include carbon footprinting exercise (energy,
water, waste, - transportation)
- Awareness and behavioural change required by
staff, students supply - chain. May be included as part of curriculum
and training? - Work closely with your utility companies
- Attention to detail closely measure, record,
monitor and review
51 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Session 2
- To encourage waste reduction, recycling and
responsible disposal, including - Qualitative and quantitative information
- Consultation and communication key
- May provide the easiest and quickest wins
- Awareness and behavioural change required by
staff, students supply - chain. May be included as part of curriculum
and training? ECA - Can include the local community and other
groupings food example - Work closely with your waste services, supply
chain, staff and students - Agenda can be driven by students with staff
assistance - Local Authority financial assistance may be
available Napier University
52 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Session 2
- To deliver sustainable estate development
through both maintenance and capital programme,
including - Qualitative and quantitative information
- Consultation and communication key
- Existing buildings planning, maintenance,
repair, procurement, - servicing, minimisation of use of resources and
disposal - New buildings planning, design, layout,
flexibility, adaptability, - procurement, minimisation of use of resources
and disposal - BREEAM ratings (excellent/outstanding), Energy
Performance - Certificates and accompanying recommendation
reports (nb. retain all - info), Post Occupancy Evaluation reports
53 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Session 2
- To achieve sustainable and active travel through
sustainable travel planning, including - Qualitative and quantitative information
- Consultation and communication key
- May provide the easiest and quickest wins
- Highlight best practice examples
- Awareness and behavioural change required by
staff, students supply - chain
- Work in tandem with other local institutions and
Topic Support Networks - Involve wider community, Local Authority and
public transportation - providers Queen Margaret University
54 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Session 2
- To engage with suppliers / service providers on
responsible procurement of good service,
including - Qualitative and quantitative information
- Consultation and communication key. Speak to
suppliers. Often they - have provision of more responsible and
sustainably sourced goods - Include sustainability provision at PQQ and ITT
stages of tendering - Awareness and behavioural change required by
staff, students supply - chain
- Consult with procurement bodies and agencies
- Scottish Government website has good body of
information - Review current procurement process for all goods
55 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Session 2
- Who to include
- To assist and contribute towards provision of
information, documentation, funding, guidance and
advice - Internal
- Senior Management buy in crucial
- Heads of Department
- Estates
- Maintenance
- Finance
- Administration
- Individual staff members buy in crucial
- Student Associations
- Individual students buy in crucial
- Independent service providers onsite
- Others
56 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Session 2
- Who to include
- To assist and contribute towards provision of
information, documentation, funding, guidance and
advice - External
- Scottish and UK Governments
- Local Authorities
- Local Community
- Other FHE institutes
- NGOs
- Supply chain / service providers
- Consultancies
- Other
57 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans What and
Case Study 2 Elmwood College What to
include Edinburgh University Who to
include John Salter, Elmwood College David
Somervell, Edinburgh University
58 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Workshop 2
- What and Who to include
- Facilitated discussion and consultation
- What information should be included in a CCAP.
To be categorised into -
- Need to
- Nice to 20 minutes
- Compile a detailed list of those individuals who
would be in a position to - assist in the design and development of your
CCAP. To be categorised - into
- External
- Internal 15 minutes
59 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Workshop 2
Summary and QA
60 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Session 3
- Session three agenda
- Reporting Requirements and Continued Engagement
introduction - Case study 3 Reporting and Continued
Engagement - Elmwood College
- Workshop 3 Reporting and Continued Engagement
- Question Sheets
- Please take a couple of minutes to complete the
questions relating to session - three
61 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Session 3
- Reporting - Requirements
- Ownership and accountability is critical to the
success of the UCCCfS - and will be vital if the FHE sectors are to
make a meaningful contribution - to the Governments ambitious climate change
targets - Original signatories are committed to publishing
their CCAPs, - commencing February 2010
- The UCCCfS Advisory Board is considering ways in
which longer term - monitoring procedures can be implemented
- Comment and Update (including Advisory board
obligations and responsibilities) - Fraser, David
and John
62 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Session 3
- Reporting Tracking Progress
- Each institution must track its progress in
achieving its goals and targets - as set out in their CCAP
- No set format. How this is done is entirely up
to the individual institutions - Methodology must be consistent, robust,
transparent and applied - annually for the duration of the 5 year plan
- Parameters, data sets, metric sets and areas
covered must remain - constant. In the event of a new category being
introduced, a new - benchmark and methodology may be introduced for
that topic - Must be contain quantitative material
63 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Session 3
- Reporting Tracking Progress
- Typical Cyclical Management and Reduction
Strategy - Measure
- Record
- Monitor
- Review
64 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Session 3
- Reporting Modifying the Plan
- Plans should be assessed and reviewed annually
- Changes may be required to take into to account
any legislative changes - and / or advances in technology
65 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Reporting
Case Study 3 Elmwood College Reporting
Continued Engagement John Salter, Elmwood
66 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Workshop 3
- Reporting and Continued Engagement
- Facilitated discussion and consultation
- Discuss and detail how existing reporting
mechanisms (EMS, E-mandate, - UTC, CRC etc) might be incorporated into a CCAP
15 minutes - Discuss and detail how continued engagement and
interest can be - maintained both internally and externally. This
should include - suggestions on tracking progress and modifying
of the CCAP 15 - minutes
67 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Workshop 3
Summary and QA
68 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Session 4
- Session four agenda
- Workshop 4 Climate Change Action Plan Draft
Template Consultation - Question Sheets
- Please take a couple of minutes to complete the
questions relating to session - three
69 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Session 4
Climate Change Action Plan Draft Template
Consultation Q1.
Would you use a Climate Change Action Plan
Template if one were developed by the
EAUC? Yes / No
70 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Workshop 4
- Climate Change Action Plan Draft Template
Consultation - Facilitated discussion and consultation
- Discuss, detail and layout what should be
included in a CCAP template in - terms of format, content and areas covered
- 20 minutes
- Discuss and detail how the information collated
should be implemented by - and could be utilised fully by
- 1. The individual institution
- 2. The EAUC
- 20 minutes
71 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Workshop 4
Summary and QA
72 Sustainability
Climate Change Action Plans Close
- Next steps
- Follow up and feedback from todays event
- CCAP Checklists will be issued to all attendees
within the week - Feedback and update on todays consultation will
be provided to both the - EAUC and the UCCCfS Advisory Board
- Feedback and suggestions on guidance and
toolkits will be considered - and incorporated in the current provision where
appropriate - FREE Sustainability Insight 1 day CCAP, climate
change, carbon - emissions and sustainability session available
to all attendees including - initial CCAP audit and review