Title: WRC03 Issues concerning Broadcasting Service
1WRC-03Issues concerning Broadcasting Service
- WRC brief introduction
- The issues
- Introduction of digital HFBC service
- Review of frequency allocations around 7 MHz
- Adequacy of frequency allocations for HF
broadcasting in 4-10 MHz
3World Radio Conference
- forum for world wide agreement on the use of
radio spectrum and satellite orbits. - organised by the ITU every two or three years.
- next WRC Geneva 9 June-4 July 2003.
- Agenda
- ITU Council resolution 1156
- Preparation
- Conference Preparatory Meeting (CPM)
- first CPM Istanbul, 7-8 June 2000
- second CPM Geneva 18-29 November 2002
- ITU-R study groups play major roles
- ITU-R Director to prepare final CPM report
- draft CPM report circulated to Members
- additional proposals from Members
5Introduction of digital broadcasting service in
the HF bands
- Yes!!!
- When?
- WRC-92 extension bands are allocated to
broadcasting service as from 1 April 2007 - Fixed and mobile services no longer there!
- Planning criteria?
- New Recommendation on protection ratios.
- Digital will not cause more interference that
that from the original DSB analogue service
6Review of frequency allocations to amateur,
amateur-satellite and broadcasting services
around 7 MHz
7Review of frequency allocations to amateur,
amateur-satellite and broadcasting services
around 7 MHz
- Main results of analysis
- important national and international applications
of FS, MS and AS - spectrum sharing between AS and BS undesirable
- AS requires 300 kHz in Region 2
- sharing between AS/FS/MS possible
8Review of frequency allocations to amateur,
amateur-satellite and broadcasting services
around 7 MHz
9Adequacy of the frequency allocations for HF
broadcasting from 4 MHz to 10 MHz.
- Current situation
- additional 250 kHz required to eliminate
co-channel collisions - additional 800 kHz required to eliminate co and
adjacent channel collisions - study based on information through regional
coordination groups ABU-HFC, ASBU and HFCC
10Adequacy of the frequency allocations for HF
broadcasting from 4 MHz to 10 MHz.
- Possible solution
- further studies to WRC-05/06
- WRC-05/06 to consider allocations from
- 4.500-4.650 kHz
- 5.060-5.250 kHz
- 5.840-5.900 kHz
- 7.350-7.650 kHz
- 9.290-9.400 kHz
- 9.900-9.940 kHz
11Review of frequency allocations to amateur,
amateur-satellite and broadcasting services
around 7 MHz
12Review of frequency allocations to amateur,
amateur-satellite and broadcasting services
around 7 MHz