Title: GLY 150: Earthquakes and VolcanoesSpring 2005: 040605
1GLY 150 Earthquakes and VolcanoesSpring 2005
Lecture 21
Black Smoker
Ancient Bacteria
All from http//www.pbs.org/saf/1207/features/113.
Tube Worms
Life at mid-ocean ridges
2AnnouncementsGLY 150 Earthquakes and Volcanoes
- The next journal assignment is due this Thurs.
If you still have questions regarding the grading
the grading criteria please see me or the T.A.
(recent small magnitude earthquake in NMSZ) - Instructor office hours are Mon. 200-300 and
Wed. 200-300
- Remember, use your texts to supplement the
lecture notes, especially as we start case
studies next week. It will be impossible to
cover all the material in the text but it will
appear on exams and its actually interesting.
3Extra Credit OpportunityGLY 150 Earthquakes and
- I have a list of events we have not studied in
class. See Rachel or myself to find out the
topics you will write about.
- For each talk, write a four page (single space,
12 inch font, 1 inch margins) summary of the
event, tectonic setting, its implications,
reasons for damage and fatalities, related
archeological evidence, etc. etc. and and receive
4 bonus points added to your total exam score for
the semester. - Follow the directions closely or no credit will
be given
- If you write two reports you will receive 8 bonus
- For those of you who have written reports on one
or both of the lectures, you may only accumulate
8 bonus points total for the semester so if you
have already accumulated your bonus points dont
do this too. If you get less than 4 points on
any of the assignments you can complete this
project so as to account for points missed. - The due date will very. You can choose to
complete this assignment at any time for the
remainder of the class. The assignment will be
due 1 week after you are given a topic.
4Events this QuarterSpring 2005
Note Some of the eruptions may be ongoing so be
sure to check their current status
5The Mid-Ocean Ridge SystemTypes of Eruptions
- Magma rises from magma chambers to shallow depth
- Rising magma temporarily fills in cracks between
spreading plates (a.k.a. sheeted dikes)
- Dike emplacement does not produce eruptions on
the ocean floor
- Additional lava erupts onto ocean floor to form
pillow basalts
Pillow Basalts
Sheeted Dikes
6Mid-Ocean Ridge VolcanismHydrothermal
Circulation of Ocean Water
- Seawater drawn into oceanic crust along the sides
of rift
- As water approaches underlying magma chamber, it
is heated
- Heated water dissolves various metals and other
- Heated water raises to surface (buoyancy)
Ejected at submarine hot springs
- As water cooled by surrounding ocean,
- metals, etc. came out of
- solution and are
- precipitated
- Form black
- smokers
- Coat
- surrounding
- structures
7Mid-Ocean Ridge VolcanismUnique Ecosystems
Tube Worms
- Heated water ejected at submarine hot springs
- Dissolved metals (especially sulfides) come out
of solution making waters look black
- Bacteria derive energy of life from
chemosynthesis (energy derived from chemical
reactions) as opposed photosynthesis
- Supports incredible diverse ecosystem with
well-developed food chain with animals large and
small on otherwise barren ocean floor
- This may be how early life survived on Earth
life survives on other planets
Black Smoker
9Quiz 9 Mid-Ocean Volcanism
- (1 point) The energy of life at black smokers is
derived from
- sunlight
- chemosynthesis
- photosynthesis
- hydrogen
- food drifting down from the the surface
- (1 point) Volcanic activity at mid-ocean ridges
- is explosive
- induces very little hydrothermal circulation
- erupts magma initially stored in magma chambers
at the core-mantle boundary
- never erupts lava onto the seafloor
- produces pillow basalts and sheeted dikes
- (2 points) Write 2-3 complete sentences discuss
the relationships between biology and geology
that have been discussed over the last few weeks
(black smokers, atolls, kipukas, Galapagos
Islands, etc.) Other comments are welcome but
not required.
10FilmNOVA Volcanoes of the Deep1999