Title: Regional CAF Benchlearning Closing Event March 30, 2006, Budapest
1Regional CAF Benchlearning Closing Event
March 30, 2006, Budapest
- Project of the CAF Model
- Implementation in the Slovak Republic
- Frantiek Kajánek
- Civil Service Office, Slovakia
2- European trends and civil service in Slovakia
- stress on raising of organizational performance
and results, - approaching customers/citizens, their needs and
expectations, - taking different quality tools over from the
private sector, - their adaptation and further implementation,
- improvement of image from the public point of
view. - Implementation of the CAF Model in PA
organizations in SR (project since 2003)
partners - Civil Service Office (guarantee),
- The Slovak Office of Standards, Metrology and
Testing - (coordinator)
- and Slovak Society for Quality (methodist and
3Project CAF - assistance offered to
organizations by partners
- Full organizational, methodological and
coordination support, - Complex training offer focused on the CAF Model
Implementation and quality management in civil
offices for 4 different target groups, - 1st, 2nd edition of the CAF Model guidelines and
CAF Model Application guidelines, - Possibility to utilize external consulting during
the self-assessment, possibility of external site
visit, - International Quality Conferences in PA in SR and
Possibility for CAF managers/methodists to take
part in the competition Top Quality Managers
4In 2006 CSO has extended the support for
organizations taking part in the project
- secure attendance of the CSO representative
during the site visits, - active assistance at the Action implementation
plan creation and preparation, - implementation of the software tool for the CAF
Model implementation support, - enabling organizations using the CAF Model to
take part in the competition National Quality
Award of SR.
5Three main problems of the CAF Model
implementation done by organizations
- insufficient commitment of superiors in
organizations, - CAF team structure,
- creation of Action CAF improvement plans.
6Comparison of EIPA and Slovak scoring
7Comparison of EIPA and Slovak scoring
8Initiatives on the national and European
level (EPAN, IPSG, CAF Expert WG)
- Regional Benchlearning project 2005 (EIPA)
- CAF Model guidelines adaptation 3rd edition
2006 - Integration of the Conflict of Interest into the
CAF Model guidelines 2006 pilot project in 2
organisations - Software tool for the CAF Model implementation
support pilot testing project in 3
94th International Quality Conference CAF
Model in Slovakia
- 5- 6 December 2006, CSO, Bratislava
- Contact web sites http//www.upss.gov.sk,
www.quality-slovakia.sk - Conference languages Slovak, English
- Conference topics
- experience with the CAF Model implementation,
- benchmarking/benchlearning,
- CAF action improvement plans,
- process mapping, software tools, etc.
10- Thank you for your attention!
- Contact 00421 2 48 28 21 70
- Email address kajanek_at_upss.gov.sk