Title: How is my newspaper different weekday vs. Sunday? ..
1Newspaper Content
Newspaper Industry Results
2The Impact Study
- Readership
- Satisfaction
- Brand equity
The Organization
- Workforce analysis
- Mgt. Practices analysis
- Cultural analysis
3The goal
- Create a baseline to evaluate content
- Be objective
- Be comprehensive
- Be precise
- Be consistent
- Capture differences in approach
- that might matter to readers.
4Dimensions of content
- Theme
- Origin
- Geographic focus
- News style
- Visual complexity
- Overall structure
- Presentation promotion
5What we did
- Study newspapers that represent typical days with
typical stories - Gather enough information to speak about
individual newspapers and the newspaper industry - Maintain the highest quality standards
6Questions for today
Does size matter? What kinds of news are
covered? How do newspapers present content to
readers? How does content relate to the consumer
7Does size matter?
8Average pages per issue
9Stories per issue
10Pages of listings per issue
11Photographs per story
12Percent of pages with color
13Staff vs. wire service stories
14Do differing resources translate into different
editorial approaches?
15Story and photo area
16Stories with color photo
17Front page geographic focus
18Overall geographic focus
19News style
20Stories with go and do info
21What kinds of news are covered?
22Story themes by story count
23Themes by story count in local news
24Top 5 story themes 10-25k
25Top 5 story themes 25-50k
26Top 5 story themes 50-100k
27Top 5 story themes 100-200k
28Top 5 story themes 200k
29Story topics
- Sports, Politics/government and Crime/legal
dominate coverage - Differences around the edges
30How do newspapers present content to readers?
31Sections per issue
32Architectural stability
33Content promotion overall
34Content promotion by type
35Race in front page photographs
36Gender in front page sources
37Using your individual content report.
38Individual report sections
- Individual data
- Overall content
- Themes
- Structure
- Front page content and themes
- Diversity
- Content promotion
- Definition of data terms
- Methodology
39Reading the report
40Questions for the break
- How is my newspaper different weekday vs. Sunday?
- What are the biggest differences between my
newspaper and others in the circulation strata?
How do I interpret those differences? - What do I suspect matters to readers?
41How does content relate to the consumer factors?
42Logic of building readership
Recognize Opportunities
Improve Satisfaction
Increase Readership
43- Are newspapers with higher satisfaction doing
anything differently?
44Industrywide relationships with content
- Quantity of content including dedicated sections
- Length/complexity of stories
- Geographic focus
- News style
- Photographs, graphics, color
- Related listings
45Content promotion levers
- Overall measurement of in-paper content promotion
- Four types of promotion
- General brand promotion
- Up-coming content promotion
- Same-day content promotion
- Web site content promotion
- Relates to some kinds of stories more than
others. - Some types of content promotion are more
effective than others.
- Quantity
- Story count
- Total story space
- Days/week with lifestyle/arts section
- Content Promotion Levers
- Overall frequency and size
- General brand promotion frequency and size
- Same-day promotion frequency
47Business personal finance
- Commentary, criticism and advice
- Quantity
- Story count
- Total story space
- Days/week with business section
- Content Promotion Levers
- Overall frequency and size
- Same-day promotion frequency
- Up-coming promotion frequency and size
- Web site promotion frequency and size
48Crime, courts legal
- Local, staff-written
- Quantity
- Story count
- Total story space
- Content Promotion Levers
- None
49Food, health, home fashion
- Quantity
- Story count
- Total story space
- Feature-style stories
- Content Promotion Levers
- Overall frequency and size
- Same-day promotion frequency
- Up-coming promotion frequency
50Obituaries, community announcements ordinary
- Quantity
- Story count
- Total story space
- Content Promotion Levers
- None
51Parenting religion
- Youth section
- Length and complexity
- Story area
- Photo area
- Community announcement listings
- Content Promotion Levers
- None
52Politics, government war
- Quantity
- Story count
- Total story space
- Days/week with an opinion section
- Color photographs
- Feature-style stories
- Content Promotion Levers
- Up-coming promotion frequency and size
53Popular music
- Graphics
- Color photographs
- Quantity
- Story count
- Total story space
- Entertainment listings
- Content Promotion Levers
- Same-day promotion frequency and size
54Science, technology environment
- Quantity
- Story count
- Total story space
- Days/week with computers/technology section
- International focus
- Length/complexity
- Story area
- Photo area
- Feature-style stories
- Content Promotion Levers
- Same-day promotion frequency and size
- Up-coming size
- Feature-style content
- Content Promotion Levers
- None
56Television movies
- Length/complexity
- Average story area
- Average photo area
- Content Promotion Levers
- Same-day promotion frequency
- Up-coming promotion frequency and size
57Your individual report
- Relationships are industrywide only
- Does not provide relationships unique to your
newspaper - Provides a picture of how your newspaper is
already performing on key areas - Circulation-size and industry wide averages
provided for perspective
58Reading the report
59Sample scorecard
- Crime, courts legal
- Local, staff-written 45 52
- Quantity
- Story count 23 29
- Total story space 4.6 6.2