Title: Quantum Noise of Resonant Cooper Pair Tunneling
1Mesoscopic Detectors and the Quantum Limit
(Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 176804 (2002) Phys. Rev. B
67, 165324 (2003) cond-mat/0401103)
A. A. Clerk, S. M. Girvin, and A. D.
StoneDepartments of Applied Physics and
Physics,Yale University
(and discussions with M. Devoret R. Schoelkopf)
QWhat characterizes an ideal quantum detector?
Keck Foundation
2Mesoscopic Detection Experiments
Quantum dot measured by a quantum point contact
Qubit measured by an SET
Lehnert et al, 2003
Buks et al, 1998
Nanomechanical oscillator measured by an SET
Knobel et al, 2003
LaHaye et al, 2004
3Generic Weakly-Coupled Detector
4The Quantum Limit of Detection
Quantum limit the best you can do is measure as
fast as you dephase
- Measurement? Need
distinguishable from
- What symmetries/properties must an arbitrary
detector possess to reach the quantum limit?
5Why care about the quantum limit?
6How to get to the Quantum Limit
A.C., Girvin Stone, Phys. Rev. B 67, 165324
(2003) Averin, cond-mat/0301524
7What does it mean?
- To reach the quantum limit, there should be no
unused information in the detector
Mesoscopic Scattering Detector (Pilgram
Buttiker AC, Girvin Stone)
8What does it mean?
- To reach the quantum limit, there should be no
unused information in the detector
Mesoscopic Scattering Detector (Pilgram
Buttiker AC, Girvin Stone)
Transmission probability depends on qubit
9The Proportionality Condition
Not usual symmetries!
10Transmission Amplitude Condition
Ensures that no information is lost when
averaging over energy
11The Ideal Transmission Amplitude
Necessary energy dependence to be at the quantum
limit Corresponds to a real system-- the
adiabatic quantum point contact! (Glazman,
Lesovik, Khmelnitskii Shekhter, 1988)
e - e0
12Information and Fluctuations
Reaching quantum limit no wasted information
- No information lost in phase changes
- No information lost when energy averaging
Look at charge fluctuations
13Information and Fluctuations (2)
Reaching quantum limit no wasted information
Can connect charge fluctuations to information in
more complex cases
1. Multiple Channels
Extra terms due to channel structure
2. Normal-Superconducting Detector
Gmeas for phase experiment
Gmeas for current experiment
14Quantifying Information
- Once we choose a detector quantity (y) to
measure, can think of our system as a noisy
classical communication channel
- What is the maximum number of bits we can
reliably send after N uses of the channel? (i.e.
optimize over all codings)
15Mach-Zender Interferometer as Detector
1/Nmeas 2 q02 T (1-T)
Fock State Input 1/Nf 2 q02 T (1-T) Coherent
State Input 1/Nf 2 q02 (1-T)
Coherent state input misses the quantum limit due
to wasted phase information at the output
16Linear Response Position Detectors
A.C., cond-mat/0406536
Hint -A x F
h I(t) i A l h x(t) i
- Unlike qubit case, this is not a non-demolition
- Though detector is not in equilibrium, can derive
a Langevin equation for the oscillator
17Effective Temperature and Damping for DJQP
18Ideal detectors power gain
Hint -A x F
h I(t) i A l h x(t) i
- Define a quantum-limited detector which has
ideal noise properties (min. SI SF), exactly
the same as the qubit case
- Want the power absorbed at the detector input to
be much smaller than the power available at the
detector ouput
- Large Teff implies a large power gain!
19Minimum Displacement Sensitivity
A.C., cond-mat/0406536
- What is the minimum possible noise added by the
detector? - What do we have to do to reach the quantum limit
(not answered by the standard treatment of
Three steps for reaching the quantum limit
20Minimum Displacement Sensitivity
A.C., cond-mat/0406536
- What is the minimum possible noise added by the
detector? - What do we have to do to reach the quantum limit
(not answered by the standard treatment of
Effect of back-action force noise
Intrinsic output noise of detector
- Three steps for reaching the quantum limit
- Balance back action and intrinsic noise via
tuning coupling A.
21Minimum Displacement Sensitivity
A.C., cond-mat/0406536
- What is the minimum possible noise added by the
- Three steps for reaching the quantum limit
- Balance back action and intrinsic noise via
tuning coupling A.
22Minimum Displacement Sensitivity
A.C., cond-mat/0406536
- What is the minimum possible noise added by the
- Three steps for reaching the quantum limit
- Balance back action and intrinsic noise via
tuning coupling A - Use a quantum-limited detector! h f I i i
a h f F i i
23Minimum Displacement Sensitivity
A.C., cond-mat/0406536
- What is the minimum possible noise added by the
- Three steps for reaching the quantum limit
- Balance back action and intrinsic noise via
tuning coupling A - Use a quantum-limited detector! h f I i i
a h f F i i
24Minimum Displacement Sensitivity
A.C., cond-mat/0406536
- What is the minimum possible noise added by the
- Three steps for reaching the quantum limit
- Balance back action and intrinsic noise via
tuning coupling A - Use a quantum-limited detector! h f I i i
a h f F i i - Tune the cross-correlator SIF
25Minimum Displacement Sensitivity
A.C., cond-mat/0406536
- What is the minimum possible noise added by the
- Three steps for reaching the quantum limit
- Balance back action and intrinsic noise via
tuning coupling A - Use a quantum-limited detector! h f I i i
a h f F i i - Tune the cross-correlator SIF
26On resonance, w W
- The condition for an optimal coupling takes a
simple form
- The detector dependent damping must be much
weaker than the intrinsic damping of the
27The Single Electron Transistor (SET)
Addition of interactions complicates the story
Without superconductivity?
Large signal (I / g), but c Gmeas / Gf / g2
(Makhlin, Shnirman Schön Averin Devoret
2. Co-tunneling regime
c Gmeas / Gf ' 1, but small signal (I / g2),
(Averin Maassen van den Brink)
28Superconducting SET Detector
A.C., Girvin, Nguyen Stone, PRL 89, 176804
Use the high-signal DJQP process Model using
a density matrix approach.
- Large signal AND near quantum-limited!
- Used in recent experiments
- K. Lehnert et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 2003
- M. LaHaye et al., Science, 2004
BUT Why doesnt incoherence of transport matter?
EJ / G
29Are Partially Coherent Detectors Bad?
A.C. and Stone, cond-mat/0401103
- Consider a simple resonant-level model with a
Lorentzian conductance resonance
dI / dV
- Quantum Limited if (Averin, 2000)
- eV small (no lost information due to
energy-averaging) - gL gR (no lost phase information)
What happens if we now add dephasing to the
30Adding Detector Dephasing
A.C. and Stone, cond-mat/0401103
- Consider different sources of dephasing
Dephasing due to escape into a voltage probe
Dephasing due an external, classical, fluctuating
dI / dV
Coherent and incoherent broadeningg gL gR
31Adding Detector Dephasing
A.C. and Stone, cond-mat/0401103
- Both the magnitude of dephasing and the nature of
the dephasing source affect the quantum limit
gf / gtot
gf / gtot
For a pure voltage probe, possible to remain
near quantum-limited even with complete detector
- Reaching the quantum limit requires a detector
with ideal noise properties this is equivalent
to requiring that there be no wasted information
in the detector - Looking at information provides a new way to view
mesoscopic systems (new symmetries) - Both the magnitude and origin of detector
incoherence affects the ability of a detector to
reach the quantum limit - A generic out-of-equilibrium detector described
by a damping kernel and an effective temperature
Teff Teff sets the detector power gain.
33Measurement Rate for Phase Experiment
34Large Voltage, Co-tunneling Regime
35A Microscopic Calculation of Relevant Quantities
- e.g., consider the measurement rate
- Each cycle transfers 3 electrons
- Sub-Poissonian shot noise
36Normal-Superconducting Detector
- Make one reservoir superconducting
- consider Andreev transport at eV much smaller
than the gap D
electrons holes
- Can define Q via currents in normal regions for
eV ! 0
- Same general form as normal state expression, but
diff. phases - Time reversal symmetry inversion symmetry not
enough! - Turning ON superconductivity can increase
dephasing (exp?)
37Normal-Superconducting Detector (2)
- Proportionality conditions between I and Q take
the form
- Many channels? If no channel mixing, and
can derive a necessary form for T(E)
- Larger eV electron-hole structure makes it
difficult to reach quantum limit, even if one has
electron hole symmetry