Title: U'S' Insurance Solvency Today
1U.S. Insurance SolvencyToday Future
- Kris DeFrain, FCAS, MAAA, CPCU
- Senior Financial Regulatory Services Manager
- Chief Property/Casualty Actuary
- June 16, 2008
2U.S. Current Solvency RegulationCompared to
Proposed EU Solvency
- States
- EU Commission CEIOPS / NAIC
- Uniformity is Difficult, but is Key
- No Race to the Bottom
3U.S. Uniform Financial Regulation
- U.S. Financial Regulation is Uniform
- Aided by Handbooks Analysis, Examination,
Troubled Company - Aided by Accreditation System
- National Prioritization System
- Financial Analysis Working Group
- Nationally Significant Insurers and Groups
- Aids Consistency in Analysis of Companies
4U.S. Current Solvency RegulationCompared to
Proposed EU Solvency
- Principles or Rules
- Public Disclosure vs. Supervisory Reporting
- Economic Capital - Enterprise Risk Management
- Accounting Valuation
- Capital Requirement Methodologies
5Capital Requirements
- US Risk-Based Capital (RBC)
- 1990s updated annually, but not as modern
- Risk-Based, not all risks (operational, CAT)
- Detailed Calculations, but still formula driven
and uses industry averages - Early Warning / Intervention, Regulatory
Requirements - EU Standard Formula Internal Models
- Risk-Based, all quantifiable risks
- Ladders of Intervention (SCR first action, MCR
final action) - Economic Based Target to BBB rating, 99.5 VaR
- Question of MCR will their method limit court
6Group Issues
- US has group supervision through NAIC Holding
Company Act and Analysis/Examination and there
are Lead State Exams - BUTwhat is group supervision?
- US does not calculate an overall group capital
requirement, but US insurance groups have a
roll-up of the subsidiary RBCs, so there is group
consideration - EU proposals Being debated so still undecided.
Small and new member states fear loss of power
to larger member states
7What Impacts the U.S.?
Which was first? IAIS or SII?
8Driving Forces - Solvency Regulation
- International Solvency Changes
- EU (SII)
- Canada
- Australia
- Basel II
9U.S. Announces NewSolvency Modernization
- Evaluation of International Initiatives,
Including IAIS, Basel II, Solvency II, Canadian
Solvency, Australian Solvency, and IASB - Work Plan Focus on
- Capital Requirements
- International Accounting Valuation Issues
- Group Supervision
- Reinsurance
10Impact of International Accounting
- Probably the largest potential change under
consideration is adoption of International
Accounting (IFRS) - There is a trend in the U.S.
- U.S. SEC -- Foreign private issuers can use IFRS
with no reconciliation to U.S. GAAP effective
March 2008 - U.S. FASB may adopt IFRS in 2013bye-bye GAAP?
- U.S. NAIC Statutory Accounting (SAP) based on
U.S. GAAPwhat happens next?
11U.S. Valuation Issues
- PC
- Principles Based Book Managements Best
Estimate - Not discounted, Implicit Risk Margin
- Life
- Principles-Based Reserving Initiative
- From Prescribed Formulas to a Process of
Identifying and Measuring All Risks - From Industry Expectations to Company
Expectations - Discounted, Implicit Risk Margins
12U.S. Reinsurance Initiative
- Single State U.S. Regulator
- Both US and non-US Reinsurers
- Potential for A new NAIC entity, Reinsurance
Supervision Review Dept. (RSRD), that would
assess regulatory effectiveness of non-U.S.
jurisdictions through an outcomes-oriented
13U.S. RBC Future??
- Use Company Specific Models, Have some modeling
today are researching PC CAT Risk Modeling,
but what else? - Determine Regulatory Review Process
- Major U.S. Concerns Must maintain legal
authority at predetermined and non-arguable
action/control levels What about Fairness?
14 Solvency in the U.S.
- U.S. is the largest market in the world and has a
solid financial solvency system as evidenced by
experience, but we are operating in a global
marketplace - there will be change.