Title: DataDriven Goals Workshop
1Data-Driven Goals Workshop
- Analyzing Data to Improve Student Learning
- To analyze data patterns that form the basis of
improvement plans. The ultimate goal is improved
student learning and achievement results.
Student Patterns
Achievement Patterns
Program Quality Patterns
3Eight Steps
- Organizing and Setting Context
- Collecting and Organizing Data
- Analyzing Data Patterns
- Developing Hypothesis
- Refining Improvement Goals
- Refining Action Plans
- Defining Evaluation Criteria
- Making the Commitment
4The Analysis Process
1. AnalyzeAchievement Data
4. Analyze Program Implementation Data
3. Analyze Student Program Data
2. Analyze Demographic Characteristics
5. Analyze Perceptions Data
5Highlighting the Data
BlueWOW! Beyond Expectations (90 )
GreenGood! Meets Expectations (80-89)
YellowCaution! Below Expectations(70-79)
PinkURGENT! In Need of Immediate Improvement
6Summarize Patterns
Rank order according to urgency. The basis of
improvement plans.
Use positive findings in public relations.
7Making the Commitment
8For more information
- Judy Sargent
- Region 7 CESA
- Green Bay, WI
- NCREL Data Retreats
- Contact Scott Jones
- scott.jones._at_ncrel.org
- 630-649-6624