Title: The First MSCCOMET Mountain Weather Course
1The First MSC/COMET Mountain Weather Course
- Brad Snyder1, Doug Wesley2, James Cummine1, Chris
Doyle1, Mike Meyers3 - 1 Meteorological Service of Canada, 2 COMET
- 3 National Weather Service
Thanks to M. Wong, J. Gadal, T. Bullock, K.
Wilkes, G. Simmard
- Introduction
- Forecaster training
- Training survey
- The Mountain Weather Course
- Summary
- Mountain Weather Course - inspired by Summer
School for Mountain Meteorology at University of
Trento - Collaboration between the MSC and COMET
- Goals
- provide operational forecasters exposure to
current research and theory from experts in the
field of mountain meteorology - provide training for forecasters involved in the
upcoming 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver.
4Forecaster Training
- We have seen that both forecasting and basic
research have made substantial gains when a
mutual understanding has existed between
forecasters and researchers. - Doswell and Lemon, 1981
5Forecaster Training
- We have seen that both forecasting and basic
research have made substantial gains when a
mutual understanding has existed between
forecasters and researchers. - Doswell and Lemon, 1981
- In 1959, Bergeron concluded that the lack of
contact between theory and empiricism is the
major factor blocking progress.
6Forecaster Training
- Types
- Reading Journal Papers
- Conferences
- University Courses
- On-line modules
- Local Workshops
- Double-banking with experts
- Residence Courses
- Weather Event Simulators
7Forecaster Training
- Knowledge of theoretical concepts has impact on
forecast performance - Training in fundamental and current
meteorological concepts promotes deeper
understanding - With the ultimate goal of having positive impact
on forecasts
8Training Survey - 2006
- Close to 200 forecasters were surveyed
- Roughly half from Canada and half from the NWS
Central Region in the US. - Questioned on
- The level of science in operations
- Magnitude of gap between research and operations
- Rating the training in their office
- What is the best way to learn new concepts
9The Level of Science Used in Operations over the
Last 10 Years
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11Operational forecasters have kept up with
research in their understanding and use of
meteorological science
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16Mountain Weather Course
- Bridging the gap between research and operations
- Challenges
- Where to teach
- Who to teach the subjects
- What to teach
- http//www.comet.ucar.edu/class/Mountain20Weather
17Mountain Weather Course
- Where to teach?
- COMET or Whistler
- Who will teach?
- Find researchers who can relate to the issues
facing forecastersto make things real
18Mountain Weather Course
- Where to teach?
- COMET or Whistler
- Who will teach?
- Find researchers who can relate to the issues
facing forecastersto make things real - Find forecasters who have close ties to the
research community who understand the theory
19Mountain Weather Course - 07
- Fundamentals of Mountain Weather
- Dave Whiteman
- Orographic Precipitation
- Critical aspect for Olympic forecasting
- Brian Colle and Bob Banta
- Research from MAP and other field campaigns will
comprise a major part of talks - Applications to cases in Whistler also expected
20Mountain Weather Course
- Cloud Microphysics
- key element in understanding cool-season weather
systems in complex terrain - Ron Stewart will present a theoretical overview
of cloud and pcpn microphysics. - Ivan Dube will present his research on snow
density with applications to a case in Whistler
21Mountain Weather Course
- Applications
- An extensive laboratory session will analyze a
March 2006 case over British Columbia - Will offer significant forecast challenges
related to QPF and precipitation type
22Mountain Weather Course
- Winter Olympic Experience
- John Horel will speak on the concept of forecast
uncertainty ..maybe a little on the SLC2002
experience - Mesoscale Models
- Local experts will discuss elements of the 2.5km
GEM LAM mesoscale model over the complex terrain
of southwest BC
23Mountain Weather Course and the Olympics
Mountain Weather Course
2 0 1 0
Practicum Training Whistler
2 0 0 6
2 0 0 7
2 0 0 8
2 0 0 9
24Mountain Weather Course and the Olympics
Mountain Weather Course
2 0 1 0
Practicum Training Whistler
Test Events
2 0 0 6
2 0 0 7
2 0 0 8
2 0 0 9
25Mountain Weather Course and the Olympics
Mountain Weather Course
Mountain Met Short Course
2 0 1 0
AMS Mountain Met Conference
Practicum Training Whistler
Test Events
2 0 0 6
2 0 0 7
2 0 0 8
2 0 0 9
26Mountain Weather Course and the Olympics
Mountain Weather Course
Mountain Met Short Course
2 0 1 0
AMS Mountain Met Conference
Practicum Training Whistler
Test Events
2 0 0 6
2 0 0 7
2 0 0 8
2 0 0 9
- The MWC Residence course provides an excellent
opportunity to bridge the gap between research
and operations in the field of Mountain
Meteorology - Deliver much sought-after forecaster training in
this discipline - Good example of international collaboration
- Expectation of even more international
involvement in future courses
- Yearly Mountain Weather Courses expected to
continue to 2010 - After this?
Photo Scott Brammer / www.coastphoto.com
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