Title: Eclipses lunar eclipse over DSO
1Eclipses lunar eclipse over DSO
2Eclipses occur at new or full moon
3Why not every full and new moon?
5 degree tilt of the Moons orbit means
4Most new and full shadow misses
5Leads to eclipse seasons
now Sep-Oct/March-April Advances 20days/yr
due to 18.6 year nutation
6Geometry for Lunar eclipses
7Looking out into the shadow
8Photo sequence through lunar eclipse
9Moon often appears red
10 because of light path
11Next lunar eclipse
12Geometry of solar eclipses
13Eclipse starting with partial phases
14Safely viewing a solar eclipse
15Almost total diamond ring effect
17Baileys Beads
18Sometimes not total. Why?
Annular eclipse
19Moon too far away
20Total Solar Eclipse Paths
Our next good one August, 2017 next
good one elsewhere
21Next solar eclipse
Ends in Mongolia
Turkey the avian flue eclipse?
Starts in Brazil