Naturalism - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Morpheus: Let me tell you why you're here. You're here because you know ... Morpheus: Do you want to know what it is? ( Neo nods ... Morpheus: That you are a ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Naturalism

  • The idea that
  • Nature is all there is.

  • It seems self evident that if everything came
    from God or Nothing, it must have come from God.
    God or Nothing leaves only one real choiceGod.
  • It would seem that if God has no competitor, but
    Nothing, he has nothing for competitor. "God or
    Nothing" and "only God" are synonymous
  • From the mind of Jonathan Edwards

NYT Editorial 1996
  • This whole issue might make for an amusing
    academic debate were it not for the potentially
    grave consequences for society at large. If we
    are unwilling unilaterally to brand scientific
    nonsense as just that, regardless of the
    sensibilities might be offendedreligious or
    otherwisethen the whole notion of truth itself
    becomes blurred. Our democratic society is
    imperiled as much by this as any other single

G K Chesterton
  • The Christian is quite free to believe that
    there is a considerable amount of settled order
    and inevitable development in the universe. But
    the materialist is not allowed to admit into his
    spotless machine the slightest speck of
    spiritualism or miracle.

William Dembski
  • Intelligent Design (ID) is a biological theory
    that holds that a designing influence is required
    to account for the complex information-rich
    structures in living systems."

  • What is the main target?
  • Is it origin of life research?
  • Is it neo-Darwinism?
  • What is it?

  • What is the big target?
  • In the words of Phillip Johnson it is
    metaphysical naturalism or materialism or
    just plain old naturalism it is the idea that
    nature is all there is.
  • Modern science today is totally based on
    naturalism. In all of intelligent design's
    arguments against both Darwinian evolution, and
    the chemical origin of life, it is their
    naturalistic base that is the ultimate target.
  • The important aspect of Darwinian evolution is
    its naturalistic claim that all life is a result
    of purposeless, unintelligent, material causes.

  • Why is ID a big tent?
  • All who are lined up against Naturalism are
    welcome in the ID tent.
  • We need each other!

The Naturalistic Filter
  • They totally misread what we have to say.
  • Texas Statewide Biology Textbook Adoption
  • The latest issue of Time magazine Stealth
    Attack Against Evolution

What is Naturalism?
  • Naturalism asserts, first of all, that the
    primary constituents of reality are material
    entities. By this I do not mean that only
    material entities exist I'm not denying the
    reality the real existenceof such things as
    hopes, plans, behavior, language, logical
    inferences, and so on. What I am asserting,
    however, is that anything that is real is, in the
    last analysis, explicable as a material entity or
    as a form or function or action of a material
    entity. Theism says in the beginning God
    naturalism says in the beginning matter.
    William Halverson

  • "It is like suffocating in a particularly bad
    London fog. And just as fog cannot be kept out
    by walls or doors, so this consensus comes in
    around us, till the rim we live in is no longer
    distinct, and yet we hardly realize what has
  • Francis Schaeffer
  • "the great redemptive religion, which has always
    been known as Christianity is battling against a
    totally diverse type of religious belief and the
    root of the movement is naturalism.
  • J. Gresham Machen

The Matrix-Type World
  • Morpheus Let me tell you why you're here. You're
    here because you know something. What you know,
    you can't explain. But you feel it. You felt it
    your entire life. That there's something wrong
    with the world. You don't know what it is, but
    it's there. Like a splinter in your mind
    driving you mad. It is this feeling that has
    brought you to me. Do you know what I'm talking
  • Neo The matrix?

  • Morpheus Do you want to know what it is? (Neo
    nods his head.) The matrix is everywhere, it is
    all around us. Even now, in this very room. You
    can see it when you look out your window, or when
    you turn on your television. You can feel it when
    you go to work, or when you go to church or when
    you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been
    pulled over your eyes to blind you from the
  • Neo What truth?
  • Morpheus That you are a slave, Neo. Like
    everyone else, you were born into bondage, born
    inside a prison that you cannot smell, taste, or
    touch. A prison for your mind. (long pause,

Psalm 1001-3
  • Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands
  • Serve the Lord with gladness,
  • Come before his presence with singing,
  • Know ye that the LORD he is God
  • It is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves
  • We are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.

Training your Mind
  • To know wisdom and instruction to perceive the
    words of understanding
  • To know wisdom and instruction shows us how to
    live our lives had a have moral wisdom, but
  • To perceive the words of understanding means to
    train your mind,
  • to develop you to think.
  • This is the book of the Bible to develop your
    mental skills.

  • That is why they are put into maxims,
  • they are very symbolic
  • you have to wrestle with them
  • they are very challenging to a mental discipline
  • they are for you to develop a way of thinking and
  • to develop your mind to think clearly"

Phillip Johnson
  • "To get the intellectual world discussing a new
    and possibly unwelcome question, it is not enough
    just to write a book or make an argument. We
    have to inspire a lot of people to start doing
    intellectual work based on the right questions,
    work of such high quality and persuasive force
    that the world cannot avoid discussing it

  • These thinkers have to produce books and articles
    that explore in detail what happens when you call
    materialism into question rather than take it for
    granted. As the discussion proceeds, the
    intellectual world will become gradually
    accustomed to treating materialism and naturalism
    as subjects to be analyzed and debated, rather
    than as tacit foundational assumptions that can
    never be criticized for. Eventually, the answer
    to our prime question will become too obvious to
    be in doubt. When philosophy conflicts with the
    evidence, real scientists follow the evidence.
    (Signs 37-38)

The Power of the Deductive Argument
  • Nature is all there is.
  • Life exists.
  • Therefore, natural processes brought forth life.

  • No arguments on behalf of intelligent design can
    possibly succeed against naturalism on
    naturalism's own terms.

Strategy 1Point out the Dependence on
  • "Once it becomes clear that Darwinism rest on the
    dogmatic philosophy, rather than on the weight of
    the evidence, the way will be open for dissenting
    opinions to get a fair hearing. In a nutshell,
    that is the strategy." (Signs, p.36)

What about the Bible?
  • It is vital not to give any encouragement to
    this prejudice, and to keep the discussion
    strictly on the scientific evidence, and the
    philosophical assumptions. This is not to say
    that the biblical issues are unimportant the
    point is rather that the time to address them
    will be after we have separated materialistic
    prejudice from scientific fact. (Signs, 36)

A question to ponder
  • "How could the materialistic, philosophical,
    naturalistic base dependency of Darwinism been
    brought into the discussion and used for our

Strategy 2Demonstrate the Weight of the
  • The question for now is not whether the vast
    claims of Darwinism evolution conflict with
    Genesis, but whether they conflict with the
    evidence of biology.
  • To make this question visible, it is necessary to
    distinguish between the dictates of the
    materialist philosophy and the inferences that
    one might legitimately draw from the evidence in
    the absence of the materialist bias.

  • So I put the simple question to the Darwinian
    establishment What should we do if empirical
    evidence and materialist philosophy are going in
    different directions? ..... Should we follow the
    evidence or the philosophy? (Signs, 36)

  • In conclusion, we have a worldview clash. We
    need to chip away at the foundation of their
    worldview by first, demonstrating their
    dependence on a naturalistic philosophy and
    second, by demonstrating the weight of evidence
    that stands against Darwinism

  • Remember, keep chipping away with objective
    empirical evidence, and keep pointing out their
    deductive reasoning depends on the premise
    Nature is all there is. Remind them that they
    may be wrong.

The Discussion Questions
  • 1. When engaged in a discussion with an
    evolutionist, how can you demonstrate their
    argument depends on a naturalist philosophical
    assumption, and then bring this assumption into
    the debate? Also, is this possible without
    bringing religion into discussion?

  • 2. How would it impact society if science is
    defined as naturalism and naturalism is false?
  • 3. Can science be defined without a naturalistic
    assumption? If so, define it.
  • 4. Is science defined as naturalism able to say
    ID is false?

Questions to ponder
  • What evidences do the Naturalists have that make
    them so confident they are right?
  • Why has the biological community failed to
    convince the public that evolution can account
    for full diversity of life? That is, why have
    they failed to convince the public that
    naturalism is true?
  • How long before Common Descent enters the trash
    bin of history?
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