Title: PALS
1PALS Customer Care in the NHS
Presentation to PCT Induction Attendees
Ann Millar - PALS Co-ordinator
2The NHS Plan A Health Service designed around
the patient
- More Information
- Greater patient choice
- Proper redress
- Services more patient centred
- Advocates and advisors
The patient must be at the centre of everything
the NHS does..acting as a powerful lever for
change and improvement Hazel Blears, Health
3PALS .together we can work it out
PALS is a new service within the NHS PALS puts
the patient at the very heart of the NHS PALS
will help patients and carers resolve problems
quickly PALS aims to make the patients journey
through the NHS as smooth as possible PALS
ensures that patients and carers have access to
on the spot information
4LINCOLNSHIRE PALS .together we can work it out
- Innovative
- Designed to meet the specific needs of
Lincolnshire - Collaborative
- Integral part of each Trust
- Working across boundaries
- First point of contact will be frontline staff
- Call centre
5Lincolnshire PALS.
- Call Centre back up
- Complex cases
- Cross Trust issues
- Support NHS staff but NOT a dumping ground
- All NHS staff are PALS
- Good customer care will increase patient
satisfaction and reduce the need for resolution - Getting it right first time
6PALS .together we can work it out
- Does not replace the NHS complaints procedure
- Views the NHS from the patients perspective
- Enables the organisations to learn from the
patients experience - Acts as a catalyst for change
7LINCOLNSHIRE PALS .together we can work it out
- Will be monitored by
- Patients Forums and Commission for Patient and
Public Involvement in Health (CPPIH) - Strategic Health Authority
- Will work to
- Patient generated quality standards
- Protocols
- Will
- Be accountable to each Trust
- Have direct access to the Chief Executive
8Public Involvement
CPPIH local network
Overview and Scrutiny Committees Local MPs
Local NHS Trust