Title: Diversity Within Species
1Diversity Within Species
- Erik Rauch Yaneer Bar-Yam
- New England
- Complex Systems Institute
2Measuring diversity
- Diversity is often measured by counting species.
- Destruction of habitat area causes loss of
species. - Species area relationship
- S Az
- z ? 0.25
3Genetic diversity in a species
- Number of genetic differences between pairs of
organisms. - Total number of genetic differences of the whole
population. - We study the structure of genealogical trees to
investigate genetic differences - ---coalescent theory.
- Simulations and Coalescent theory approach
- Coalescent theory references
- R. R. Hudson, Oxford Surv. Evol. Biol. 7, 1
(1990). - N. H. Barton, I. Wilson, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc.
B 349, 49 (1995). - B. K. Epperson, Evol. Biol. 27, 95 (1993).
- M. Notohara, J. Appl. Prob. 38, 1 (2001).
- J. Wakeley, Genetics 161, 873 (2002).
5Genetic diversity has spatial structure in many
- J. C. Avise, Phylogeography The History and
Formation of Species (Harvard University Press,
Cambridge, MA, 2000).T. Zerjal et al., Mol.
Biol. Evol. 18, 1077 (2001).M. Richards, V.
Macaulay, A. Torroni, H. J. Bandelt, Am. Jour.
Hum. Genet. 66, 262 (2002).M. D. Bowen et al.,
J. Virol. 74, 6992 (2000).J. C. Cho, J. M.
Tiedje, Appl. Env. Microbiol. 66, 5448 (2000).K.
Schiemann, T. Tyler, B. Widen, Plant Syst. Evol.
225, 119 (2000).S. W. Lee, W.Y. Choi, W. W. Kim,
Z. S. Kim, Silvae Genet. 49, 124 (2000).C. L.
Elderkin, P. L. Klerks, J. N. Amer. Benthological
Soc. 20, 595 (2001).G. Rowe, T. J. C. Beebee, T.
Burke, Oikos 88, 641 (2000).B. Goossens, L.
Chikhi, P. Taberlet, L.P. Waits, D. Allaine, Mol.
Ecol. 10, 41 (2001).A. M. Baker, P. B. Mather,
J. M. Hughes, Biol. J. Linnaean Soc. 72, 333
(2001).G. Clausing, K. Vickers, J. W. Kadereit,
Mol. Ecol. 9, 1823 (2000).
6Genealogical Tree
72-dimensional Relatedness
8Pairwise relatedness
well mixed
9Uniqueness of an individual
- Distribution is a power law.
- Much of the diversity is located in only a few
10Diversity Fluctuations
11Losses of diversity.
- Distribution is a power law.
- Large fluctuations up to a fraction (1/3) of the
total diversity.
12Structure of Genealogical Tree
- Consider genealogical tree as a backwards
process. Each organisms parent is in a random
direction and the ancestry is a random walk. Two
organisms have the same parent when their random
walks step to the same location. - The population is a set of random walks starting
from full set of points in space. Gradually
coalesce until only one is left.
13Number of walkers
- (Use result for diffusion process with absorption
at the origin) - M. Bramson, D. Griffeath, Z. fuer Wahr. 53, 183
(1980). - Well-mixed L(t0-t)1/(t0-t)
- In 2-d L(t0-t)log(t0-t)/(t0-t)
- In 1-d L(t0-t)1/(t0-t)1/2
14Global Pseudomonas Samples Dendogram
- J. C. Cho, J. M. Tiedje,
- Appl. Env. Microbiol.
- 66, 5448 (2000).
15Locations of samples of Cho Tiedje data
16Comparison of Experiment with Theory
17Short time approximate scaling (spatial
18Total Genetic Diversity
- Total branch length
- B ?D(t0-t)
- (upper limit is time to single ancestor, T).
- If the mutation rate is low this is proportional
to the Genetic diversity. - D(B) µB
- Otherwise (more exact)
- D(B) (µ/µ0)(1-eµ0B)
19Time to common ancestor
- Two dimensions
- L(t0-t)Alog(t0-t)/(t0-t)
- L(T)1
- ?
- TAlog(A)
20Genetic Diversity-Area Relationship
- The dependence of diversity on area is
- B(A) A(log(A))2
21Biodiversity increase with area
Genetic Diversity area relationship
Species Diversity area relationship
- High diversity
- L A/(t0-t)1/2
- ?
- TA2
- ?
- B(A)A2
- Fractal dimension dlt2
- B(A) A2/d
- Spatial structure without migration events or
imposed boundaries. - Scale free distribution of uniqueness.
- Scale free distribution of fluctuations.
- Scale free distribution of pairwise distance.
- Genealogical tree scaling and sampling behavior
matches experiment. - Genetic diversity area relationship gt
- Loss of area gt dramatic loss of diversity.