Title: The International Plant Protection Convention IPPC
1The International Plant Protection
- Workshop on the relationship between the SPS
Committee and the international standard-setting
organizations - 26 October 2009
- IPPC Secretariat
2Our mission
- Protecting the worlds plant resources from
- Standard setting
- Info exchange Implementation
- Capacity building
4Organizational Structure
Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM)
Standards Committee (SC)
Expert Working Groups (EWGs)
Technical Panels (TPs)
5Standard setting process
- Stage 1 Topics
- Stage 2 Drafting
- Stage 3 Member consultation
- Stage 4 Adoption
- 6-7 years in total
6International Standards for Phytosanitary
Measures (ISPMs)
- 32 ISPMs adopted
- 4 specific ISPMs
- 87 topics and subjects
7Regional Plant Protection Organizations(RPPO)
- Coordinate implementation in their regions
- Technical Consultation of RPPOs
- All RPPOs meet annually
- encourages inter-regional cooperation
8Opportunity to participate
- Stage 1 New topic/Work programme
- New topic ? Members (NPPOs, RPPOs),
- SPS Secretary,
- other organization
- Review ? Region (SC)
- Work programme ? Contracting Parties (CPM)
9Opportunity to participate (Cont)
- Stage 2 Drafting
- Specification ? Region (SC)
- Comment ? Members (NPPOs,RPPOs)
- international organizations
- Approve Spec ? Region (SC)
- Draft text ? Experts
- Finalize draft ? Region (SC)
10Opportunity to participate (Cont)
- Stage 3 Consultation
- Comment ? Members (NPPOs, RPPOs),
- international organizations
- Revise draft ? Region (SC)
- Stage 4 Adoption
- Comment ? Members (NPPOs, RPPOs),
- international organizations
- Adopt ? Contracting Parties (CPM)
11Recent developments
- Special Process
- Regional workshop on draft ISPMs
- IPPC Implementation Reviewand Support System
12Development process
- Regular Process
- For concept standards
- Special Process (formerly Fast track)
- For technical standards
- Drafted by TPs with focus on science
- Discussed by SC via E-mail
13Regional workshop on draft ISPMs
- Since 2001
- Provide forum for developing countries for their
review of draft ISPMs - In 2009, IPPC held first workshop for Russian
speaking countries
14Implementation Reviewand Support System (IRSS)
- Facilitate implementation of IPPC and ISPMs
- Partially implemented due to lack of resources
- Two components Review and Support
- Evaluate implementation (IPPC ISPMs)
- Help Desk for implementation
15Challenging issues
- Procedure for standard setting
- e.g. Special process
- Expectation fewer comments, quick adoption
- Participation by developing countries
- Few experts nominated for TPs/EWGs
16Challenging issues
- Secretariat staffing
- Very few permanent staff members
- Funding
- FAO contributions stagnant
- No assessed member contributions
- No predictable regular income flow to Trust Funds
17Relationship with SPS committee
- IPPC Secretariat ?? SPS Committee
- Report on
- New ISPMs
- Other developments (e.g. meetings, calls)
- SPS Secretariat ?? CPM
- Report on
- Discussions at SPS Committee
18Relationship with other 2 sisters
- CODEX trust fund participation report was used as
basis for evaluating participation of developing
countries in IPPC meetings (2009)
19Relationship with other 2 sisters (Cont)
- OIE shared its experience with
- recognition of animal disease status at IPPC
open-ended WG on international recognition of
pest free areas (2008) - the Performance of Veterinary Services tool (PVS)
at IPPC open-ended WG on Building National
Phytosanitary Capacity (2008)
20Relationship with other 2 sisters (Cont)
- CODEX, OIE and IPPC participate at SPS workshop
together - Standard setting process of CODEX and OIE were
compared with IPPC for - Review of IPPC standard setting procedures
- Reorganization of ISPMs
21Potential areas of collaboration
- SPS Committee ?? IPPC
- New topics
- Revision of ISPMs
- SPS Committee ?? 3 sisters
- Information sharing of common issues
22Common issues
23Common issues (cont)